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Search results

  1. Pennox__

    Declined Option to allow residents to add residents in housing

    I don’t think joint residency would be implemented as it could come with a lot of cons. Isn’t the thing you need from your friends plot obtainable some other way? I think maybe certain perms as Honey_Dwarf mentioned could be a thing which allows selected people to micro manage various parts of...
  2. Pennox__

    Completed Bring back earning event tokens from /games

    I’m really bad at parkour in general but I, too play on a laptop and it makes me 10x worse 😧 I’ve just been doing droppers as I seem to be pretty skilful at falling haha
  3. Pennox__

    Declined Bring Back the Decoration of the Courtyard for Events

    I can imagine it’s very time consuming having to keep building when a new occasion/event is implemented. But, I do miss the decorations as it used to really spruce up the place. The Courtyard looks bare these days.
  4. Pennox__

    Completed Move Event NPCs to the courtyard instead of the Great Hall table

    I 100% agree. The only time I walk in that direction is when I visit the Trophy Room
  5. Pennox__

    Completed Move Event NPCs to the courtyard instead of the Great Hall table

    Me too! It really gave character to the school with each event
  6. Pennox__

    Valentines in the Enchanted Valley

    This sounds amazing! Well done to everyone involved 🙏🏼🎉
  7. Pennox__

    Declined Potterworld National Lottery

    Thank you all for your feedback :D it completely missed my mind that participating in a lottery is a form of gambling as I wrote that straight after a 12 hour night shift haha. Thank you for your comments though!
  8. Pennox__

    Declined Potterworld National Lottery

    Hey, I’ve started doing the national lottery and thought to myself “I wonder if Potterworld would implement something fun like this?” How would it work? So, each week players can choose upto five numbers ranging from 1-50 and two lucky numbers from 1-12 - one line for example, could cost 100g...
  9. Pennox__

    Declined Smoke Trail Broom Skin.

    Would love this! Take my money 💰
  10. Pennox__

    On-Hold Dragon Escape Minigame (PW Style)

    Hey, I was thinking that a Dragon Escape Minigame would be amazing to implement to the increasing number of mini games PW has to offer! It could be redesigned to fit a magical theme etc. Those that haven’t played the game on other servers, here is a gameplay clip that I found on YouTube to...
  11. Pennox__

    Duplicate Quest Tokens

    I did look to see if there were any previous mentions around this particular topic, but must’ve missed the thread. That makes sense because it’s not like I HAVE to do the quests, thank you :)
  12. Pennox__

    Duplicate Quest Tokens

    Hello guys, I’ve started doing the quests from year 1 and I’m stuck on the Crystal Ball parkour after multiple attempts. This means I won’t be able to complete the quest as I’m not great at parkour anyway. I was thinking, there could be ‘quest tokens’ implemented, which you can buy with...