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Make Potterworld Parkours Harder


Minecraft IGN: iSpitLikeALlama
Auralock Griffin Werewolf Linked
Before Revelius, parkours in events were much harder than they are now. Parkours in Revelius events and quests take very little time and are not hard enough for the rewards they result in. I believe this was a decision made purposely by the staff team, and while I understand some people may struggle at parkour, you can't get better at something without struggling and having to persevere. Hot take, but I'd love to hear other opinions!


Minecraft IGN: Minyu
Dark Follower Phoenix Raven
I agree with your suggestion, parkours should have some more difficult jumps in my opinion that actually challenge the player. The parkour itself shouldn’t be to hard but also not to easy, adding some difficult jumps would be good.


Minecraft IGN: trashdotcom
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
I personally disagree. The events and quests are meant to be completed by players with challenge, but not difficult enough that they feel frustrated or annoyed. Everyone has a different definition of "difficult parkour", so what you may find easy, a player could struggle on for a long time. If players want to do difficult parkour, they have options such as minigames around the map, WizPE, etc., which are not mandatory. At the end of the day, most people do not join a minecraft rp server to struggle at parkour, and some people just don't get better through practice (edit: by this, I mean people with disabilities). People who struggle at parkour shouldn't have to suffer the results of not completing quests, especially when quests are the main source of gold income for new players. Quests are designed to be enjoyed by all players, to follow their storyline throughout time and allows players to enjoy the full Potterworld experience without wanting to give up on the quest, or even quit the server over it.
Perhaps this suggestion could be altered, and ask to include more difficult parkours around the map as minigames?
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Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: lolclem
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf
I disagree.

The reason for my no is because too difficult parkours might drive players who are less skilled at it away, which is the opposite of what Potterworld wants. We want to present a challenge, but not so hard that it would drive people away. As Belle said, if someone is not as great at parkour, they shouldn't have to suffer an incompletion of a quest. Each parkour is made to be doable with time, but not so much that a player is found wasting hours of their day on it, only to log off disappointed.

arne ☾

Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: tqrpiar
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf Lead Lore Master Lead Linked Faerie
I think quest parkours in the main quest-line are good as they are, but event parkours are in my eyes also extremely easy. It doesn't take long to earn a certain amount of tokens for an event or finish an event quest. Overall, you finish an event pretty quickly and adding a more challenging parkour in my eyes is worth it! As Llama said too, you can't get better without practice :]


Minecraft IGN: iSpitLikeALlama
Auralock Griffin Werewolf Linked
I agree that players shouldn't be rage quitting the server, but currently parkour in events and some quests is so simple to the point that it takes me and a large part of the community literally no time to complete, when these quests should be somewhat of a challenge. I understand that Potterworld is trying to appeal to all types of players, and that is a difficult thing to do. However, events last over a month, and quests are available at all times, so that gives players a long time to complete the parkours. I was able to complete the entire Pride 2021 Event in less than an hour, which included parkours. For newer players, it took longer, but most players, from my knowledge, were finished with the event within the first week. I don't think parkours should be difficult to the point of being essentially impossible, but they should at least be made a little bit harder. This allows more experienced Minecraft players to enjoy events more, and gives newer players a chance to learn the mechanics of Minecraft.


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
I'll just store a few threads here, don't mind me 👀

Name of the topic - OP's reason
alternatives to parkour - Reason: parkour can be hard
Parkour passes - Reason: some parkours are hard to do
Remove/Change Wiz PE - Reason: Wiz PE parkour is very hard
Reduce parkour in quests - Reason: Parkour is frustrating and hard
Make Potterworld more accessible to disabled players - Reason: Parkours are hard
Restricted key Parkour having checkpoints - Reason: Parkour is too hard and thus frustrating
Checkpoints for parkours - Reason: Some parkours are quite long and difficult
Quest changes ASAP. - Reason: Not everyone is good at parkour and they shouldn't be "punished" for it


Minecraft IGN: Sametric
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
As someone that is decent at parkour, I am not the best but I can complete quite a lot of parkour with ease. As Arne said, I think that for the main quests of the server the parkour is fine, I don't believe that should be as challenging to where it draws away players. For events, I think it should be a little harder not so much the activities that are on the side but mainly for things like the main quests of the events. Practice makes perfect and a little bit of a grind is good as after you feel more accomplished! As for other things on the server like the library key parkour, I think that should stay the same difficulty as it is something not relating to the main quests nor something that is compulsory. It just adds more content for the game which players can work towards through practice. I understand why players hate parkour and also why people want it to be easier as it can be very frustrating. But overall I agree with someone like Arne that the parkour on the main world is fine the way it is but maybe event parkour could be more challenging.


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
As someone that is decent at parkour, I am not the best but I can complete quite a lot of parkour with ease. As Arne said, I think that for the main quests of the server the parkour is fine, I don't believe that should be as challenging to where it draws away players. For events, I think it should be a little harder not so much the activities that are on the side but mainly for things like the main quests of the events. Practice makes perfect and a little bit of a grind is good as after you feel more accomplished! As for other things on the server like the library key parkour, I think that should stay the same difficulty as it is something not relating to the main quests nor something that is compulsory. It just adds more content for the game which players can work towards through practice. I understand why players hate parkour and also why people want it to be easier as it can be very frustrating. But overall I agree with someone like Arne that the parkour on the main world is fine the way it is but maybe event parkour could be more challenging.
I disagree, many players feel that the parkour is hard already, making parkour even harder only for events is a "great" way to alienate the same players from said events.
"I can't finish X quest due to the difficult parkour, why would I want to join an event where it's even harder"

There's other ways to make something challenging and rewarding without making it grindy, like the server loves to instead of better game design.

For example, instead of making parkour in the events harder overall, make it a race against the clock. That way everyone is able to finish it but the reward would be tied to the player's time - the better the time, the better the reward.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Mekala_
Honeybadger Auralock
Hey, @Llama and everyone else that left their input!

Thank you to everyone for voicing their opinions on this topic. I am going to bring this up with my team to see what they think! We'll get back to you with a decision so make sure to keep an eye on this thread!

Have a fantastic day!


Minecraft IGN: Grucifix
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Linked
Whilst I understand that some people are up for a challenge, there are already so many players that haven't even been able to finish some of the quests because they aren't too good at parkour. I'd rather see more mini-games around the world that are harder but give better rewards (that doesn't have cooldowns) instead.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Mekala_
Honeybadger Auralock
Hello once again @Llama and everyone else,

Thank you all for your patience! We have finally reached a decision regarding this topic. Unfortunately this suggestion has been declined.

We don’t want to gate event progression or rewards behind difficult skill gameplay. With every event we release, we get a lot of feedback through different platforms mentioning that it is too difficult to complete. In these same cases, we tried to intentionally make the parkours easy.

Meeting the expectations of all players is hard. While increasing difficulty may make it more fun for skilled players, it makes it completely inaccessible for another part of our player base. This is not an ideal situation.
One thing we would like to try is to alter where the difficulty lies in parkour. Instead of having it in for example an individual jump, we’re trying new things such as the Poseidon’s Treasure parkour where the skill is in the timing. Additionally, we will be trying something in the next event where there will be a difficult selection upon accepting a quest. There will be a “story” mode similar to what we’ve been releasing recently and a more difficult option that will reward more event tokens. This, however, is something that we will be trying on a trial basis to see how it goes and not something we are committing to in the long term.

Thanks again for taking the time to contribute to this suggestion and we look forward to seeing more from you in the future. Have a fantastic day!