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  • i love potterworld! much similarly, i also love the potterworld community, potterworld staff, and everything about potterworld in general! i love potterworld so much! everyone is so nice and helpful and friendly and hardworking! i love potterworld so much! thank you everyone for such an accepting and inclusive and friendly and nice community! i love everyone in the potterworld community and potterworld so much!
    community is a great thing. hardly anything is better than community. However, i can think of one thing. potterworld! adding potterworld to community, especially! this leads to the potterworld community! i love the potterworld community so super duper much! everyone in it is so nice, friendly, hard working and everything! thank you everyone for making the potterworld community the accepting place it is!!!
    congrats to all the staff of the month! you guys all worked so hard for this! i love how the potterworld community recognises the hard work of the potterworld staff! especially since the potterworld staff are all so hard working, friendly, and helpful! thank you potterworld staff for making the potterworld community the potterworld community! i love you all, and i love potterworld so super duper much!
    today was halloween! events such as these are why i love the potterworld community so much! thank you potterworld staff of game design for making this event, potterworld community management branch for interacting with the community to make sure that our gameplay experience is always top notch, potterworld media for getting the word out there and having all the models, moderation for helping out players, and everyone else for making the gameplay experience truely one of the potterworld communtiy! i love potterworld and the potterworld communtiy so much! thank you everyone for being so hardworking making this event, friendly helping others out, nice and cool and kind, and everything really! thank you so much!!! i love potterworld, the potterworld community, and the potterworld staff so much! you guys all made this happen so good! thank you all!!!
    congrats to werewolves for winning the event! the potterworld community sure is something, coming together for a common goal! thank you so much for how hardworking everyone is! i love the potterworld community so much! thank you everyone for making this possible! if everyone didnt work together like the potterworld community does, this would not have been possible! congrats everyone! this shows just everything of what i love of the potterworld community!
    i sure love potterworld! every day i thank the potterworld community for being so helpful and friendly! i love potterworld so much! the halloween event is nearly over so i hear, and it seems super cool so far! i love potterworld so much! i sure wish there was a way to be even more involved in the community myself. either way, thank you everyone for making the potterworld community the safe fun friendly nice place that it is!
    today i would like to give a staff shoutout to courtney for following me! i remember when she first started, i was the one that took her on her first chest run and taught her the ropes of potterworld, and now she has gone so far! congrats to courtney, and thank you for all your hard work and friendliness that you bring to the potterworld community!
    potterworld is so fun! i love the potterworld community so much!everyone is so nice and friendly! the server is always bustling with activity, and i think that is so cool! thank you everyone for your contribution to the potterworld community!
    i sure love potterworld so much! i would like to thank everyone for making such an inclusive and friendly community! i have seen the trade chat been more active lately, asking for store trades. so today, i would like to thank everyone that does store trades! the potterworld community is so trustworthy and friendly, trusting others with gold and real life money! thank you everyone for such a great trustworthy community!
    i love the potterworld community so much! today they have gotten rid of 1.14 for the server, and while i am quite sad about it, i believe that the issues with 1.14 does mess up with my gameplay immersion, and while I do believe in the inclusivity of 1.14 and many other minecraft versions, i can see that the cons of 1.14 far outweighs the pros. either way, i am glad that 1.14 will get a second chance in the future, and that the potterworld staff always has the overall gameplay immersion in mind when pushing updates!
    i really love this new event! i think its so super duper cool how hard the staff must have worked to put it together!!! thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication to the potterworld community! i feel like this event really strengthens our community bonds! i love potterworld and the potterworld community and the potterworld staff so super duper much! thank you so much everyone for all the hard work that went into creating this event!!
    today my potterworld community shoutout goes to the media team that runs the instagram!!! they are so friendly and nice! they showed us a cool sneak peek of the future of potterworld! i cant wait for the new update! it seems so fun! they even replied to my comment! i love the potterworld community!
    today the potterworld youtube channel posted a video on gear! i love the potterworld staff so much for thinking of the potterworld community! the youtube video was the epitome of helpfulness and friendliness! i love how it explained the gear system to anyone that was unclear on it! this just shows how helpful the potterworld staff is for making this video, how nice they are for thinking of the potterworld community, and how hard working they are for their hard work on the video! i love the potterworld staff so much, and the potterworld community!!!
    the potterworld community is surely a thing of wonder. i always wonder how potterworld was able to cultivate a community so nice, so friendly, so hardworking! i love the potterworld community so much! i think that the staff have to be thanked a lot for this! without them, the potterworld community would not be what it is now. thank you all so much!
    i love potterworld so much! the potterworld communtiy is so nice! thank you everyone for providing the community of potterworld that i love so much! everyone is so friendly and helpful! thank you all!
    today i would like to shout out another staff member!!! tang!! tangular123 is such a hard working staff member, she is super friendly and nice all the time!! she works so hard as she holds multiple positions, and i love her and her work so much! thank you so much tang for all your hard work on the potterworld community! you always work hard to make sure the happiness of the potterworld community is your top priority, and i love that so super duper much! thank you so much tang for all your hard work in the potterworld community, without you the potterworld community would not be the potterworld community!!!
    because of many reason, i love the potterworld community. one of the reasons is the potterworld staff!!! i love the potterworld staff so much!!! they are so friendly and nice and hardworking! today, i asked a question in the questions channel of discord. sunnya replied so fast and i got my help so quickly!!! thank you so much for all your help in the potterworld community! i dont know where i would be without the potterworld staff!!! thank you potterworld staff for making the potterworld community the potterworld community!!! i love the potterworld community so much, thank you so much for your hard work!!!
    the potterworld community is so friendly! everyone is so helpful and cool! i love just how friendly everyone is! thank you specifically to potterworld staff, i love the potterworld community but the ones that make the potterworld community the potterworld comunity is the staff of potterworld! everyone on the staff team is so friendly and nice and hardworking and i love just how much hard work they put into the potterworld community! thank you everyone for your hard work!
    community. that is a word everyone knows. but did you know that the best community of all is the potterworld community? i love the potterworld community so much! nothing brings me more joy than the potterworld community. everyone in the potterworld community is so friendly, hardworking, and helpful! thank you everyone for making the potterworld community the potterworld community!! i love this community so so super duper much!
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