DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
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I'm Elias and you may have seen me in chat as Elias_Fykes. Joined PW in June of 2021, though record of my existence is marked as 2017. I'm glad to call the community a form of family and hope to provide assistance wherever it may be needed. For now, here's a few facts about myself:
- I'm Swedish but live in the US. Don't ask me if I know swedish though.
- Left handed >>>>
- I'm an artist who mostly "specializes" in Digital Art. I do not post on the PW Art Discord due to social anxiety.
- Yes I spent 5 hours at the Phoenix RP base and took notes. Yes I wanted to cry when I learned it was open-ended.
- Plan on working for Ubisoft sometime after I graduate college. GD >>
- Relatively active on Potterworld. Not as active as arne but point still stands.
September 6


