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Where did you get the idea for your in-game name?

Keira :D

Minecraft IGN: ohBelle_
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire
My Ign Story:
So I changed my ign recently, so I have a new story. I was trying to think of cute summer names and I found Honeycqmbs_, it reminded me of bees and summer and minecraft, so I decided to make my ign Honeycombs_
Also, honey is really sweet, and people say im sweet like honey


Minecraft IGN: may2070
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
My ign okmayy comes from a ign family (the okays) so I will just tell the story of my original/main ign, may2070.

My sister was really into Pokemon back in the day. She owned most of the Gameboy Advance games and she would watch the anime almost every single day. I decided to give one of her Pokemon games a try so I loaded up a new save file on the game Pokemon Sapphire. In order to determine which player character you will be using, the game asks you the question "are you a boy or a girl?" I picked girl for obvious reasons, and I realized the girl avatar looked a lot like May from the Pokemon anime, so that's what I decided to name her. Ever since then, that name just stuck. I would use it for stories and usernames ever since.

The 2070 part comes from something else though. In 2011, my sister was into Club Penguin so I decided to make my own Club Penguin account. I wanted to name it May444 (four is my favourite number lol) but that was taken so I changed it to May443. My sister's cp username was rocky2070. Then we got bored of Club Penguin, so we asked our dad if we could get Minecraft. We eventually got an account and decided to share it, so we combined our usernames from Club Penguin which resulted in may2070. I changed it a few times but I've always made it a common pattern to make sure my Minecraft igns have the name May in it


Minecraft IGN: Pikachu_789
Honeybadger Phoenix Werewolf Linked
When I made my account I really liked pokemon so I wanted to include Pikachu in it, but of course that was taken. I decided I would add some numbers to it. My seven year old logic was "hmm I'm seven now, next I'll be eight, then I'll be nine" so thats how I got Pikachu_789 and I have never changed my IGN.

Keira :D

Minecraft IGN: ohBelle_
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire
Ign Update : On another server I play, a group of ppl were changing there igns to thatskinda(ign) so I caught on it, I realized that it was a friend group thing after I did it so I felt kinda bad stealing the name- so yeah, I was gonna do TastyKeira but that was takens (thanks a lot) so xD

Marinette x Scoreey

Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Marinette
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
Marinette: Idk tbh I just thought bout a tv show and then I got the name Marinette

Scoreey : Scorey is a rapper that i like so i just added one more e to my name


Minecraft IGN: 1psaonly
Dark Follower Serpent Linked
basically, there are all the PSAs in the world! they all fight until there is one left. this is the champion psa, the only one allowed to exist. this is the one psa only. and thus, my name! 1psaonly! because there can be one psa only in the world.