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Housing size


Minecraft IGN: HektorTM
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf SPEW
As the server gets older and the players that have been here for a long time theres not much to do anymore. I believe having more freedom of building on your housing could potentially be a way to earn back players that enjoy building a lot.
By adding more(or only one more) housing size upgrade which makes the housing even bigger( 85x85 or even 105x105 or smth).
This would encourage players building way more and allow them to set big "goals" for them building wise.

I don't believe that this would cause lag as only the minority that really wants to build more would have this size. You could even make it almost as expensive as fly.
The Sceneries would have to be adjusted for this which is most likely the biggest con for this. But what if these sizes would have a default scenery for now until it gets figured out? OR even if players could build their scenery themselves.

Just a thought to bring some players that love building their housings back as the server is pretty empty atm.


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
By adding more(or only one more) housing size upgrade which makes the housing even bigger( 85x85 or even 105x105 or smth).
This would encourage players building way more and allow them to set big "goals" for them building wise.
The only thing that would change is the plot size. The gameplay would stay the same and the effort required from the dev and build teams to rework every scenery to work with the new plot size would be huge.


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf
An alternative that would be much easier to do is if they released the guild 'housings' that they talked about.. And finally give guilds at least some purpose


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf
I would definitely want to see an extra building plot or expansion because I'm at the point where I'm fine with my build in my housing and don't plan to massively redo it in the future. That's one of the reasons why I stopped building or really getting on the server much now.

Though I doubt that they will do that based on their previous replies to housing expansion threads. They mention that they won't be expanding plots beyond the current max boundary mostly due to what you mention about the housing sceneries. And people who have bought housing sceneries probably won't like it if the scenery got a major edit afterwards - plus most sceneries don't have that extra space to incorporate a larger expansion which would require the original builder to go back and reedit their scenery.

Any chance of having extra housing plots were shot down too - they talk about not having the tech or resources to do that in a reply. And I think the same thing was said about Guild Housing if they were using the current Housing setup.

Harrison mentioned this in the Housing Update thread -
Unfortunately for Guild Housing, our current Housing infrastructure does not give us the flexibility to make more Housing plots. This is something we hope to address in the future, but we have no ETA at the present point in time
In that same thread they did add the Guilds option in the House Access section of the house elf which could mean that a player in your Guild has to sacrifice their own Housing plot if they wanted to create some type of Guild Housing.

Though I think it would have been much better if Guild Housing was laid out similar to Vertick Alley or the old Hogsend Housing area so all of the guilds would be in one place. And it would use that old shop/housing plugin where players had click on a sign by the shop to rent out the space for a month.


Minecraft IGN: marmitemira
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower SPEW
Hello, @HektorTM,

Thank you so much for this suggestion. Unfortunately, this is a duplicate that has been previously declined. Changing the housing plot size would be a lot of work as the sceneries would have to be altered to fit the plot size. You can find further explanations on changing the housing plot size here. Furthermore, as @Somnambulist mentioned, the suggestion of adding more housing plots per player has also been declined in these threads: Thread 1 and Thread 2.

Nonetheless, we really appreciate your suggestion and feedback on housing. We hope you continue to share any ideas with us as we love hearing all suggestions to help improve the server. Thank you again and have a marvelous day!