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Map exploration


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
I've noticed that there's many threads on suggestions for the travel system, such as making the brooms faster, lowering the price of the floo or adding more warps to the warpkey and even reworking it.
(Overall suggestions, Thoughts On the Revelius Update..., Warp (Hear me out pls), A structured Critique of Revelius... these are just a few that mention the travelling/exploration of the map).

In this thread I'd like to propose a different take on the issue of exploring. (TLDR at the bottom)

Under most of the mentioned threads, the answer/reason the travelling hasn't changed is "To encourage exploration" but it's more like forcing exploration. No teleports/expensive floo dust, slow brooms all sound like "let's slow the player as much as we can so they're stuck in one location for a long time because that's what exploration is".

Sidenote: Most of the new players want to experience Potterworld in a Harry Potter way, basically go sightseeing, however this isn't possible with the current system and due to the sheer size of the map, but this is a discussion that's meant for the other threads.

Most players that have a broom and want to travel between the towns just fly up, well above the trees, align themselves to the coords and fly holding W, that's not exploration.

There's also the saying that it wouldn't be fair to those people that built the map to enable warping, because players wouldn't see the world. To be honest, I would agree with those statements..... IF THERE WAS SOMETHING TO EXPLORE !

The map overall

The current map is really barren, it feels like the terrain was done in World Painter and the towns were copied and pasted and then someone with World Edit painted the paths between the towns.

Here's the map with a highlighted area, where there's nothing. Just the same trees copy and pasted and a few hills. Nothing interesting. Note, that the distance between Appleby and Griffin's Hollow is rougly 3000 blocks, 30km, 18.6mi, with nothing in between those towns.


(Maybe founding a player town between Griffin's Hollow and Appleby wouldn't be a bad idea. Similar to how players can buy housing theme, they would be able to buy a parcel in this town, Other players would want to visit player's houses without using commands.)


In real life, most cities and towns were founded near a river, due to the access to clean water. Some have been founded in the hills where rare materials have been found and so mines were made, or on vast plains where the soil was rich enough to start farming.

But when it comes to Potterworld a town is just a few houses. It just... exists. And seems to serve one purpose - make the map feel a tiny bit less empty. Let's look at Appleby village for example
There's 9 houses, they all look similar.
Are they supposed to be medieval themed, or is it a work of a modern developer that uses one visual language.​
There's 2 stands to imply a market. However with 9 houses and the nearest town being Hogsend, I doubt that it's prosperous to be a trader here. So, what is or was the village's purpose, why was it founded here ? Was it because of mining ? Can't see no mines. Maybe forestry ? Nah, trees are standing tall and strong.​
Appleby doesn't expand the lore, doesn't tell a story, it just exists.

The same can be said about Edgebrook and Wightwaye.

Small note: Idk if it's in the Harry Potter books or the last movie, I haven't read them and watched it and I'm avoiding spoilers.


Towns and villages are really empty and even IF there are NPCs, they usually have one of the two skins. Outside of Hogsworth castle, there's around 8 NPCs in total. The whole Hogsworth has around 8. NPCs. Outside.

Most of the places look like there's a lockdown happening or a mass extinction when they should be booming with life instead.

Let's look at Diagon Alley for example, here is how it looks like in the movies:
and in the game:
Here's the current NPC skin variation in Diagon Alley - spoiler: there is none, it's the same in Hogsworth
(Maybe the situation is the same in more towns but I don't know, because due to the current travel system, I can't easily go there)
1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg
(Click to open a higher resolution image)
Kinda weird seeing the same skins over and over when there's a staff role specifically that is dedicated to making skins - Skin Arithmancer. Does PW even have any ?

What I propose is to add more NPCs along with more NPC skin variety to the towns and places so they'd feel more alive.

Forests and paths

There's usually no grass in the forest and everything looks like a football (soccer) field that's been cut and trimmed before a match. And the only moving thing in a forest is usually a player, sometimes an NPC that spawned and attacks the player.

The map lacks foliage, dead trees, small caves, abandoned houses....

