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Search results

  1. cczz

    Declined Multiple custom wand names

    Make it so that you can purchase multiple wand names from the store and switch between them instead of being limited to a single custom wand rename
  2. cczz

    Declined Loadouts Changes

    hello all, it is me cczz / kyro I want to preface this thread by saying that I am by no means an expert in balancing or analytics, but from the research and analysis that I have done there is a crazy amount of imbalance in loadouts. Charms Master is the ONLY loadout used for players who play...
  3. cczz

    Completed Rejoin option for Gauntlets

    So I was playing Gauntlets and one of my friends disconnected which was out of their control, and I can see this being a problem for many players with unstable internet connections or not so great computers. I think that it would be a lot easier if there was a command, for example /rejoin...
  4. cczz

    Completed Remove event parkour cooldowns

    I think that the cooldown on event parkour is redundant and takes away from the grinding aspect as you need to wait at the end of the parkour for upwards of 20 seconds just to claim 3-4 snowflakes, which still requires you to complete the amount of parkour a decent amount of times before you can...
  5. cczz

    Feedback Star Battle is too slow and lacks players

    As it is now Star Battle : Domination in my opinion is not as fun as it used to be. 1. Guns Only viable weapon is the main Blaster kit. What's the point of the other kits if only one of them is viable? Sniper: It takes way too long to charge a shot, and I mean it takes WAAAY to long. If your...