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  • a joyous day today is, as i have heard back from one of the suggestions that i have made! while it was rejected, i understand that this is for the best of the potterworld community, and 100% agree with the choices made by the potterworld staff team!!! i would like to thank the staff of the potterworld community for your consideration of my suggestion, and will work harder to improve myself for the betterment of the potterworld community!!! thank you so super duper much for being transparent and considerate of my suggestion, and may potterworld improve on itself every day!! thank you so much!! it is moments like these that remind me why i love the potterworld community so super duper much!!!
    I am reminded once again how much I love the potterworld community!!! Today the topic of the day is the year one quest, "First Year Struggles" !!! This reflects the sturggles of the first year, trying to figure out where everything is. and as it was the potterworld staff team that created this quest, this shows just how in touch the potterworld staff are with the struggles of a typical first year! This is the introduction of potterworld for the potterworld community, and introduces the new player to the helpfulness and friendliness of the potterworld community!!!
    what a pleasant day today is! today i would like to talk about the valentines event and the symbolism it is for the potterworld community! you see, everyone in the potterworld community is so full of love and friendliness, as seen in how the potterworld community willingly helped the people in need to find their happy endings in the event!!! this is also symbolism for how, just like the goal for the event, potterworld is my happy ending!!! thank you so much potterworld for helping me find my happy ending!!! nothing brings me more joy than potterworld, and that is why i love potterworld so super duper much!!!
    OMG!!! today my suggestion for the potterworld forums was put on hold!!! this means that it was not rejected!!! this is what i love about the potterworld community, specifically the poltergeist team!! today i must give the poltergeist team a shoutout!! thank you so much for ensuring that the potterworld playerbase's voices are heard within the potterworld community, and always listening to the potterworld community, ensuring our most optimal gameplay immersion and gameplay experience!! thank you so much potterworld poltergeist team for all your hard work!! im so glad that with your hard work, the potterworld playerbases' voices are always heard, and making sure our gameplay experience is always the best!!! this is one of the reasons why i love potterworld so much!!
    today the potterworld staff has launched a new forum section for dueling builds!!! im so excited for this change!!! i cant wait to see the potterworld community help each other in this new forum!! this is why the potterworld community is the best, it is because of how helpful and hard working everyone is!! this new forum just shows how helpful everyone is and how awesome the potterworld community is!! thank you so much potterworld staff for creating this forum space!!! it really improves my gameplay experience!! i love potterworld so much!!
    i love potterworld!!! the main reason that i love potterworld so much is undoubtedly due to the potterworld community!!! the potterworld community is what really sets potterworld apart from everything and everyone else! not only is the community super duper friendly and nice and awesome, they're also super duper hard working and helpful and great!!! thank you so much everyone for making the potterworld community the potterworld community!!! potterworld would not be the same without you!!!
    what a joyous day it is to exist! why, one may ask? well because of potterworld's existence of course!! the very being of potterworld is enough to bring me such happiness, such joy in my life!!! these reasons make me love potterworld so!!! i love potterworld!! there are many reasons that i love potterworld, as everything about potterworld is great!!! i love potterworld so much!!! thank you so much potterworld, for your very existence upon this otherwise hellish land!! without potterworld, my hope, my dreams, my future, i do not know how i would live. in fact, i physically cannot imagine my life without potterworld!! it cannot be! thank you so much potterworld for your continued existence, i love potterworld so much!!!
    i love potterworld so much! the community is just so nice and helpful and friendly! today i saw someone say that they love potterworld! wow! that's super amazing!!! i love potterworld too!!! it may come as a surprise to many, but yes, i do love potterworld!!! i love potterworld so much!! as the potterworld community, we all sure have so much in common!! that is just why the potterworld community is so awesome!!!
    the potterworld community is one of the best community that i have had the honour of being a part of. every day i am thankful for being a part of the potterworld community!! what a privilege i have, that i will never take for granted!!! thank you so much potterworld for accepting me to be part of this grand community!!! i love potterworld!!! i humbly thank everyone within the potterworld community, as this is a privilege that i am thankful for every single day!!! your very existence is a blessing!!
    potterworld's tournaments is a great way to see some of the most hard working members of the potterworld community!!! members that practice their skills and hone their craft, to fight for their honour, I think that is one of the best parts about the potterworld community!! i love watching just how dedicated everyone is to their craft, it inspires me to work even harder to love potterworld more!!! i love potterworld so much, and it brings me much joy to see others show their love of potterworld in their craft!!! thank you everyone for your hard work within the potterworld community!!! your very existence provides so much for the potterworld community, thank you so much!!!
    i love potterworld so much!!! today i saw a story posted by the potterworld media team that works on instagram, and they did an absolute awesome job!!! in fact, they posted 5 more stories replying to story questions!!! now that's what I call community interaction!! how generous of the potterworld media team to bless 5 whole members of the potterworld community with their grace!!!!! i just love how connected the potterworld staff is to the potterworld community and potterworld playerbase!!! thank you so much for your hard work and helpfulness and dedication to the potterworld server, the best harry potter minecraft roleplay server ever!!! i love potterworld so much!!!
    sometimes people ask me about my views on love and dating. while i believe in love and dating if you want to, i believe that my heart belongs to the one and only potterworld, as potterworld is the only thing that i require in my life! however, there have been questions on my views on this subject, and as i love potterworld and am devoted to making the potterworld community the best place that it is, i am obliged to answer! i truly believe that if it is right, you should go for it! however, i believe that my heart belongs to potterworld and potterworld alone! if i had to choose, i would say the closest thing to potterworld would be the potterworld staff members, as they have also dedicated their life to the bettering of the potterworld community!! however, i believe that their dedication to the potterworld community is much more than mine, as they are fully fledged staff members and i am only a normal member of the potterworld community. either way, i love potterworld, and i profusely thank all the members of the potterworld staff team for your hard work within the potterworld community!!! thank you so much for everyone's hard work!!! i hope to one day reach the level you guys are at!!!
