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Some General Suggestions:


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Shibanu
Serpent Werewolf
Hi! I'm fairly new to the server, thus apologise if these suggestions are commonly brought up!

I've been playing for a few days, and have thought of a few things to make the map easier to traverse and be less monotonous for quests.

1. More information on signs on Grand Staircase. It's quite annoying to ask where *e.g. Divination* is and not always get a response. A way to solve this would be to add a list of each department on the Grand Staircase signs. "2nd Floor *newline* For Divination, Library" - I know this is not accurate but I struggle to remember where each department is! Also, add signs to the kitchens on the badger sign on the grand staircase as it is a bit counter intuitive to go down there to get to the kitchen when the only information you have is that the honeybadger commons is located there. Also more signs to direct people around in the corridors, for those who struggle or get lost easily. It's a huge map!

2. Add a fast travel to explored locations system. If this would make questing too quick, add a cost, like gold or fire dust, to let people set multiple warps in their warp bag. It's been hard as the spiders can kill in one or two hits and you then have to walk ALL THE WAY back to finish the arachnicide quest.

3. More variation in questing. I feel like most quests are long monotonous fetch quests that while have a good story tend to follow the same system. e.g. Talk to person 1. They tell you to collect or do something all the way across the castle. You go do that thing, or collect ingredients, then go all the way back to finish the quest - even warping to the great hall doesn't save much time, and I'd rather not be constantly running around the castle. It's made worse when the next quest you decide to do has you returning to a point previously visited - I've run back and forth to the groundskeeper's hut more than I'd like to admit!
3b. Given 90% of the castle is corridors, maybe add more rooms with tasks and side quests that can be completed in 10-15 mins - they could even randomly pop up to make the castle feel more alive. I understand this could be difficult to implement but give more to do among completing the bigger quests like playing the minigames. Maybe add random events for everyone - e.g. Someone's book has been stolen. First to find it wins 5 AC or gold reward. The book is spawned randomly around (the dungeons) or (the herbology greenhouses). This would create more excitement - maybe even have multiple happening at once for maximum competition!

4. Add player locations to the map, and maybe implement /tpa for friends to meet up together for example to fight mobs together - to balance this, maybe unlock tpa at year 2.

5. I believe this is already in progress but a complete floor map of the castle would be greatly beneficial - I would say I have a good sense of direction, but it's so easy to lose that with all the spiral staircases and painting teleports!
5b. A map of Diagonal Alley would also be great as it can be confusing at first glance and takes a lot of experience and memory to get around flawlessly!

Thank you for taking the time to read these ideas - I apologise if you get these points a lot, but from the perspective of a new person to the server, these ideas could certainly motivate people to come on more as it would be easier to get around without necessarily asking for help every few minutes!



New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Shibanu
Serpent Werewolf
I agree with every suggestion you said with the exception of /tpa. If a /tpa was created someone with a bunch of alts could put them around the map and essentially create a fast travel system all on its own. Everything else is really cool though.
Hadn't thought of that, valid point. that could potentially unbalance any implemented fast travel system too! However, if it was unlocked at year X, all alts would have to get to that stage to unlock it as well!


Minecraft IGN: Rhines
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Linked
Hadn't thought of that, valid point. that could potentially unbalance any implemented fast travel system too! However, if it was unlocked at year X, all alts would have to get to that stage to unlock it as well!
TPing might be a bit much. What about your party members or friends on your friend list displaying on the map instead?


Minecraft IGN: may2070
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
I agree with everything you said except for the tpaing. I feel like it would retract from the exploration focus this update has, as tpaing could be used for fast travel. I also feel that way towards the map as well, so perhaps we could have more quests within areas of the castle that incite people to explore it? (Similar to your third point you suggested).
1. More information on signs on Grand Staircase. It's quite annoying to ask where *e.g. Divination* is and not always get a response. A way to solve this would be to add a list of each department on the Grand Staircase signs. "2nd Floor *newline* For Divination, Library" - I know this is not accurate but I struggle to remember where each department is! Also, add signs to the kitchens on the badger sign on the grand staircase as it is a bit counter intuitive to go down there to get to the kitchen when the only information you have is that the honeybadger commons is located there. Also more signs to direct people around in the corridors, for those who struggle or get lost easily. It's a huge map!
I've seen players go down the wrong first floor corridor because of this :') This would be a really cool addition!


Potterworld Legend
Minecraft IGN: Invisibilia
Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW Sr. Prefect Linked Faerie
Heya @Shibanu,
Apologies for the delay but I have now brought up most of your suggestions to the Poltergeist Team. The exceptions are those that have already been discussed, for example the Hogsworth map here or the more warps idea here and in various other threads. Seeing yourself on the online map is also something that has already been suggested here and it has already been implemented in a way. If you do /map, the online map shows you the location you did it at.
Thank you for bringing forward all these suggestions and have a great day!


Minecraft IGN: Psycho
Phoenix Raven Werewolf Linked
Definitely agree with additional signs that have more information on them.

3B sounds like it would be fun and exciting to see happen. Especially the part about random events in the school. I can imagine it being similar to the Daily Riddle and how staff have done previous Hide and Seek events around the map.


Minecraft IGN: Jacooob_
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire Linked
With Scarlett being implemented there isn't any need to know where you're going anymore. I've actually just finished working on my "First Year Guide" video - It's completely pointless now that Scarlett is a thing, but I've decided to upload it anyway, as i've already made it.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Awesome_Andy1234
I agree with every suggestion you said with the exception of /tpa. If a /tpa was created someone with a bunch of alts could put them around the map and essentially create a fast travel system all on its own. Everything else is really cool though.
I think there should be a cooldown thats too long to use as a fast travel system, but still useful between friends


Minecraft IGN: AzureAsh
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW Linked
Heya @Shibanu! Apologies for the delay in this response! Thank you for submitting this list of suggestions! It means a lot to us and we really appreciate the time you have taken to bring these to us. I'll address your points in order below.

1. We introduced Scarlett a while ago that helps players find their way around the castle, as well as various helping NPCs that can be located around the castle that point players to main locations. We have also added the compass which can be obtained in /me and points you to locations around the castle, helping players to get there quicker. Additionally, extra signs have been placed around the castle to help players navigate the castle easier.

2. We have upgraded the warp key bag to have a second unlockable warp, as well as a permanent warp to Hogsworth. We have also reduced the cost of firedust and made it more easily obtainable by placing house elves that sell firedust at more fireplaces around the world.

3. In terms of quests, our goal is to always release better quests, and we will be looking at making quests more interactive and unique. We are working on and will be working on adding more quests, side-quests and world interactions for players to come across to fill up both the castle and the rest of the world.

4. We have added the ability for you to see yourself on the map, and we do not have any plans to be able to see other players on the map at this point. We will not be adding the ability for players to use /tpa, as this would be overpowered and would not fit in our server, as well as bypassing fast travel systems and other means of travelling around the map.

5. We have added a map of the castle to the map on the website, and we hope this helps navigate around the castle, as well as the additions mentioned above that will help navigate around the castle. With regards to a map of Diagonal Lane, this is something we will look at doing in future, but there is no ETA on this.

I hope this covers everything! As we have worked on most of these points and are continuing to work on them, I will be marking this thread as accepted - completed. If you would like to see a bit more explanation on some of the things we have worked on and are working on, feel free to check out
this thread.