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  • i love potterworld so much!!! the other day the potterworld staff team released the update that updated the scarlett npc, which was implemented at first to help new players and old players alike! I think the change to the white particles and not just teleporting the player to the location is the pinnacle of improving player experience! now that we must walk to the location instead of just being teleported, i feel like it really improves my gameplay immersion, plus it helps newer players learn the map by making sure they walk to their location instead of teleporting, just like how it would happen in real life, which really improves my gameplay immersion! plus it wipes out some of the old traces of pre revelius, which i believe is a great change!!! im loving the cultural revolution happening right now!!! these changes are exactly what potterworld needs to move forward to ensure the better gameplay experience for the players!!! i love potterworld and their willingness to innovate, as we must impliment these new changes to ensure that potterworld as a server will move forwards!!! thank you so much to the potterworld staff team, i can see from your dedication to the server that you always keep gameplay experience and immersion at the front of your minds when creating these updates!!! i love all your hard work!!!! thank you so much!!! i love potterworld!
    i love potterworld so much! today they have released new gameplay updates!!! i love the updates so much! i feel like that the potterworld staff really keeps the players in mind when releasing these updates! no matter what they do, it is always to ensure the best gameplay experience for us!! thank you so much!! reasons like these is why i love potterworld so much!
    i love potterworld so super duper much! today i would like to shout out the staff team that implemented the reminder system on the discord bot!!!! its so super duper useful!!! i often forget things, but with the bot i am able to remember many much more!!! thank you so much for this great function on the potterworld discord bot!! these additions really improve my gameplay experience, as i forget a lot less!!! thank you potterworld staff so much!!! yall are so hardworking and nice and helpful, this function on the discord bot is so useful!!! thank you so so so super super much!!! thank you!!! i love potterworld so much, thank you so much potterworld staff for this!!!
    the potterworld community is the best community ever, if i dare say! and dare say i do!!!! i love potterworld so much, and one of the many reasons i love potterworld is because of the community! everyone in the potterworld community is so nice and hardworking and friendly and helpful!!!! i love how helpful everyone is!!! in no way i will ever get lost or not know how to do something because of how helpful the potterworld community is!!!! thank you so much everyone for how awesome yall are!!!!!! thank you!!! to reiterate, i love potterworld so super duper much, and if i dare say, i love the potterworld community!!
    potterworld is by far the best server ever!!! i love the potterworld community and the potterworld staff and everything they do for us!!! thank you so much everyone for being such a nice and helpful and friendly and hardworking person!!! thank you everyone for all your help and greatness!!! i love potterworld!!! thank you!!!
    i love potterworld!!!! everyone is so friendly and helpful and hardworking! today i saw the potterworld media team's post about the shrieking shack build, and i thought that was super duper cool! i think that this is really what makes the potterworld community so great!!! the collaboration between the different staff teams really show the friendliness and niceness of the staff team!!!! thank you so much for this great community! i love the potterworld staff and potterworld so much!!!
    i love potterworld so much! today, two notable members of the potterworld community, magma and aviforma, liked many of my posts! amazingly, aviforma even liked nearly all my posts actually! this type of support from the potterworld community is amazing! events like these are some of the reasons why i love potterworld and the potterworld community so much! thank you so much aviforma and magma for this support! without you guys, the potterworld community would not be what it is right now! thank you all!!!! i love potterworld!!!!
    i love potterworld so much! everyone is so nice and friendly and hard working! today i asked if anyone could take me on a chest run and more than 3 people offered to help! i love how helpful everyone is! everyone is so super duper nice and helpful, which i love about the potterworld community!!! thank you so much everyone for making the potterworld community the potterworld community! i love potterworld so much!
    i love the potterworld community so much! today i would like to give a shout out to the staff that made the discord bot! i love all the functions of the discord bot! it's just so versatile! thank you for allowing us to check our users with the api, next class, spells, gears, and many more! i love how much this has improved my gameplay experience! it makes everything so much easier!!! thank you so much potterworld staff for this implementation of the potterworld bot! i love potterworld so super duper much! thank you so much!!!!
    community. of course, everyone loves community. communities exists in many shapes and sizes, but i believe the best community ever is the potterworld community!!! many my ask me what qualities come to mind if i thought of the potterworld community. kindness, niceness, friendliness, hardworkingness, and helpfulness, all come to mind when i think of the potterworld community. all these and more are great traits of the potterworld community that just makes the potterworld community the best community ever! nevertheless, these traits of the potterworld community did not come by themselves. digging deeper, one can see that the reason for the great potterworld community is the potterworld players and staff!!! because of the great helpfulness of the potterworld staff and potterworld players, the potterworld community is super duper accepting and helpful and generous! anyone can help a new player, due to how helpful everyone is! with the potterworld community, anyone can easily get started on potterworld and easily join the community! learning how the server works is an easy peasy task that all new players can do, due to the great hardworkingness of the staff and players to help them, and the great tutorial built by the staff of potterworld!!! i love the potterworld staff so much, they ensure that all of potterworld runs smoothly!!! the potterworld community is truly the best community ever! i love potterworld so much!!!
