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Make Dueling Gear-Free

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Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
@Aviforma Sorry buddy, apparently the decision to decline this was made back in October, the staff is just looking for an answer to this so they can politely decline it.



Does this mean the staff doesn't want to get rid of gear, because they themselves have high level gear ?


Suggestion declined behind the scenes in October.



And the only reason it's been Under review for so long is because they don't want to do it and neither want to make players mad.
You see, now I'm thinking if every decision is made based on staff's opinion only (wouldn't be the first time players think it's like this) and if those Under review threads, that have been under review for months, are already declined, waiting for someone to find the right words and excuses.
I am not stating my words as a fact, I'm just thinking aloud and voicing my opinion on this.

If someone thinks about deleting this.. I have not broken any forum rules and I believe I'm respectful to everyone here.


Minecraft IGN: DenizTM
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP SPEW Linked
For the past month we've had meetings that lasted hours discussing gear and what to do with it, and we've come up with a lot of different ideas that we're trying to investigate.

Right now the solution we're looking for in terms of PVP is disabling gear (like this thread suggests), but that's not final and can change if we can come up with a better solution. We hear you all loud and clear: Gear is not fun right now, and we agree. We actually added a flag for it yesterday, so we can flag dueling arenas and classes with it - this will require a lot of balancing though.

We're working on making our current gear system better so players don't hate it as much as they do now, because we are not happy with gear either. This should hopefully buy us enough time to come up with a better gear system overall - because we've learned a lot from Revelius. Making countless posts isn't going to speed up this process, though, so we hope you'll remain patient us.

Changes we're planning on making for our current gear:
  • remove recipes
  • remove durability
  • possibly removing gear being bound
  • balancing everything so it makes more sense compared to now (as well as balancing spells, since right now it's also a mess)
  • making all items give damage so the hand item isn't the most important
We had aimed to do this with new years, but the person in charge became sick (assumed to be Covid), so it was delayed a bit.

TLDR: We hear you loud and clear; Gear is not fun; We'll fix Gear for now (soon) and work on a better system for the future, we'll provide more information regarding this


Minecraft IGN: DenizTM
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP SPEW Linked
Oh, also, we're working on bringing back 1v1 Arena as well, where everyone has the same set of gear (or possibly no gear) so they're all equal. This should hopefully make dueling more fun as well.

We were considering adding different sets, so there was like a 'tank gear set' and an 'assassin gear set' (you get the idea), but we leaned away from that, but yeah

I believe we should have this back within the end of the month :)


Minecraft IGN: SmellyBigBro
Dark Follower Griffin Linked
For the past month we've had meetings that lasted hours discussing gear and what to do with it, and we've come up with a lot of different ideas that we're trying to investigate.

Right now the solution we're looking for in terms of PVP is disabling gear (like this thread suggests), but that's not final and can change if we can come up with a better solution. We hear you all loud and clear: Gear is not fun right now, and we agree. We actually added a flag for it yesterday, so we can flag dueling arenas and classes with it - this will require a lot of balancing though.

We're working on making our current gear system better so players don't hate it as much as they do now, because we are not happy with gear either. This should hopefully buy us enough time to come up with a better gear system overall - because we've learned a lot from Revelius. Making countless posts isn't going to speed up this process, though, so we hope you'll remain patient us.

Changes we're planning on making for our current gear:
  • remove recipes
  • remove durability
  • possibly removing gear being bound
  • balancing everything so it makes more sense compared to now (as well as balancing spells, since right now it's also a mess)
  • making all items give damage so the hand item isn't the most important
We had aimed to do this with new years, but the person in charge became sick (assumed to be Covid), so it was delayed a bit.

TLDR: We hear you loud and clear; Gear is not fun; We'll fix Gear for now (soon) and work on a better system for the future, we'll provide more information regarding this


Minecraft IGN: Joe_Magus
Dark Follower Raven SPEW Linked
Honestly disagree here - I love gear - I think it works perfectly - they could give people more health tbh, but if you are getting 1/2 shot then you are duelling wrong. Sorry to say.

I also really don’t think you can say - gear makes duelling unfair if you are not a graaduate - cause obviously your losing - you’re not a graduate! Grad vs Grad fights can last ages if you are both decent duellers.

A bit on this also - if you remove gear from any aspect of the game, I’m off - I haven’t spend 50k on one price of gear to be made practically useless cause it won’t be used in duelling and I’m grad now so won’t use it against mobs 😂 oh I can use it in dungeons - oh wait no. Can’t add something so big like this, let people grind for it, then change it! This is why we’re asking for a roadmap - so this could of been sorted a year ago /:
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Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked
Honestly disagree here - I love gear - I think it works perfectly - they could give people more health tbh, but if you are getting 1/2 shot then you are duelling wrong. Sorry to say.