Making forests more life-like would help with the immersion and explorability, a video from Dukonred1(now retired from YT) describes it perfectly. (Really worth a watch, please watch it):

What would also greatly help with explorability is adding random "mini stories" to the map. Like it is in Kingdom Come: Deliverance with Interesting Sites (abandoned bandit camps/houses, mini water wheels, stone carvings... basically things that make the world feel alive)

Few examples:

You are walking on a path in the forest, between towns. You notice there's a wagon/carriage with a broken wheel and blood (redstone) on the ground. You decide to follow the blood and...
  1. you find a small cave, you decide to enter it, you use your Lumos spell to see, because it's really dark. You go deeper and deeper into the cave, then you see a big black blob of something. It's an aggresive bear[Insert any dangerous animal] ! But also there's something shiny behind him. You can decide to either run away from the bear, or fight it and take the loot that it has been hiding.
  2. you find more blood, the trail seems to be longer than you expected, but you decide to stick to it. You go further, but you suddenly hear voices, you decide to be more careful and try to check it out. It's a dark follower camp and they seem to be guarding someone in a cage ! Do you go back where you came from or do you fight your way to the prisoner ?
Or you come to crossroads, there's someone standing there, you decide to approach him and say hi to him. He tells you he's a traveller and asks you if you can point him in the right direction. He's looking for one place, but he doesn't know what is it called, but he can describe it to you. He mentions a few things and then you can guess or know the answer and say the place he's looking for is (choose in the menu) A, B or C. If you're right, he decides to give you a rare gift from his travels. Basically a game of trivia, but not in class.
Or maybe you come to a place, where the the trees are tilted, fallen, broken. Something big must've done this. You decide to check it out and find a few trolls......
Destroyed house with hidden treasure ?.... the options go on and on

What the forests also lack is wildlife. It would be nice to see wild hogs, deer or bunnies in the forest.

  • Map right now isn't interesting at all, feels "plastic/fake", there's no point in exploring
  • Maybe add a player town with player houses between Griffin's Hollow and Appleby ? (I am not too sure on this)
  • Add "purpose" to some places that need it - by purpose I mean some kind of lore or grounding it to real life (?) Like "this town's purpose is farming, this one's is trading", not just random houses in the middle of nowhere
  • Add explorable details to the map - "accidents" on the road, animal dens, caves, hidden camps, random miniquests(?)...
  • Add immersive details to the map - wildlife, bushes, grass, foliage, dead trees...
  • Add more skins for NPCs - there's like two, maybe three different NPC skins. It really feels fake
  • Add more NPCs in towns - so there's some variety and make the places feel more alive
Edit: Grammar, NPCs
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Minecraft IGN: xxXperteXxx
Auralock Serpent
I think the current map has an incredible potential for future updates with many new quests, stories, towns, mob areas and other builds! I think it is possible that the Building Team is already working on some additions to the map. In my opinion, the map isn't finished yet, but therefor we are allowed to get hyped whenever a map change is announced.


Minecraft IGN: Cateo
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf
I really like this idea!! I don't travel a lot on PW (mostly focused on building and moderating). But I think with more builds/hidden quests implemented in the forests would stronger encourage players (and myself) to explore more! I also really like the NPC idea, with more custom skins over just the regular Steve/Alex models, this could hugely expand the design of the game!


Minecraft IGN: Yoru1E
Make these quests give copious amounts of EXP and augment the main storyline and I’m in full support. That could be a solution to the insane EXP margins starting from 6th year onwards.


Minecraft IGN: Jacooob_
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire
I really like the idea regarding the NPC's, that would bring so much life to towns and areas with little to no effort.


Minecraft IGN: Joshios
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
I would love to see more secret features / quests around the world! I feel like a lot of players would enjoy this feature. Adding more npcs to places for the sake of it looking crowded doesn't really make sense to me. I believe that would probably cause lag as well, and that doesn't really add any extra gameplay. I know the Unspeakable team is working hard on releasing new content to fill the world, and I'm excited to see future gameplay updates :)


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
Adding more npcs to places for the sake of it looking crowded doesn't really make sense to me
It is not for the sake of making a place looking crowded. The Diagon Alley comparison was just to give you an idea how really empty it looks in Minecraft. It'd be more like adding life to the places than crowds.

Hogsend in the movies:
In the game:

I believe that would probably cause lag as well, and that doesn't really add any extra gameplay.
Looking down Diagon alley, there's 26 visible entities rendered out of 140
entities 1.PNG

Looking up the Great Staircase, there's 272 visible entities rendered out of 729
entities 2.PNG
6.jpg 7.jpg

That's almost 600 more entities difference. I think there's enough headroom for more NPCs in other places. After all, do the paintings in GS cause lag ? Only when I use shaders. Do they really add any extra gameplay ? Not at all... but it's more immersive, just like more NPCs would be and the rest of the suggestions.


