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Pride Prefix!!


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: dreydle
Honeybadger Dark Follower Phoenix SPEW Linked
So I love the little flowers and emojis that certain players have in their prefixes that show what occupation they were in before the revelious update. I think it would be magnificent if for pride this year, players could earn/buy a little rainbow to have in their prefix! How cute would it be to have a bunch of little rainbows in the chat?? It would be awesome. Happy pride everyone!!!!! <33

Max Fireheart

Minecraft IGN: Maxymoos
Griffin Phoenix Linked
I like the idea but like, I'm not sure if it's possible? I don't think icons can be multi-color, since with clients like LabyMod and stuff they're just grey and can be switched with Minecraft color codes.

aaron ♡

Minecraft IGN: Aarooncia
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Vampire Werewolf Linked
I like the idea but like, I'm not sure if it's possible? I don't think icons can be multi-color, since with clients like LabyMod and stuff they're just grey and can be switched with Minecraft color codes.
I think they mean something like a LabyMod or copy and pasted symbol- not necessarily rainbow colored.

An idea I thought of was purchasing this from the store, in which funds would be donated to a pride supportive organization.


Minecraft IGN: bakakitten69
Auralock Dark Follower Serpent SPEW Linked
This is definitely a cute idea! Although, would you be suggesting that it would last forever? If so, it would be very easy for everyone to obtain one of these. I feel like it would also take away from the professions prefixes that people worked for. Then again, I love the creativity in this idea! Happy pride <3


Minecraft IGN: Cateo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Linked
Happy Pride Month @dreydle!

Thank you for bringing your suggestion forward to the threads! As we are always on the lookout for new ways to improve our server, your feedback is much appreciated!

While we really like the idea, unfortunately we have come to the decision to decline it at this time. Having a rainbow in a prefix would be difficult to do due to colours and finding a symbol that works for everyone across all operating systems. We would rather use symbols in prefixes for things relating to gameplay and that make sense for any and all players to have. (Ex: Master Herbologist) Additionally, we might have alternative plans for prefixes in the future and want to avoid adding many prefixes that will end up cluttering chat.

Regardless of our decision, we are super appreciative of you and everyone who shared their opinion on this thread. Take good care of yourself and make sure to stay hydrated. Happy pride!! <3

Kind wishes,