I also really don’t think you can say - gear makes duelling unfair if you are not a graaduate - cause obviously your losing - you’re not a graduate! Grad vs Grad fights can last ages if you are both decent duellers.

A bit on this also - if you remove gear from any aspect of the game I’m off - don’t spend 50k on one price of gear to be made practically useless cause it won’t be used in duelling and I’m grad now so won’t use it against mobs 😂 oh I can use it in dungeons - oh wait no
Yeah, my issue with it is that non-grads losing to grads make dueling less motivating to get into and the question is why should the non grad get 1 shot by the grad, there's nothing about Harry Potter that has anything to do with that and in fact quite the opposite.


Minecraft IGN: Joe_Magus
Dark Follower Raven SPEW Linked
p.s anyone who is asking for the gear to be removed under the idea that adding gear lost half the duellers - removing it now you would lose the other half too.


Minecraft IGN: Joe_Magus
Dark Follower Raven SPEW Linked
Yeah, my issue with it is that non-grads losing to grads make dueling less motivating to get into and the question is why should the non grad get 1 shot by the grad, there's nothing about Harry Potter that has anything to do with that and in fact quite the opposite.
I graduated the other day- was never able to beat Niko - now I’m a Grad we have some really good fights. I didn’t let the fact Niko always killed me get me down, it was a motivator. And obviously Niko was killing me - they’re level 80 and I wasn’t. Common sense, levels don’t make you stronger, so gear does. And this is my point exactly - how can someone who isn’t a grad say “gear in unbalanced” of course it is! You’re a 6th year! /: honestly if this is changed now and gear made useless practically - it’ll be a joke on the development team. Ripping the heart out of your revelious update. May as well still be playing survival. Just isn’t fair on anyone who has spent gold on gear and if you are a 6th year and complaining - then you’ve spent nothing compared to some people.
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Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked
I graduated the other day- was never able to beat Niko - now I’m a Grad we have some really good fights. I didn’t let the fact Niko always killed me get me down, it was a motivator. And obviously Niko was killing me - they’re level 80 and I wasn’t. Common sense, levels don’t make you stronger, so gear does.
why should gear (something that isn't even in Harry potter - which the server is based off) be the biggest thing to make you stronger and not spells and skill. And it's not common sense because literally everything in the books point to gear or having older people be able to 1 shot people. It also does make the dueling community slightly smaller too because the lower players can't by ANY means fight the graduates meaning it's hard especially if ur a lower level to practice with.


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked
why should gear (something that isn't even in Harry potter - which the server is based off) be the biggest thing to make you stronger and not spells and skill. And it's not common sense because literally everything in the books point to gear or having older people be able to 1 shot people. It also does make the dueling community slightly smaller too because the lower players can't by ANY means fight the graduates meaning it's hard especially if ur a lower level to practice with.
I honestly think that if Potterworld wasn't a Harry Potter server I wouldn't care at all about gear and think it would be cool that they expanded the dueling possibilities, however it is therefore I think its completely random but im getting off topic there and i dont wanna fill everyones notifications so sorry people


Minecraft IGN: Joe_Magus
Dark Follower Raven SPEW Linked
I honestly think that if Potterworld wasn't a Harry Potter server I wouldn't care at all
This isn't a Harry Potter Server - this is a server based on Harry Potter, with already many many differences to the HP Universe and the thing is - Duelling is very fast paced and does take skill - when you are fighting someone the SAME LEVEL AS YOU!!!!!

You wouldn't play on any other mmo and expect to beat a max lvl player when you're a noob. Realise what you are all asking for please. You are asking for the team to remove something from the game that their update practically revolves around - evidentally "Please just burn all your work!" and also "forget everyone elses time, effort and gold they invested - I DON'T LIKE GEAR"

If you have bothered to look into the mechanics of it - you will have seen Gear has a very smart ability to change the type of wizard you are - this would be very difficult to do using just the spell tree - so it gives you a format for prioritising one tree over another or so you can make class-style gear - Healer to support -Tank to take hits - This was lining up to be a really cool part of the server.

All I can really take from your reply is you don't like gear cause it not Harry Potter - you're right it's Henry Porter and he loves his gear.
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Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked
This isn't a Harry Potter Server - this is a server based on Harry Potter, with already many many differences to the HP Universe and the thing is - Duelling is very faced paced and does take skill - when you are fighting someone the SAME LEVEL AS YOU!!!!!

You wouldn't play on any other mmo and expect to beat a max lvl player when you're a noob.
A Harry Potter based server where pretty much everyone is a harry potter fan, the builds and locations are the same, the mobs are the same, the classes and history is the same, the spells are the same. The only things that aren't the same is the names of things (something which Potterworld can't really change but has had some criticism already) and the dueling system by a lot. I've gone past the idea that PW shud remove gear, would that be my preferable scenario? Absolutely. Will it happen and will it annoy a group of people? Absolutely. Potterworld should in my opinion have quests and an open map as it doesn't change anything Harry Potter related and is just simply gameplay. Should is just take everything it can from other MMOs, no.


