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  • i think the most beautifulest thing of the potterworld community is how much people are willing to help each other! once, i got lost in hogsend, and had to ask people around where something is. quickly, people found coords, the name of the building i was trying to find, everything! i love the potterworld community so much! without them, i probably still would've been lost, trying to figure out how to get from hogsworth to hogsend! thank you so much everyone, i appreciate how friendly and helpful you all are!!!
    i am really loving all these dueling challenges! much more ways to earn house points, and theyre really fun with ac included! thank you so much for adding all these new ways to earn for the community and everything, its so super duper cool and i love it so much! thanks for all the hard work to host these challenges for us, the potterworld community!!! i love it so much omg thank you so so so much!! i love the thought that went into them!
    this is a bit late but i just wanted to congratulate ravens for winning the house cup! all your hard work really paid off, and i believe that with team work and hard work, everyone can win the house cup! congrats to all ravens and everyone! this teamwork and comadreship really shows what the potterworld community is capable of! congrats!
    today i would like to show my love to the potterworld community by making a super cool graphic! i spent all day on it, working super hard, but i think that it is finally good enough to properly express my love for the best server ever made, potterworldmc, and its community and everyone that works so hard on it! thank you everyone for your greatness and helpfulness! they say a picture says a thousand words, so i hope that this picture is good enough to properly express just how much i love the potterworld community in over a thousand words!
    omg today i have another example of why the potterworld community is literally the best! basically, i was having trouble with this riddle, and when i asked, a response came super duper quick! i cant check how accurate the answer was, but I dont need to! thats just how much I trust the potterworld community! literally everyone is so helpful omg i love this server and everyone in it so so soo much! thank you everyone for the help!
    i love the potterworld community! everyone is so nice, and the staff really considers the needs and happiness of us players! they really try super duper hard to ensure our happiness! thank you so much for everyone's hard work! i really enjoy the hard work that everyone puts in! thank you everyone so so much!!! i love the community that has been created! thank you to everyone!!!
    i hope i dont miss charms class today! good thing with the new discord notification system, I can make sure that I get notified for every class that happens in potterworld! ive already enjoyed over 400 classes in this game, i love the potterworld community!!!
    Is all our old enjin stuff gone? :(((
    <deleted member>
    Unfortunately yeah, but a wonderful new start though :o
    :( I guess
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