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PotterworldMC Staff/Non-Staff Teams - Who's on what team?


Minecraft IGN: okethqn
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Linked
Hello everybody!

With the support of the rest of the PotterworldMC Staff team, we have put together a Google Spreadsheet containing all departments, all sub-teams and every member of each sub-team! We see quite a few players asking for a list of all the staff and what roles they are in, and there isn't really an easy way to find this information without painfully checking through their forum profile or discord roles. This sheet will hopefully make it easier for you.

If you notice any errors on the sheet, feel free to DM me on Discord at okethqn#0984

The link to the spreadsheet is https://tinyurl.com/PWMCStaffTeams (https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19_4TTSVG9V3O1SnZODAyMYcJpYtgWphb7sALl8Do-ts/edit?usp=sharing)

If you want to learn more about what each role does, you can go ahead and check out this forum thread: https://potterworldmc.com/threads/staff-and-non-staff-ranks-what-they-are-and-what-they-do.108/