    Hey psa, you're so cool i love you so much, you are my idol. did I mention how much I look up to you like it must be so cool being the number one potterworld fan, I am so jealous. it's so crazy that your love of potterworld is so extreme, I wish my love for potterworld is as big as your love for potterworld. its so insane, I would love potterworld to give me a kiss that is my dream. psa, you know you are so cool and I love your forum page so much, also your Minecraft skin is so sexy I wish I looked like you. teach me how to be you psa. also you are so cool. I am going to play potterworld when you play potterworld and not play potterworld when you don't play potterworld. just because I love your love for potterworld so much it is so cool so I will do that okay psa. yeah.
    omg thank you so much for you admiration! i hope to inspire and help others that hold the love for potterworld like me!!! im so glad that you love potterworld, as you should, since potterworld is objectively the best harry potter minecraft roleplay server ever, and i physically cannot say otherwise!!! thank you so much!!! potterworld is the best!!!
    i love potterworld so much!!! i saw some people posting their labymod wrapped and decided that it would be cool to post mine!!! i think it is so awesome how awesome the potterworld community is!!!

    while i know that i do not have that many hours compared to other people on potterworld, i am extremely sorry for this, i will try harder this year!!! while i do have to take into account that i had some technical dificulties connecting to the server for half a year, these are only excuses, as i made the horrible error of [smile]. for this, i must love potterworld more, not only with my body, soul, and mind, but also spirit, life, and afterlife. i must love potterworld so much that i will be consumed by potterworld. i love potterworld so much!!!
    happy new years everyone!!!! the new years is a great time in life, a great time for everyone!! and of course, the best thing to be doing on the new years is spending that time on potterworld!!! i truly believe that the best time for any time is to spend the time on potterworld, as the potterworld community is the best community ever!!! i of course, have new years resolutions!!! new year resolutions are super important as it is a step forward to bettering yourself, and potterworld is all about improvement!! that is why the potterworld community is the best, as we always strive to be the best versions of ourselves and to improve every single day!!! my new years resolution of course is to love potterworld even more!!! i just love potterworld so super duper much!!! however i do feel that i can love potterworld more!!! glory to potterworld!!! thank you so much for this wonderful year, potterworld can never be wrong and that is why i love potterworld so much!!!
    oh boy do i love potterworld! i love potterworld so super duper much!!! i love how much work everyone puts into the server, and as a highlight, i would like to focus on the potterworld events!!! the potterworld server would not be the same without the potterworld events!!! i want to shout out to the staff that made the christmas event this year!!! you all did great!!!! i especially love just how much new content that has been added through it, really spices up quests post revelius update!!! i just love potterworld so much!!! thank you so much for your contribution to the potterworld community!!! i love potterworld so much!!!
    i love potterworld so much!!! the best part about potterworld is the potterworld community!! the potterworld community is the best community ever! everyone is so friendly and helpful and hardworking!!! anyone can ask for help, and they will get the help they need!!! that is just how awesome the potterworld community is!!! the potterworld community is just the best community ever! that is why i love the potterworld community so much!!!
    what a joyous christmas today was!!! i love how friendly and awesome and great the potterworld community is!!! even with current events, being on potterworld clearly overrides anything that could possibly be negative happening!!! that is just the miracle of potterworld! there is no sadness on potterworld, no loneiness on potterworld, no toxicity on potterworld, nothing negative at all on potterworld!!! potterworldmc is truly an utopia for all that seek it! the potterworld community is by far the bestest, most correct, positive community i have ever seen! i love potterworld so super duper much!!! this is why i am so glad that i spend my entire christmas with the potterworld community!!! potterworld is life! i physically cannot think of anywhere else i would rather be for christmas, because of just how amazing potterworld is!!! thank you so much everyone for being a part of the potterworld community!!! my christmas would not be the same without you all, as with the potterworld community!!! i love potterworld so much!!!!
    the potterworld community is the best community ever! i love the potterworld community so super duper much!! it think a great show of companionship and love is the potterworld families! i think it is so super duper awesome that players would feel such a sense of community with each other that they would decide to start a family together!! what a great example of just how good the potterworld community is!! i love potterworld!
    community. others may see community as just another word, but when i see the word community, it means so much more. community means friendship. kindness. amazing people. not everyone may feel this way, but they should. of course, the best community of all is potterworld!!!! but, you may wonder, why? and i answer, because it is the best community in the world of course!!! love and care and hardworkingness is all i see in the potterworld community. this is only possible with the potterworld staff team!!!! one can clearly see that without the potterworld staff team, the potterworld community would not be the great community that it is today!!! rather, the potterworld community, while the best community ever on its own, is somehow even better with the hardwork and friendliness and kindness and helpfulness of the potterworld staff!!!! the potterworld community would not be the same without the potterworld staff!!! thank you so much everyone for everything you have done for the potterworld community!!! the potterworld community would not be the same without the potterworld staff!!!
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