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Resident Fly


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: AzazelAC
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
As a Jr.Builder for potterworld ive noticed its been a difficult struggle when helping out others housing without fly. I feel as if the players whose purchased the fly option with the 20k should come with its money worth perks. In another players housing that they are added resident on by the housing owner should be able to use the fly option. The housing owner would be able to have permissions to enable and unable this option with possible /house residentsfly or somewhat along those lines. Thank you for your understanding. Hope to hear back soon.


Minecraft IGN: Cateo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf
Greetings @Ikexlo!

Thank you for bringing your suggestion to Potterworld! As we are always on the lookout for ways to make our server a better place, your idea is very much appreciated!

As mentioned, there was a suggestion recently created about this idea which can be seen here. However, we really liked this suggestion and can agree that many players would love this edition. The suggestion is accepted and is currently on hold, so will be implemented in the future! I will go ahead and mark this thread as duplicate, but we really appreciate you bringing this suggestion! It shows to us that many players would like to see this added. <3

Again thank you for your suggestion, take care and I hope you have a magical day! <3

Best wishes,