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  1. Aviforma

    Under Review Leveling - Then vs Now

    maybe it's time we revert some of the revelius changes 🙏 as someone who helped build it
  2. Aviforma

    Under Review Leveling - Then vs Now

    idk i just think a lot of people liked the years a lot and thought they were neat
  3. Aviforma

    Under Review Leveling - Then vs Now

    what if we just went back to years instead of levels
  4. Aviforma

    Declined Tilly Statue in New Arena Halls

    Tilly has done an incredible amount for the arena community and has been a community member for years. I know this defies precedence or whatever you'd like to call it, but please. Break professionalism and listen to the community. Everyone is saying this is something we'd love to see, even staff...
  5. Aviforma

    Completed Release a comprehensive gear list

    Oh let's go! Thank you!
  6. Aviforma

    Declined Pointless Posts

    I appreciate everyone who's left their feedback. At the time of writing, the poll has 13 votes, 9 of which say they'd like this rule removed and the policing to end. That's not just a majority, that's a supermajority. Please take this as a sign of what your community wants, and listen to democracy.
  7. Aviforma

    Declined Pointless Posts

    Eden and I are good friends, I assure you. We both were light-hearted about the comment, don't worry.
  8. Aviforma

    Declined Pointless Posts

    Exactly! It's what makes our forums feel like a community, not a Socratic seminar. As much as I love the philosophers, no thank you. I'd rather smile and laugh as I read through a thread!
  9. Aviforma

    Declined Pointless Posts

    I know the PotterworldMC staff have been hard at work cleaning up our forums and removing any off-topic comments or those that do not contribute significantly to the discussion. Of course, we all appreciate the effort, but I believe there may be a better way to approach this. Essentially, in my...
  10. Aviforma

    Talents Player Testing

    Aviforma, 80, Aviforma#2582
  11. Aviforma

    Aviforma's Trial - Recap 4

    I had no part in the death of Lauren Strudel! Eat my dust, Ministry!
  12. Aviforma

    Declined Add a Year Requirement for Dueling Challenges

    Thank you for working on this change! I'm excited to see how loadouts are, as they seem like an effective solution to the issue.
  13. Aviforma

    Completed Release a comprehensive gear list

    Can't wait! Any day now, I think. If the bot has it, it shouldn't be too hard to just compile it.
  14. Aviforma

    Declined Change Quabbleball Scoring Rules (problems with defender cooldown)

    I definitely agree with this one. Passers are flying too close to the hoops!
  15. Aviforma

    Completed option to turn off player visibility in flying

    Sorry for being late to the conversation, but this is a great suggestion! Games like Mario Kart have top-down perspectives, so seeing your opponents isn't a huge issue as you still know where you're going. However, in Flying, you need to make split-second turns through tight intersections. This...
  16. Aviforma

    Declined Change the rule regarding approved mods.

    I am immensely in favor of this suggestion. I think it's important that there is clarity between the staff team and players, y'know? I hope this is elaborated upon!
  17. Aviforma

    Declined Marketplace Forums Revamp

    I am heavily in support of this suggestion. The marketplace tab on the forums is underused at the moment, and I think a revamp could really help with it becoming an active facet of the community.
  18. Aviforma

    Declined Discord new channel?

    I miss the old days of Potterworld, sometimes. Seeing memories like the old brewing system, grinding inferni for peppermint, all of that. It's nice to take a walk down memory lane, yeah? Just my two cents.
  19. Aviforma

    Declined Add Wool's Orphanage

    This is one of the most memorable places in the Harry Potter Cinematic Universe. I feel like having this location added on the map would increase my immersion. I'm fully in support!