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Pronouns in personalisation


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: VynVibes
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
I was thinking about if there was a way to add a setting in personalisation for pronouns, so that when you shift right clicked on someone, when hovering over their head you could see what pronouns they use. There could maybe be a set group of things to pick from so that in case of people who may abuse the feature, they would only be able to pick one specific thing. If someone didn't have pronouns in the specific set then there could be an option for Ask? such as those who use neopronouns.


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
I think this will get declined just like all the topics with the same idea before.

Discord Pronoun Roles - Declined
Add gender roles for the discord! - Declined
New discord roles - Declined
TLDR there should be ranks that give us our preferred pronouns - Duplicate of a declined suggestion
Biography Plugin - Under review

While all of them except the last one are suggesting pronouns for Discord, I think it's good to quote @Ash Griffiths on why they've been declined. Quote taken from "New discord roles"


Thanks for taking the time to put yourself and your idea out there. I love to see the ideas that people have for the server! This suggestion is something that was discussed and considered among the leadership team. Unfortunately we decided that we will not be accepting this suggestion, and this decision comes from a number of reasons:

- We understand that the goal of this suggestion is to be inclusive and that is what we want to do as far as possible on Potterworld, but there is a large chance and it is almost inevitable that people will misuse something like this. Many people take gender and pronouns very seriously, and they could get offended at the misuse of such a system.

- Something that Potterworld prides itself in is being an escape for many people and we try our best to not compromise that. There is no way for us to tell how many people would end up misusing something like this or go about protecting the community in the instance of this behaviour. Therefore, we do not want to risk this type of thing happening.

- We recognise that there are so many ways that a person can identify and it would be impossible for us to represent them all. Implementing a few of the different gender pronouns would mean that people could likely feel excluded because their form of gender identification and expression is represented. People could become upset because their pronoun is not included, and we would like to avoid this as far as possible.

- Having a system like this might make people feel like they are forced to identify as a particular gender, when they actually aren't even sure about which gender they identify with. They could feel pressured into getting a role and they would be forced to pick a gender.

This decision was not made lightly. It was thought about and spoken about a lot among the leadership team. A lot of us would want to do something like this, but we want to make sure that we protect the community. We believe that people should tell others their pronouns, and we encourage you to include your pronouns in your nickname on the server or in your Discord status.
TL;DR: Easier to pick on others. Wouldn't include every pronoun. Not everyone wants to conform to certain pronouns.

My take on it:
If you aren't sure, just ask in a message.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Mekala_
Honeybadger Auralock
Hey @VynVibes!

Thank you for taking the time to write this suggestion. At this point in time, someone has already suggested a similar idea. You can find this suggestion here. It is still under review so keep an eye on this original thread for our decision!

Have a fantastic day!