DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
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September Store Releases

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Greetings, witches and wizards!

As it is the beginning of the month of September, we have some new fitting store releases for you all to enjoy! You can purchase these items on the store by clicking here!

This month's store releases include the:
  • Butterbrew Festival Hat
  • Barrel of Butterbrew Hat
  • Butterbrew Tankard Hat
  • Hogsend Butterbrew Housing Scenery

We hope you enjoy these items!

These items are also available for purchase on the Potterpoints shop!


Inquisitorial Squad Updates

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Hello everyone!

As you may have seen before in-game, we have a team within Community Management known as the Inquisitorial Squad. Before today, this team’s goal was to plan and execute Team Building Activities (TBAs) and staff-only events for the Potterworld team to bring the team closer together. After a few months of working on TBAs for the staff team, we have decided it’s time to expand our reach and work towards bringing the entire Potterworld community together.

Starting in September, the Inquisitors will be hosting Community Engagement time twice a month (to fit multiple different time zones). Our hope with this time is to bridge the gap between the staff team and players and better get to know the members of our Potterworld community.

Community Engagement would take place both on Discord and in-game, and will be focused on connecting with the community through fun activities and games. These activities could include one-time bonding or competitive games, kahoot or trivia challenges, and much more! All of these Community Engagement activities would be up to you if you decide to join the team!

With this in mind, we’d like to announce that applications to join the Inquisitorial Squad are now open! If you are interested in joining the team and working towards engaging the Potterworld community, apply here!

More information about Community Engagement will come closer to our first event. If you have any questions regarding the application process or these new Inquisitorial Squad changes, feel free to message the Lead Inquisitor on Discord.

Back to School Store Sale

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Hello witches and wizards!

It's that time of year again where students will be excitingly returning to school! To celebrate, we have a back to school sale for you all for a limited time only! Until the 1st of September, all items on our store will receive up to 20% off!

Note: This sale does not apply to our Potter Points store in-game!

Thoughts and Actions on our current world…

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Salutations Potterworld Community,

In the last several months, we have seen protests surfacing in every US state and around the world. Many people, including us, feel the pain and anger over racial and social injustice in society, and the inequality is clear – change is overdue.

This world has a long history of racism. Humans love to group together, and then love to create division between groups unlike themselves. It is so ironic how people need each other but still try to separate each other when those “other people” don’t look like themselves. The things happening in the world are not new, they are stark examples of the ongoing struggles for equality and justice all around the world. Like many of you, I have struggled with processing these tragedies and thinking about what Potterworld and I can do to help.

When I created Potterworld, I knew from the beginning that I did not want to make Potterworld a social platform for me, or anyone to use as a place to soapbox social issues, religion, politics, or the like. The reason why we always “measure twice and cut once” when it comes to addressing things like this is because of this reason - which is my own stance on things. I want Potterworld to be a place of acceptance for ALL people no matter their background, no matter their beliefs. I want to make sure, especially during these times, that at a minimum, our Black friends and team members deserve to feel safe whether they are playing on Potterworld or helping to staff our server. We want to again commit to our rule of not accepting slurs in any form on the server. More than ever, we are making sure that we are committed to not only racial equality but all forms of social, political and belief equality as well.

I know many of you are affected in different ways. I...

Introducing the Scribe Team

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Greetings witches and wizards! It brings me huge excitement to introduce a new sub-department within the Community Management department: Scribes!

Scribes will be in charge of creating and maintaining the official Potterworld wiki page. It currently consists of 3 ranks:
  • Lead Scribe
  • Scribe Publisher
  • Scribe Intern
These are all staff ranks. Applications are currently open to staff members only, however, we plan on opening them to the public in the coming weeks once we figure out a good workflow.

With this new sub-department, the incredible Inquisitor Lead Garrison has moved from his Lead Inquisitor role to this new Lead Scribe role. He’s done an incredible job so far, and I can’t wait to see how he’ll be managing this sub-department moving forward!

Edit: Garrison is no longer leading the department. You can find who the Lead Prefect is by asking around, checking our discord server, or creating a ticket :)

We don’t know when we will release the wiki, but we have some amazing plans planned for it! We’re currently going through the application process for our new members.

Thank you all! We wanted to send out this announcement so you don’t get confused when you see a Scribe in game, and we hope to see an application from you once we open applications to the public! :D

August 2020 Store Releases

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Greetings witches and wizards!

As it is the start of a new month, we have released some new items that you can purchase on our store here!

This month's new store releases include:
  • Thestry Mount Broom Appearance
  • Sneeler Pet (it changes colors!)
  • Dark Wizard Staff
We hope you'll enjoy these new items!
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Builder Applications

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Hello everyone!

Builder applications have just been opened and we're very excited to bring new Builders onto the team.
Applications will remain open until the 13th of September, but we'd strongly advise applying as soon as you can!

- If you have been a Builder previously and want to rejoin the team, message us (Discord: RobotWizz#0019 // PotatoEmma#0137 or here on the forums) to receive the reinstatement application per the reinstatement protocol.
- You do not have to be the best Builder in the world to apply, everyone has their own strengths and we will fully support you with your journey as a Builder. All you need is the right mindset and dedication.
- The 'You must have a clean record' to apply rule has been removed - so apply if you can!
- If you know someone who would be fit for Builder, feel free to encourage them to apply. We'd appreciate every help we can get to expand the Build Team and produce many more builds for you to explore and enjoy.
- Make sure you meet all the requirements before applying.

Click here to apply!

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to message me us on discord (RobotWizz#0019 or PotatoEmma#0137) or here on the forums!

Best Regards,
The Build Team

Potterwatch Director Changes

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Hello everyone!

We’re excited to announce some changes regarding the Potterwatch Director position and team.
  • We've restructured our ranks to be just Director and Sr. Director, Director being the new starting position.
  • Potterwatch Director is now a staff rank. Anyone joining as a Director would also be joining the staff team.
  • When applying, one must pick a specialization (traditional videos or streams). This means one can join the team only to stream or only to make traditional videos. It is possible to do both, but one can only apply for one at a time and must apply at a later date for their second specialization.
We believe that these changes will greatly improve the team and encourage more people to join! Please contact the Head of Media if you have any questions.

If you are interested in becoming a Potterwatch Director, click here to access the application!
Keep in mind that you do not need to be an expert in video creation. As long as you know the basics and are eager to learn, you may be the right fit!
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Vote for PotterworldMC

Vote with the links below

Voting earns you 10 Voting Tokens per website, you can vote on each website once per day.

Check your token balance in-game by doing '/bal'.

Voting Tokens can be exchanged in the Trophy Room, which is located at the rear of the Great Hall.

Disclaimer: You can only receive your Voting Tokens if you are in-game at the time of voting. Also, please wait for your previous vote to process and produce a confirmation message in-game before moving onto the next website.