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  • i love the potterworld community so much!!! ive made so many friends! i would like to shout out Katie Gregorovitch!! she has been super duper friendly and makes me so happy about the potterworld community!! shes so super duper nice and fun to talk with! i would also like to shout out mallaidh, salmandingo, and lyseau, who has paid me a visit on my profile page!! heya yall!! thank you for making the potterworld community the potterworld community!! i love the potterworld community so much!!! thank you so much everyone for being so nice and friendly!!! i love yall so much!!!
    i love the potterworld community!! everyone here is so super duper nice! today, i decided to participate in some fun games on rainbow road!! its so super duper fun!! everyone there is so friendly, and i just love how much fun it is to be in the potterworld community!! i can't believe that there are literally thousands of numbers that have been counted on these forums!! that just shows how active the potterworld community is! everyone works so hard to make that number go up, and it is ingrained in potterworld culture to count! thank you all for working so hard to count to such a high number! we couldn't have done it without you all!!!
    omg!!! so many people has commented on my profile!!! i want to thank the potterworld community so much for just making my day!!! everyone that has commented is so friendly!!! special shoutout to my favourite potterworld community members of the day is liyl and frebii!!! thank you so much for your comments!!! its moments like these where it makes me appreciate the potterworld community so much!!! i love how friendly and nice and accepting the potterworld community is!!! thank you so much potterworld community for being so super duper helpful and friendly!!! the potterworld community would not be the same without yall! who would fill the quabbleball space without you, liyl, boosting the economy with your great help, and also frebii, so super duper cool!!! thank you so much for making my gameplay experience on potterworld that much better!!! i love the potterworld community so much!!! thank you for everything everyone!!!
    today i would like to celebrate my first potterworld staff comment on my profile! it is Lizzie!!! thank you so much for commenting on my forum profile page! i love all the hard work you have done for the potterworld community, and as an old player to another, i love our connection! thank you so much for all your hard work in the potterworld community, the community would not be what it is without you!!!
    i love the potterworld community so much! i try to make sure i participate as much as i can in the potterworld community, by having all my notifications on, replying to everyone that may need help, and just participating in general! thats just how much i love the potterworld community! thank you everyone for making what the potterworld community is today!!! i love how friendly everyone here is, especially the staff members!!! i love the staff members in the potterworld community so super duper much!!!!! without the staff, i dont know where the potterworld community would be today!! i love potterworld, the potterworld community, and the potterworld staff so much! thank you everyone for making the potterworld community the potterworld community! i love how friendly, helpful, and hardworking everyone is!!! thank you so so much!!!
    the potterworld staff is so helpful! I love them so much! just today, I was wondering what version one had to be on to log on to the best harry potter minecraft roleplay server, since i am unable to check myself by logging on. help quickly arrived as multiple staff members provided me with the correct minecraft version number, and offered additional help with that too! i am so greatful for how helpful the staff in the potterworld community is! they are so hard working to have responded to my message so quickly, and to even offer additional help to me! thank you super duper much everyone for the help! everyone is so friendly and helpful and hardworking in the potterworld community, i love everyone and everything so so so much!!! i love the potterworld staff team and community!!!
    i know i am slightly late, but i wanted to wait until the day server time before saying so for the immersion! anyways, happy birthday to 2 entire staff members of the potterworld community, dean and E! since they are both in game design, they are definitely responsible for the great server, immersion, and gameplay of the great potterworld server! thank you so much for your contribution to the potterworld community and the server! it is you guys that make the server so fun to play on, that just make my gameplay experience and gameplay immersion so much morer! thank you so much for all your hardwork to ensure the playerbase's happiness, experience, and funness on the server! i love how you guys always have the potterworld community in mind when upgrading the server with more and more content! by listening to the community, you guys always ensure our happiness and AMAZING gameplay experience!! thank you for always keeping the community in mind when making changes so much!! thank you so so super duper much yall, happy birthday!!!!! <3 : )
    today i have asked the potterworld community for their favourite magical creature! the top 3 responses were unicorn, pheonix, and niffler! i think that this is a very good representation of the potterworld commmunity! unicorns are friendly and pure and beautiful, showing how amazing the potterworld community is to be so pure, friendly, and beautiful! pheonixes, no matter what, will rebirth! against all odds, like being set on fire completely, they always come back! i feel like this represents the hardworkingness of the potterworld community, and just how hardworking everyone is! it also shows the graciousness of second chances potterworld gives to their players! whether its little or large things, potterworld always has the player's happiness in mind with every update they do!!! lastly, the niffler! nifflers are cute and lovely, as seen in the shiny cute niffler at the top of the right hand side of the website! its just so so so cute! it shows just the support the potterworld community has to the server, a mutual relationship! i just love how these answers really show the potterworld community in their best light! thank you everyone for your friendliness like an unicorn, hard workingness like the pheonix, and the support like the niffler! thank you so much everyone, i love the potterworld community so so so super duper much!!! thank you all!!!