Minecraft IGN: Joe_Magus
Dark Follower Raven SPEW Linked
A Harry Potter based server where pretty much everyone is a harry potter fan
OMG - realise what I am saying - this is not a Harry Potter Server - Even if it was - Dumbledore wears a Robe no - could it be enchanted - maybe. Use your imagination. Not everything has to be perfect HP. The gear is introduced to add a fun mechanic to the game. It doesn't matter - your reason for removing it now is not worth the hassle of removing it. "its not harry potter" doesn't cut it - Like I said - people have spent a lot of Gold, Effort and Time for others (especially non-gradates) to dictate that it should go because it's not Harry Potter or cause a 5th year dies in one shot - if I WAS a 168 Year old Wizard who’s a master of magic, I’d expect to kill a 16 yo in one hit too- In my eyes they all wear robes in the films and books - could they not be enchanted - defensive? Better start selling all my gear - Oh wait - I can't - it's bound. Like I said - you remove it from PvP (All cause it's not HP), practically making it useless, I and probably lots of other people are off. As for taking things from other MMO's - gear isn't necessarily from every MMO, but it's in a lot cause it is a tried and tested feature and works really well in MMO's - I get happy when I see things from successful MMO's brought to PWMC - Cause it probably will work really well, and other MMO's must use it for a reason - and they keep all their players.
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Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked
OMG - realise what I am saying - this is not a Harry Potter Server - Even if it was - Dumbledore wears a Robe no - could it be enchanted - maybe. Use your imagination. Not everything has to be perfect HP. The gear is introduced to add a fun mechanic to the game. It doesn't matter - your reason for removing it now is not worth the hassle of removing it. "its not harry potter" doesn't cut it - Like I said - people have spent a lot of Gold, Effort and Time for you to dictate that it should go because it's not Harry Potter - In my eyes they all wear robes in the films and books - could they not be enchanted - defensive? Better start selling all my gear - Oh wait - I can't - it's bound. Like I said - you remove it from PvP (All cause it's not HP), practically making it useless, I and probably lots of other people are off. As for taking things from other MMO's - gear isn't necessarily from every MMO, but it's in a lot cause it is a tried and tested feature and works really well in MMO's - I get happy when I see things from successful MMO's brought to PWMC - Cause it probably will work really well, and other MMO's must use it for a reason - and they keep all their players.
i dont know what ur trying to say, I already have said in the past in this thread and other places not in this thread many other reasons why gear does not work for me and literally lines before I stated that I didn't care about gear being removed. And when u say using my imagination, i like using facts and looking at what actually exists to make the server as accurate as possible.


Minecraft IGN: Aviforma
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked
Fact = HP Characters wear clothes
I think I speak on behalf of the dueling community when I say that they prefer dueling without gear. The only "positive" of gear in dueling is that it gives you actual power when you hit higher levels. It's preferable if it gives you potential power, in access to more powerful spells, but it should still rely on skill moreso.


Minecraft IGN: Joe_Magus
Dark Follower Raven SPEW Linked
The only "positive" of gear in dueling
An example of wear gear makes duelling better -

3v3 or higher duels with no gear = no healer or support players - ruins a big exciting part of the update

I’m not denying that the duelling community prefer duelling without gear - I’m just saying - it’s implemented now and too ingrained to just remove. People have put effort into gear and a big part of using gear is pvp once you are lvl 80. It’s unfair to change now. As it is, people are getting used to it - people can deal with it, changing it - people will get upset.
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Minecraft IGN: xNyn
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
Straight up, I hate gear. It is not Harry Potter related - and yes, before you say that PW is BASED off Harry Potter and isn't Harry Potter, doesn't matter to me - the PW world has HOGWARTS!! just because it's renamed doesn't mean that it isn't still hogwarts (WHICH IS HARRY POTER).

Gear being removed would be ideal for me - but I know it just won't happen for a multitide of reasons: people have spent a lot of gold and time/effort working and selling/buying gear so it wouldn't be fair, and also staff would just not do it which I understand. No reasoning or persuasion will change the fact that I dislike gear, that's just my opinion.

also dont mind me just watching you guys' debate it is entertaining :p


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: tillquila
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked
Honestly disagree here - I love gear - I think it works perfectly - they could give people more health tbh, but if you are getting 1/2 shot then you are duelling wrong. Sorry to say.
Gear being removed would be ideal for me - but I know it just won't happen for a multitide of reasons: people have spent a lot of gold and time/effort working and selling/buying gear so it wouldn't be fair, and also staff would just not do it which I understand. No reasoning or persuasion will change the fact that I dislike gear, that's just my opinion.
With the current gear system every graduate can get 2 shotted, no matter their skill level. It only takes two spells when a player's not fortifiused to die , so even if you're dueling "right" you can easily die.
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