    i sure love potterworld! today i would like to give a shoutout to the builders! i love the map so much! i can tell just how much work was put into the building of the map! thank you builders of potterworld for all your hard work! your dedication to the server is truly one of my favourite parts of the potterworld community! thank you so much! i love potterworld so much!
    i love potterworld so much! everyone is so hard working! today i would like to give a shout out to the players! everyone is so nice! they help others so much, and i wouldn't know anything if it wasn't for the helpfulness and friendliness of the potterworld community! thank you so much for making potterworld potterworld! thank you!! i love potterworld so much! this community is awesome!
    Not bad kid. Over double the views of Droobledore's page.
    You flatter me, Aviforma. But as Droobledore is creator of Potterworld, comparing me to him is as like comparing a drop of water to the ocean, as I am merely a lover of Potterworld, and Droobledore has created this conscientious and obliging community! I am simply unworthy of being compared to a figure as almighty and unparalleled as Droobledore! I love Potterworld!
    Humble too, to boot.
    Such kind words!
    i love potterworld! one thing i love about potterworld is the community! everyone in the potterworld community is so helpful and nice and generous and friendly! today i was browsing the trade chat, and i saw a year one who had barely anything, offer to help others! this reminded me of the story of the Widow's Mite, as seen in Luke 21:1-4 or Mark 12:41-44. while older players may be rich, helping others is only a percentage of their wealth, and is but a shaving of a crayon in their 64 colour crayon box WITH sharpener. however, this player i saw, was so generous, so potterworld loving, such a spirit of the potterworld helpfulness that they, as a first year, was willing to give what they had, all of it, to help others. this player represents the widow in the Widow's Mite. the pinnacle of potterworld love, potterworld community, potterworld helpfulness. thank you so much for doing everything you have done for the community! moments like these makes my love for potterworld shine through! i love potterworld, and i love the potterworld community!
    man do i love potterworld so much! one thing i love about potterworld is the community! while everyone has different interest, i love just how many interests people have that are similar! things such as harry potter and minecraft, but also musicals! i love how friendly and nice the potterworld community is, and today i remembered the fun times i had when i found out tons of my potterworld friends like the musical hamilton! i love hamilton so much, and enjoying it with the potterworld community is so fun! there are a few songs that i enjoyed the most, like i love all of king george's parts! i also loved the songs We Know and Your Obedient Servant, but the Reynolds Pamphlet really takes the cake! this is because king george has a funny secret camo during this song in the musical! i thought it was super duper cool! i really loved the performance during the Reynolds Pamphlet! hamilton is such a fun musical, and im so glad that they released it on disney plus! and who better to enjoy a great musical with than the potterworld community? i love the potterworld community so much, i cannot believe that we have so much similar interests but that is just what i love about you all! i love how potterworld allows for so many people with similar interests to connect! thank you everyone for making the potterworld community so accepting and friendly and nice! i love potterworld so much!
    my love for potterworld is neverending! the community is so nice and friendly, and i love how hardworking the potterworld staff team is! thank you potterworld staff for working so hard on the potterworld server! as a member of the potterworld community, i love how much thought and love you guys put into the potterworld server! thank you everyone for making the potterworld community the potterworld community! thank you so much for being so nice and friendly and helpful and hardworking! i love you guys so much, and i love potterworld so much!
    i love the potterworld community so much! everyone is so helpful and friendly! thank you everyone for being so helpful in the potterworld community, i love knowing that i can always count on everyone to help others and be so nice and friendly! this amongst man other reasons is why i love potterworld so much! thank you everyone for this great community! i love potterworld!
    oh boy, i sure love potterworld! you know, today I was going through the potterworld discord as I usually do, because you must always keep up with the daily potterworld news, and i saw someone get helped by both staff and players of potterworld! this is what i love about potterworld! everyone is so friendly and nice and helpful! i love how hardworking the potterworld community is! thank you everyone for making the potterworld community the potterworld community! thank you so much! i love potterworld!
    today i must give another shoutout to tang, a super duper cool staff member in the potterworld community and staff team! i know i have already given her a shout out before, but i have decided that another shout out will be warrented! tang is a super friendly helpful coolio person that is a great person in the potterworld community! i love how helpful she is, always helping fellow members of the potterworld community, which further shows just how hard working she, and the potterworld staff in general is!!! i love tang and the potterworld community so super duper much! also, tang is also an old player like me, so that is why i feel a connection to her! i love the potterworld community and potterworld staff so super duper much! thank you all for making the potterworld community this nice friendly and inclusive!
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