Minecraft IGN: Scoobydoolego
I love this suggestion! People have kept saying we need cheaper fire dust, more warps, faster brooms, etc. But the truth is, the reason travel is so boring is because the map feels so dead. Forced exploration wouldn't be so bad if the exploration itself was actually fun.


Minecraft IGN: Miss_Strudel
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Staff Vampire Werewolf Lead Game Designer SPEW Lead
Hi, I’d like to give some insight on some of your suggestions. Some of the things you’ve suggested involve other departments aside from game design, so I’m only touching on the things I’m knowledgeable about.

- Empty space between Griffin’s Hollow and Appleby
We do have something already in the works that will help make this area of the map more immersive (; It is an active goal of the game design team to further fill out the map with gameplay beyond that in current towns. While I think the player-owned town would be really fun, we already have a housing system and this is would be a large developer project while there is so much else to work on- such as the future dungeons that have been announced.

- Empty Towns
I definitely can recognize and agree that the towns you’ve mentioned have no currently accessible lore, gameplay, or really anything at all aside from physical buildings. This isn’t something the game design team wants at all, but the main issue we run into is that there’s too much work to do it all right now. We want to add quests, npcs, tasks, history, etc to every town, but this is an extremely lengthy process and done by a small team of volunteers. Things will be added to these towns. However, there is zero eta regarding when we will get to each of them.

- NPCs in towns
I am not knowledgeable about the possibility of skin variation, but in terms of the number of npcs it is not possible for us to have as many as shown in Diagon Alley in the films. Having such a large number of npcs would be very harmful to server performance. You’re right that there is extensive use of paintings in the great hall, but this is such an essential detail from the books to the most important part of the map. Putting lots of npcs in every town for a better aesthetic would in my opinion not be worth a performance cost.

- Hidden things to do on the map
Completely agree with this suggestion. It’s not only game design’s goal to fill out the towns, but also to fill out the rest of the map with small hidden things to do, like the mini-quest type gameplay ideas you’ve mentioned. This will be a slow and lengthy process again due to our team limitations, but definitely a great idea!

A lot of what you’ve mentioned regarding gameplay is already planned or a good idea. The only thing that’s going to make it happen quicker is if more players apply to join the unspeakable team (;


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
While I think the player-owned town would be really fun, we already have a housing system and this is would be a large developer project while there is so much else to work on
Yeah I wasn't really sure on this one due to the development required. Maybe a building competition would suffice. Each month a different topic (tavern, shop, a house...) and the winner's house will get added to the player-made (not player-owned) town.

Edit: Community Involvement - Check, Map Improvement - Check... at least two birds with one stone

I am not knowledgeable about the possibility of skin variation, but in terms of the number of npcs it is not possible for us to have as many as shown in Diagon Alley in the films.
I explained the movie pictures in my previous post, we don't necessarily need every UK citizen on the map:
The Diagon Alley comparison was just to give you an idea how really empty it looks in Minecraft.
Having such a large number of npcs would be very harmful to server performance
Players, NPCs, paintings item frames are all entities and with 140 of them in Diagon Alley compared to 729 GS, it doesn't seem fair for one area to be so "filled" and the rest so barren... even adding at least 30 NPCs to one place would feel less abandoned than now.

You’re right that there is extensive use of paintings in the great hall, but this is such an essential detail from the books to the most important part of the map.
Paintings can be done differently, with spare blocks for example if one would care about performance, instead of how it is now. I don't think paintings are "essential", they're there just for the aesthetic, nothing else, just like the NPCs would be. "The most important" part of the map has 729 entities and at the same time it's also the laggiest. It wouldn't be the first time appearance would come before the performance and I doubt we need 500 NPCs per town.

Putting lots of npcs in every town for a better aesthetic would in my opinion not be worth a performance cost.
You can change the "npcs" to "paintings" and "town" for "place" and you have the same argument. After all, I don't think the server keeps certain chunks loaded, so the area would load only if there was a player.

However, I can be wrong and maybe the server keeps chunks loaded due to quests and entities as well, so adding more NPCs overall could perhaps really bring the server to it's knees.

I'm glad you took your time to read my lenghty post and respond to each point :)
I've noticed that there's many threads on suggestions for the travel system, such as making the brooms faster, lowering the price of the floo or adding more warps to the warpkey and even reworking it.
(Overall suggestions, Thoughts On the Revelius Update..., Warp (Hear me out pls), A structured Critique of Revelius... these are just a few that mention the travelling/exploration of the map).