    i love the potterworld community so much! sometimes i can be asked what about the potterworld community that i love specifically. oh, that is so hard to answer! i cannot say, as i love everyone and everything about the potterworld community so much!!! however, if i was forced to say, i would say the potterworld staff! everyone on the staff team are so nice! i love all the staff members! if anyone was ever mean to me from the staff team, i literally physically cannot remember! all i remember of the potterworld staff team from the farthest back to the very most recent interaction is a plethora of niceness!!! i love the potterworld staff team specifically the most of potterworld! i think it is what makes potterworld potterworld, next to the community, hardwork, and friendliness! i love the potterworld staff team so much! they work so hard to ensure our happiness, fun, loyalty, and immersion! you cannot have potterworld without the staff team! thank you so much to the potterworld staff for making potterworld potterworld!!!! thank you for your hard work, friendliness, and helpfulness, i cannot thank you all enough!!! thank you so much everyone, i love you all!!!
    today i have a friendly potterworld pro tip!!! if you turn on notifications for all messages on the potterworld discord, you will never be behind in the potterworld community! full immersion is the biggest pluses to the potterworld community, next to the helpfulness and friendliness of everyone! i love the potterworld community!
    the daytime has only been back for a few days, but I am already enjoying it so much now that potterworld once again has daytime! you know, before, the lack of daytime was really sad. i would open my blinds, and see nothing remnant of the day that used to bless potterworld. fortunately, the staff of potterworld has fixed this, once again showing their blessed benevolence to us, the potterworld community! thank you so much for your hard work and care for us, potterworld staff!
    i love how helpful everyone in the potterworld community is! just today, i was super duper stuck on a riddle, and i couldnt access the quest chat ingame to ask. so instead, i asked the quest chat on discord for help! and help came nearly right away! i love how fast acting the community is to help others, i was able to find the answer to my riddle right away! thank you so much everyone for your help and hard work, i love the potterworld community so much!
    all clear! thanks to help from the potterworld community, my hands have officially regained their colour and the shaking has slowed to a managable rate! thank you so much for how helpful everyone is!!! that was super quick actuallly, sometimes i cannot believe how helpful and friendly everyone in the community is! i love the potterworld community so much!
    i know i promised myself i would not make more than one post in a day announcing my love for the potterworld community, but i cannot help myself. the previous post had so many letters, i cannot restrain myself from shaking. every letter i type gives me happiness, i am overwhelmed with the amount of happiness that this community has brought to me. im literally shivering at this point. its all so much, how hard the staff work, how much love and care they put for their players. the friendliness and helpfulness of the players. everything. i love it so much, i cannot stop shaking. every letter i type pumps adrenaline into my veins, i can barely type anymore. my love for potterworld is so strong, the words are shaking as i type. i want to keep expressing my love, but the more i type the harder it is to do so, due to the shivers of joy that overcome me. i must rest now, before this happiniess overwhelms me to the point where i cannot post anymore. thank you everyone for your hard work and helpfulness! i am forever greatful for the happiness that you bring into my life! oh my, my veins are turning noticably blue. goodbye, and remember, i appreciate and love you all to no bounds!!!
    nothing gives me more happiness than the potterworld community! with every day, every post I make declaring my love for the potterworld community, i get a shot of adrenaline. I love the potterworld community so much! i cannot imagine a world without potterworld and its staff members and the players. without potterworld, i am no more. i am dust. gone. potterworld is my life. my heartrate increases with joy with every thought of the friendly, helpful, and hardworking potterworld community and staff. i love everyone so much. thank you for the hard work omg i love you guys all so so so much. i love potterworld so much. every letter i type announcing my love for potterworld brings me euphoria, i type until i can no more. i love the potterworld community so much, thank you everyone for the hard work that keeps it alive, keeps it well within my heart, pumping. thank you everyone for keeping all the happiness in my life alive! i cannot imagine a world without potterworld. thank you so much for your hard work of keeping this alive!!! thank you so much thank you!!!!
    nothing makes me happier than the potterworld community! i love how helpful everyone is, especially whenever someone doesn't know something! everyone is so helpful, that there are chats in the potterworld chat speciafially for helping people! i dont know what makes the chat more helpful than that! its so much people helping, that they had to make an entire seperate chat just for it! that just shows how helpful everyone is in the potterworld communtiy! thank you everyone for being so helpful and friendly!
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