DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
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Daily Diviner Applications

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We are happy to announce two applications opening for the Daily Diviner team! In addition to the usual DD Writer applications, we are now opening DD Editor applications to all players.

Daily Diviner Editors edit all articles before they are published in the Daily Diviner. They are knowledgeable about different types of writing and are skilled in grammar. They check articles for quality, consistency, and accuracy.
Daily Diviner Writers are those who write articles for the Daily Diviner. They are familiar with the server and its community and bring creativity with their writing.

Both applications will remain open for two weeks and will close on August 5th, 12pm PST. Do take your time when you fill in the application and make sure you are able to meet all the requirements (listed in the beginning) before submitting it. Please contact the Head of Media if you have any questions.

If you are interested in Daily Diviner Writer, click here to find the application. For those interested in Daily Diviner Editor, click here. Good luck to all applicants!

3D Arithmancer Applications

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The Media department is excited to announce that we are reopening the 3D Arithmancers applications! 3D Arithmancers are responsible for creating renders for the server using 3D manipulation software. (As a reminder, 2D Arithmancer applications are currently open as well.)

Applications will remain open for two weeks and will close on August 3rd, 12pm PST. Do take your time when you fill in the application and make sure you are able to meet all the requirements (listed in the beginning) before submitting it. Please contact the Head of Media if you have any questions.

Click here to find the application and good luck to all applicants! We are very excited to welcome new members to the team!

Introducing the Events Team

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Now that Revelius is out, we want to continue creating other content, outside of the world map, for the server to enjoy. With this, we are reintroducing the Events Team in order to create large scale, exciting, and more story-filled events! This role is called Magiventologist.

Magiventologists will be solely dedicated to creating events on the server. In this team, there are 3 ranks:
- Magiventologist: Implement all events content.
- Expert Magiventologist: Have the same responsibilities as Magiventologists, as well as overseeing larger projects within events.
- Master Magiventologist: The lead(s) of the events team. Master Magiventologists assign and manage all event implementation, providing feedback to both Magiventologists and Expert Magiventologists. They also communicate with the Elder Seer(s) in order to organise collaboration with the roleplay team for events.

To apply for Magiventologist, click here!

We are very excited to see how all of the upcoming events will turn out with this new team in place. If you have any questions, please message the Head of Game Design.

Revelius is Here!

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Witches and Wizards, the long awaited Revelius Update is finally here! After about half a week of maintenance we are ready to open the flood gates to you guys. Thank you for your patience and continuous support with getting this update out. We know we're a little late but we've been working so hard for you guys!

For a full list of changes, click here.

To check out the new world map, click here.

Hope to see you all soon!

June 2020 House Cup

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We’d like to congratulate Raven for being the winners of the second quarter of 2020!

Here is the final tally of house points:
:raven:Raven 28,271 points
:griffin:Griffin 25,245 points
:honeybadger:Honeybadger 23,908 points
:serpent:Serpent 23,516 points

Celebrations have now begun in the Great Hall courtyard and will remain until July 4th. The next House Cup will be rewarded on September 25th!

Server Maintenance - July 4th (Edit: July 5th) - MAINTENANCE OVER

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Greetings everyone!

With the upcoming Revelius update, we will need to put the server in maintenance mode to update the server and prepare everything.

This maintenance will be happening on July 4th, at 5 AM PST. That is 12 PM UTC. Minigames will be available during the majority of the maintenance, and the hub will be open. We have no ETA as of now, but we will try our best to provide many updates during the update. We will be updating this thread with the updates.

We hope you are as excited as we are for the update, and we hope the transition will be smooth. With any new update, bugs and glitches are bound to occur, so we ask that you remain patient with us and help us get through it all! You can help us out by reporting each bug that you see to the staff team here and by helping out your fellow players when they experience any issues or confusion. Thank you all for your continuous support! This is a new chapter for the server!

Update 1 - 07/03/2020 - 10:30 AM PST - Droobledore:
Salutations Everyone! We have an important announcement about the Revelius Update!

With permission from Danny to briefly explain this, we will be bumping the release of Revelius by one day (July 5th) because Danny is currently in the midst of moving houses and even his internet isn't hooked up currently. He would like to say he is deeply sorry as he knows everyone is super excited about the Revelius Update!

Just for transparency we also talked about still releasing on July 4th but later in the same day, however a challenge would be setting maintenance...

Roleplay - Ministry Attack Live Event

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A great battle awaits! Join the Dark Followers and Phoenixes as they march into the Ministry of Magicians on Saturday 20th June, 12pm PST in an attempt to get rid of its corruption and Shakti once and for all.

Anniversary Event Competition Winners

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With all competition voting concluded, we are ready to announce the winners of the 6th Anniversary Event Competitions! Before listing the winners we'd like to thank everyone for participating. There were many fantastic stories, poems, and skins and it was difficult for our judge's to pick their favorites. We'd also like to thank everyone who voted in the skin competition! We received a total of 163 votes!

Now here are our winners...

Skin Competition:
- Fan Favorite: siM0AN
- Judge's Pick: Mxegan

Writing Competition:
- Story: Silquer
- Poem: Aviforma

Congratulations to our four winners! All winners should have received their 500 Potter Points. To get your special trophy, please make a ticket in-game and a staff member will give it to you.
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Vote for PotterworldMC

Vote with the links below

Voting earns you 10 Voting Tokens per website, you can vote on each website once per day.

Check your token balance in-game by doing '/bal'.

Voting Tokens can be exchanged in the Trophy Room, which is located at the rear of the Great Hall.

Disclaimer: You can only receive your Voting Tokens if you are in-game at the time of voting. Also, please wait for your previous vote to process and produce a confirmation message in-game before moving onto the next website.