In this thread I'd like to propose a different take on the issue of exploring. (TLDR at the bottom)

Under most of the mentioned threads, the answer/reason the travelling hasn't changed is "To encourage exploration" but it's more like forcing exploration. No teleports/expensive floo dust, slow brooms all sound like "let's slow the player as much as we can so they're stuck in one location for a long time because that's what exploration is".

Sidenote: Most of the new player probably want to experience Potterworld in a Harry Potter way, basically go sightseeing, however this isn't possible with the current system and due to the sheer size of the map, but this is a discussion that's meant for the other threads.

Most players that have a broom and want to travel between the towns just fly up, well above the trees, align themselves to the coords and fly holding W, that's not exploration.

There's also the saying that it wouldn't be fair to those people that built the map to enable warping, because players wouldn't see the world. To be honest, I would agree with those statements that physical travel should be encouraged to "encourage exploration" and that the builder's work wouldn't be pointless...... IF THERE WAS SOMETHING TO EXPLORE !

The map overall

The current map is really barren, it feels like the terrain was done in World Painter and the towns were copied and pasted and someone with world edit painted paths between the towns.

Here's the map with highlighted area, where there's nothing. Just the same trees copy and pasted and a few hills. Nothing interesting. Note, that the distance between Appleby and Griffin's Hollow is rougly 3000 blocks, 30km, 18.6mi with nothing in between them.

Maybe founding a player town between Griffin's Hollow and Appleby wouldn't be a bad idea. Similar to how players can buy housing theme, they would be able to buy a parcel in this town, Other players would want to visit player's houses without using commands.


In real life, most of the cities and towns were founded near a river, due to the access to clean water, some have been founded in the hills where there's been rare materials and so mines were made, or on vast plains where the soil was rich enough to start farms.

But when it comes to Potterworld a town is just a few houses. The town just... exists. It looks just like a filler for the map. Let's look at Appleby village for example
There's 9 houses, they all look similar. Are they supposed to be medieval themed, or is it a work of a modern developer that uses one visual language. There's 2 stands to imply a market. However with 9 houses and the nearest town being Hogsend, I doubt that it's prosperous to be a trader here. So, what is or was the village's purpose, why was it founded here ? Was it because of mining ? Can't see no mines. Forestry ? Trees are standing tall and strong. Appleby doesn't expand the lore, doesn't tell a story, it just exists.
The same can be said about Edgebrook and Wightwaye.

Small note: If it's related to Harry Potter in some way, especially the last book/movie, just say it's in the last book/movie, because I have not yet read/seen the ending of HP and I'm trying to avoid spoilers.


Towns and villages are really empty and even IF there are NPCs, they usually have the same skins as other NPCs somewhere else.
In Hogsworth, there's like 8 NPCs outside in total. The whole Hogsworth has around 8. NPCs. Outside.

Most of the places seem like there's a lockdown happening or a mass extinction when they should be booming with life.

Diagon Alley for example, here is how it looks like in the movies:
In the game:
Here's the current NPC variation in Diagon Alley - there is none, it's the same in Hogsworth (I don't know about other locations, because due to the current travel system, it's not easy to travel)
View attachment 954 View attachment 955 View attachment 956
(Click to open higher resolution)
Kinda weird seeing the same skins over and over when there's a staff role specifically that is dedicated to making skins - Skin Arithmancer

What I propose is to add more NPCs to feel the towns and places feel more alive along with more skin variety.

Forests and paths

The map lacks foliage, dead trees, small caves, abandoned houses....

There's usually no grass in the forest and everything looks like a football (soccer) field that's been cut and trimmed before a match. And the only thing in the forest is usually a player, sometimes an NPC that spawned and attacks the player.

Making forests more life-like would help with the immersion and explorability, a video from Dukonred1(now retired from YT) describes it perfectly. (Really worth a watch, please watch it):

What would also greatly help with explorability is adding random "mini stories" to the map. Like it is in Kingdom Come: Deliverance with Interesting Sites (abandoned bandit camps/houses, mini water wheels, stone carvings... basically things that make the world feel alive)

Few examples:

