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Quabbleball trianer/totorial


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Jodelle
Hi, I am often afraid to enter the Quabbleball game so as not to spoil my teammates' scores.
As a novice, the player does not have the opportunity to test how individual classes work and is confused.
In addition, during the game it is quite difficult to watch what is happening and where the ball is.

I think if you either add
a) A mini-game for two players in which the rounds would be practicing different types of characters inQubbleball, for exaple:
- minigame when it would be necessary to fly between the posts to the gate where the opponent is waiting for the defending gate and try to score a goal
- either spawn several snigets and the players race who catch more of them, or spawn only one one and race for example who gets the first 5
-to fly, for example, a racing circuit with obstacles in the form of pillars around which targets would be placed. (if it were randomly spawned for each game, so that the game is always different), and players hit targets during the flight

thus, the player could learn to focus only on his role and thus improve in playing
note: the minigame could be either in / game or on a spot on the map where it would teleport a teammate who was in the party

b) Qubbleball tutor
-where the player could go through a tutorial explaining how the game is played and possibly try out the individual movements (left and right button) at each stop.
-this could be done with any other mini-game

if a similar post was created in advance I'm sorry, I tried to search, but I found only options related to the item in the store or the division of the minigame into professionals and beginners.


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
I agree with the Quabbleball tutorial and like the ideas in the mini-game, but think they could be combined with the tutorial instead of having it as a separate game since it would probably be harder to get a quabbleball queue going.

I definitely notice that new players don't really use the right click button much, especially if they are Passers or Defenders. I'll see a new Passer left click whenever they see a ball on the ground or in the air likely thinking that left clicking will get the ball - it just steals the ball from another player. Then I'll see new Defenders left clicking toward the field trying to figure out what's happening. Maybe there could be notifications in chat for each specific role and how to use them? But yeah, there should be some helpful ways for new players to figure out how to use the left and right click buttons for the role that they chose.


Notable Magician
This sounds like a very good idea as players could get better at Quabbleball in different areas themselves. It's also not fair during a quabbleball match when your team consists of new players and the other team consists out of experienced ones, I think this would be a good solution.


Minecraft IGN: KipxSateee
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven SPEW Linked
Hi @Jodelle and readers,

Thank you for bringing your suggestion to us! The attention to detail is highly appreciated, as it gives us a clear view of what you are suggesting. We already had a discussion within the team about this and we like the idea!

We believe that a guide or tutorial of some sort would be helpful for the players, especially when they are new to the overall aspect of Quabbleball. We are unsure in what form we will precisely implement this, but be on the lookout!

If you have any questions about this, please let me know. Regardless, I wish you a wonderful day :)


Minecraft IGN: annivelation
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Poltergeist Linked
Hello, @Jodelle !

We have decided to change our decision on this suggestion. Instead of introducing a tutorial, we have instead introduced the Quabbleball Practice. This means the tutorial suggestion is declined.

For more about quabbleball practice, any player can enter the practice tent at the Hogsworth Quabbleball Pitch, and practice playing as a bruiser, passer, or searcher! There are also NPCs around the practice tent to help new players learn about each position in a relaxed environment. This and more can be seen in the most recent Quabbleball update. You can read more about the update here.

Nevertheless, thank you for the suggestion and I hope you have a fantastic day!