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Where did you get the idea for your in-game name?


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: palpim
Dark Follower Phoenix Raven
So, where I'm from, whenever we want to make a word cuter we put a ''tje'' after it. Like Cat, would become Catje. My name is Pim and when I was small, my mom called me ''Pimmetje,'' all the time. Now, ''Pimmetje,'' was already taken. So I named myself Pimmetjuh, which is pronounced in the same way.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: emeraldaries
Phoenix Raven
I have a pendant with an emerald on it that I wear every day - I’m really into crystals, and emeralds are probably my favourite. and I’m an Aries! so that’s that


Head of Technology
Head Staff
Minecraft IGN: Alexstrasza14
Staff Head Staff Phoenix Raven Werewolf SPEW
Mine is a tad nerdy. So my IGN is Alexstrasza14. The Alexstrasza part is very simply a character from the (World of) Warcraft games, and who is genuinely a favorite of mine. The 14 part was because just Alexstrasza was taken and I needed a number, so I used 14 which was my age at the time. Not very creative haha


Minecraft IGN: kaae
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW
my username isn't particularly creative haha–– my current ign is just "kaela" with a q instead of an a because the name was already taken


Minecraft IGN: YeetChris
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Class Helper SPEW
I legit asked if anybody had any ign ideas for me including Chris and Syster had suggested doing YeetChris so here I am, I guess :')


Minecraft IGN: MaggieChi
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf
My IGN is pretty self-explanatory (my name followed by the word Chi for an IGN family). However, I'm going to explain my first IGN hehe :) My first IGN was MagziePie! This was inspired by the fact that my dad called me Magzie, and I was (for some reason) obsessed with pie. I was pretty young when I came up with it, but I found it to be super cute.


Minecraft IGN: TbhKate_
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Discord Moderator SPEW Sr. Game Designer
My old username used to be Whywaht1234 and then changed to Whywaht a couple years later (OGs remember me on pw with this name LMAO). My brother made up that name when he bought this minecraft account for me when I was like 12 lol.

When I rejoined Potterworld in 2018 after my break, I realized that people didn't really know what to call me when addressing me in chat. Do they call me why, or waht? I wanted to change my name into something that had my real life name, but obviously just the IGN "Kate" was unavailable. So I put "Tbh" in front of it, since it was short and it was something I said a lot. "TbhKate" is taken apparently so I added an underscore and here we have it! TbhKate_!


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Serpent Werewolf
I have many In game names but my one currently is MattyPoltergeist. I chose this at around the time I finished the Harry Potter book series and while reading them, I really liked Peeves. I thought he was funny and jokey and sort of reminded of me when I'm Potterworld. I also couldn't find a better name D: It was going to be Matty_Poltergeist for a bit but I realised that I didn't have enough space, but I do prefer is without the underscore.
In real life, most people actually know me as "Matthew" but I do sort of prefer Matty and it also means that my name doesn't take up so much room.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: AstralFae
Dark Follower Serpent
Well... when I started this server my IGN was "PlaceboFeelings" which was a reference to a song by the band PVRIS.

The IGN i had the longest was "Feral_Hearts" which is the title of one of my favorite songs by Kerli, and also for my love of nature.

Then I became OstaraLitha... this was named after 2 pagan/wiccan holidays, as I identify as such kind of. xP

Then I was AstralAvacado because I got a bit drunk and thought it was amusing but my dumb butt spelled it wrong.

Then I became "FlownToTheMoon" because I was playing Bayonetta and ended up with the Fly Me To The Moon song stuck in my head... Plus I love the moon and of course, it fits with my in game nick "Sirje_Wildmoon"

Sirje_Wildmoon just came from my name being Sirje, and Wildmoon because it sounded nice and fitting for me (though Originally I was going to use "Bella_Altropa" as a name from deadly nightshades latin name but eh xP)


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Mr_Grindelwald
Phoenix Raven
My Potterworld character is very unoriginal.
When Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them came out in 2016, I was so fascinated by the characters that I made a new Minecraft account called "Percival_Graves". I made a skin after him as well.

When FB2 came out, I thought Grindelwald was even cooler, so then I changed it to "Mr_Grindelwald" and made a new skin, identical to the one in the movie!

I have another character in Minecraft though, I probably should tell you about that, as it is much more unique.
I first started playing MC back in 2012 (in the early days, now I feel old), and back then my brother was interested as well. At the time, my parents thought it was enough with one account, and when we went through the registration process, we didn't really have a fancy name to begin with. Albeit, we had one idea: the combination of me and my brothers' real names! So, my name is Mikael (that's just a Norwegian way of Michael), and Markus is the name of my brother. We simply merged into Mikmar! For a couple of years we shared the account, until he made one for himself. So I took over the first one. And I have used the account actively ever since Minecraft Beta/2012, while also using my Potterworld one.


Minecraft IGN: epic_cool_mcgee
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf SPEW
Courtney is my irl name. I'm not creative like that haha. The name gixxed comes from an old friend's name, "slixxed". I changed it to mimic his for fun one day, and I just never changed it back.


Minecraft IGN: Scoobydoolego
I made my username up as a little kid on the "Webkinz" website. I loved ScoobyDoo and Legos, but both were taken, so I used the name Scoobydoolego. I've used it for every video game since.

aaron ♡

Minecraft IGN: Aarooncia
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Vampire Werewolf
This is really random and somewhat stupid. In case it wasn't clear, my IRL name is Aaron. In around 2017 on a different server a group of me and some friends all had our nicknames and then the word/idk "cia" at the end. I tried Aaroncia, and it honestly just didn't fit, and then I did Aarooncia. I haven't changed it since and tbh I probably should.


Minecraft IGN: xNyn
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
I used to play a lot on this other server and I seen the word Nyan for the first time. I really liked it and wanted to change it to my ign. But, because I'm stupid I forgot exactly what it was or WHY I liked it (I also forgot how to spell it because I only remembered "Ny"), so I just added an "n" onto the end and I got Nyn. It was taken so i added _x onto the end. This guy tried to sell the ign Nyn to me for like $30 so I think I'll stick with Nyn_x ... Apparently Nyn is a female name (or similar to) in another language, so almost everybody mistakes me for a girl unless I tell them first lmao


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: RainTM
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Sr. Builder
Prepare for paragraphs

Alright so when I first got MC I had already played it before at my cousin's, his ign was something like x_MCsupermy_x at the time and being the little cousin I am, I copied it and made it MCSupermy, my first ign.
(this is about my first skin, fits with the story) After some time I started playing with some friends from school and I mostly played with 1 friend who had an ice theme for his skin, I wanted to do something similar but I decided to make it directly the opposite of his skin, fire. So my first skin was a fire boy :) After a year or so I found PW and I didn't play with that 1 friend anymore so I decided to change up my skin and ign, I tried to make it the opposite of what I had, again xd, so that was something water-themed, rain :)
My first ign with that theme was RainDrup, I really hate that name now, but back then I liked it. Then came RainTrooper for a star wars event, and then RainWasTaken since I wanted Rain but I couldn't and someone said I should change it to that. And as for my last ign, RainTM, it's simple and it's awesome.
P a r a g r a p h s