I really enjoyed today. I met new amazing people on a 4v4 flying challange.
We supported each other all the time and it was a very nice experience.
In addition to my and probably other people's surprises, we ended up second. I love you guys <3 You were a really amazing team <3
thanks to this wonderful event, I added several new friends <3
after the event we met in the Riddleyard and talked for a long time, played mini-games and did and helped each other with some quest.
- Thanks MancyLam, OpaSchmockeyyy, SkyCanFlyGamer and 20zuzka04 for this beautiful and friendly day <3
I really enjoyed today. I met new amazing people on a 4v4 flying challange.
We supported each other all the time and it was a very nice experience.
In addition to my and probably other people's surprises, we ended up second. I love you guys <3 You were a really amazing team <3
thanks to this wonderful event, I added several new friends <3
after the event we met in the Riddleyard and talked for a long time, played mini-games and did and helped each other with some quest.
- Thanks MancyLam, OpaSchmockeyyy, SkyCanFlyGamer and 20zuzka04 for this beautiful and friendly day <3