You are walking on a path in the forest, between towns. You notice there's a wagon/carriage with a broken wheel and blood (redstone) on the ground. You decide to follow the blood and...
  1. you find a small cave, you decide to enter it, you use your Lumos spell to see, because it's really dark. You go deeper and deeper into the cave, then you see a big black blob of something. It's an aggresive bear[Insert any dangerous animal] ! But also there's something shiny behind him. You can decide to either run away from the bear, or fight it and take the loot that it has been hiding.
  2. you find more blood, the trail seems to be longer than you expected, but you decide to stick to it. You go further, but you suddenly hear voices, you decide to be more careful and try to check it out. It's a dark follower camp and they seem to be guarding someone in a cage ! Do you go back where you came from or do you fight your way to the prisoner ?
Or you come to crossroads, there's someone standing there, you decide to approach him and say hi to him. He tells you he's a traveller and asks you if you can point him in the right direction. He's looking for one place, but he doesn't know what is it called, but he can describe it to you. He mentions a few things and then you can guess or know the answer and say the place he's looking for is (choose in the menu) A, B or C. If you're right, he decides to give you a rare gift from his travels. Basically a game of trivia, but not in class.
Or maybe you come to a place, where the the trees are tilted, fallen, broken. Something big must've done this. You decide to check it out and find a few trolls......
Destroyed house with hidden treasure ?.... the options go on and on

What the forests also lack is wildlife. It would be nice to see wild hogs, deer or bunnies in the forest.

  • Map right now isn't interesting at all, feels "plastic/fake", there's no point in exploring
  • Maybe add a player town with player houses between Griffin's Hollow and Appleby ? (I am not too sure on this)
  • Add "purpose" to some places that need it - by purpose I mean some kind of lore or grounding it to real life (?) Like "this town's purpose is farming, this one's is trading", not just random houses in the middle of nowhere
  • Add explorable details to the map - "accidents" on the road, animal dens, caves, hidden camps, random miniquests(?)...
  • Add immersive details to the map - wildlife, bushes, grass, foliage, dead trees...
  • Add more NPCs in towns - add more skins for NPCs so there's some variety and make the places feel more alive...
Edit: Grammar, NPCs
Map overall
You are right, on this empty place could be added the Tonks' house (Another thread) and the trees can be modified!

You are right. When I joined Potterworld the first time and looked at the map, the only towns I recognized were: Haggelton, London, Ireland (It isn't a town, I just recognized it) and Riddleyard. When I saw Appleby Village, I saw a pepeconfused-face for a second and then shouted: "Wtf is this?!".

Maybe I am the chosen one to explain that: NPCs bring lags. If the server already has lags, why do we need more of them? If the Diagon Alley wouldl look like in the films, no one will find his way from the wall to Gringotts, even to the Weasleys Shop! I don't like how the NPCs look. They have to look more different.

Forest and paths
Yeah, you're right, the forest doesn't look very nice, the grass and the paths too. For the grass the server can choose a better color, for the paths too. The trees have to be more individual, right ;).


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Serpent Werewolf
Hi, I’d like to give some insight on some of your suggestions. Some of the things you’ve suggested involve other departments aside from game design, so I’m only touching on the things I’m knowledgeable about.

- Empty space between Griffin’s Hollow and Appleby
We do have something already in the works that will help make this area of the map more immersive (; It is an active goal of the game design team to further fill out the map with gameplay beyond that in current towns. While I think the player-owned town would be really fun, we already have a housing system and this is would be a large developer project while there is so much else to work on- such as the future dungeons that have been announced.

- Empty Towns
I definitely can recognize and agree that the towns you’ve mentioned have no currently accessible lore, gameplay, or really anything at all aside from physical buildings. This isn’t something the game design team wants at all, but the main issue we run into is that there’s too much work to do it all right now. We want to add quests, npcs, tasks, history, etc to every town, but this is an extremely lengthy process and done by a small team of volunteers. Things will be added to these towns. However, there is zero eta regarding when we will get to each of them.

- NPCs in towns
I am not knowledgeable about the possibility of skin variation, but in terms of the number of npcs it is not possible for us to have as many as shown in Diagon Alley in the films. Having such a large number of npcs would be very harmful to server performance. You’re right that there is extensive use of paintings in the great hall, but this is such an essential detail from the books to the most important part of the map. Putting lots of npcs in every town for a better aesthetic would in my opinion not be worth a performance cost.

- Hidden things to do on the map
Completely agree with this suggestion. It’s not only game design’s goal to fill out the towns, but also to fill out the rest of the map with small hidden things to do, like the mini-quest type gameplay ideas you’ve mentioned. This will be a slow and lengthy process again due to our team limitations, but definitely a great idea!

A lot of what you’ve mentioned regarding gameplay is already planned or a good idea. The only thing that’s going to make it happen quicker is if more players apply to join the unspeakable team (;


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
If the server already has lags, why do we need more of them?
Here's how it looks on the Witchcraft and Wizardry singleplayer map, which for some reason runs better than the server.

If the Diagon Alley wouldl look like in the films, no one will find his way from the wall to Gringotts, even to the Weasleys Shop!
Not everything has to be done in a huge scale 3:1 with no details and within 50 blocks of the player so they know where to go. Most people have seen the movies (i don't remember the desc. in the books) and know that The Gringotts is at the end and Weasley's shop on the right.

Does it look like it's from the movies ? Yes. Would someone get lost ? I doubt it. On PW if you go away from the big main empty street you find yourself at another big empty street. Here if you get lost you can just follow the people.



About those NPCs and world detail...you can walk into 90% of the shops, for example, here's an alley next to Weasley's shop

You can walk it down. Details everywhere.


Oh look, wooden door - i can walk in

Wow, this shop is far away from the main "road", you can tell because there's leaves on the ground so they don't pay that much attention to how they present themselves.

It even has a cellar


With a reward at the end.

And this was just an example. Every location tells a story, and doesn't feel dead, it's not obnoxiously big and background noise of people walking and talking helps the immersion. Hidden chests and gold are everywhere to ENCOURAGE not force exploration and they provide useful loot in the form of gold or if you get junk, you can read what it is for or sell it at one place.

Edit: Here's a video with sound
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Minecraft IGN: KipxSateee
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven SPEW Sr. Poltergeist
Hia @Pankakes,

Thank you for your broad feedback, this really helps us in understanding what you would like to have changed/improved, who might benefit from that and what it would take to possibly implement your feedback.

I'll bring your feedback to my fellow Poltergeists and this will, in turn, be brought to the appropriate teams with Potterworld. To help you and readers understand what I'm passing on, I'll post a summary of what I've picked up below. Everything stated is meant to be written from your perspective, therefore this does not include my opinion or an official response on whether or not it'll be implemented.

Main theme: Exploration, Immersion & details within the world

You mentioned how it currently doesn't feel like exploring, but rather forced exploration. This is caused by (but not limited to) insufficient teleports, too expensive fire dust, slow brooms, and further items mentioned below.

The result of this is that people note their destination coordinates, fly above the trees and hold the forward (W) key, where this is not considered exploration. Additionally, this gives a "plastic" feel to the world.

Map Overall
You mentioned how the world feels barren. This is because of the feeling that it is done in World Painter and afterward copy-pasted, with paths in between built afterward. You provided a lovely screenshot of the area that was primarily focussed on in your feedback (Appleby Village), I'll attach this along with this summary.

You touch on the possibility to add player towns in between, where players can buy a parcel and then players can visit without having to use commands (primarily /housing). This would help fill the gap that might currently be present between these towns.

The feedback in this sub-section is mostly meant for Appleby Village, however, Edgebrook and Wightwaye are mentioned in the same perspective. The houses look very familiar to each other and the village overall does not fulfill a purpose why a village would be built there (resources, water, forestry). Additionally, there is no lore or story present.

NPCs Skin and density
Some locations (Diagonal Lane and Hogsend were mentioned) are very busy locations as mentioned in the movies, where in-game they there only are a few NPCs present. Additionally, they lack variation and because they are re-used at multiple locations this is very noticeable.

Forest details and Mini-stories
The map lacks foliage. A few things that were mentioned were no grass in the forest, dead trees, small caves, abandoned houses, and more. This could be an important part of creating more immersion. Adding certain "explorable details" really adds to the value of a location on the map. Thank you for adding a few examples, they were nice to go through to get a good feeling for the possibilities.

Did I miss anything? If so, please let me know and I'll attach it.

I will forward this to our team and once the team had an opportunity to review them, and a decision has been reached, we'll keep you up to date on this thread. Again, thank you for posting this.

I wish you a wonderful day :heart:

Kind regards,


Minecraft IGN: Jacooob_
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire
I think player owned towns would be so good. Perhaps people could apply to become like a "count" or something more Harry Potter related. (I'm thinking like a title of nobility, a land owner, that sort of thing).

People who successfully obtain this rank/role/title would have to prove themselves not only as a positive and upstanding member of the server, but someone who has great building abilities. And with this role comes the privilege of being able to build in your own town.

Essentially like a server builder, but solely for your town, nowhere else. This way you could create more towns and villages around the barren wasteland.