DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
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Builder Applications

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Hello everyone!

EDIT: Builder applications have been closed.

Builder applications have just been opened and we're very excited to bring new builders onto the team.
Applications will remain open until April 15th , but I'd strongly advise to apply as soon as you can!

- If you have been a builder previously and want to rejoin the team, message me(discord (RobotWizz#0019) or here on the forums!) to receive the reinstatement application per the reinstatement protocol
- You do not have to be the best builder in the world to apply, everyone has their own strengths and we will fully support you with your journey as a builder. All you need is the right mind set and dedication.
- The 'You must have a clean record' to apply rule has been removed - so apply if you can!
- If you know someone who would be fit for builder, feel free to encourage them to apply. We'd appreciate every help we can get to expand the build team and produce many more builds for you to explore and enjoy.
- Make sure you meet all the requirements before applying.

Click here to apply!

If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to message me on discord (RobotWizz#0019) or here on the forums!
Thank you! - The Architect Team

Daily Diviner Writer Applications

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Hello everyone!

The Media department is excited to announce we are reopening the Daily Diviner writer applications. We are very excited to welcome new members to the team!

A writer is part of the Daily Diviner team. They work together with the Editors and the Lead Producers to bring the Potterworld community exciting articles about a variety of topics.

Applications will remain open until the 29th of February, 12pm PST. Do take your time when you fill in the application and make sure you are able to meet all the requirements (listed in the beginning) before submitting it. Please contact the Head of Media or a Daily Diviner Lead Producer if you have any questions.

Click here to find the application, and good luck to all applicants!

Content Creator Release

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Greetings everyone!
The Media department is pleased to announced that we have reworked the old Youtuber rank and are re-opening applications.

What has changed?
The Youtuber rank is now called the Content Creator rank. This means that people such as Twitch streamers can also now apply. Furthermore, we have lowered the requirements to make the rank more accessible. We have lowered the subscriber/follower minimum to 4000. However, we have also made it so that the requirements can change over time. Sometimes that means the minimum will go down, and sometimes it will go up.

For who is this role?
The role is for popular content creators interested in creating content from time to time on our server. The role offers some permissions to create content more easily, such as the ability to disable private messages.

How is this different from Director?

A Director works directly for the server. A Content Creator does not work for the server and is not part of any Potterworld team.

I am a Content Creator, where can I apply or find more information?
All requirements can be found in the application. You can apply right here. The applications can also be found under non-staff applications.

Valentine's Day 2020

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This year, Valentine's Day is being celebrated once again in Underland! The Queen of Hearts has outlawed Valentine's Day once again and the citizens of Underland need your help to defeat her powerful magic. Find 9 of the citizens around town who can help you with this task. Each of them will provide you with a special item which you can use to craft a Love Staff at the Blacksmith near the castle, but it's not that simple..

Each of these citizens will need food and potions that you're able to craft by defeating creatures of Underland and planting herbs at the Seed Shop. You will find a restaurant and a pub nearby for cooking and brewing respectively.

Once you have crafted a Love Staff, approach the Queen of Hearts in her castle and challenge her to a duel!

There are a few returning games this year, as well as a couple new ones, be sure to check them out at the Games NPC near the entrance to Underland. Most notably, the parkour to earn the Amor Vita spell has returned! Additionally, for the duration of the event, minigames in the /games menu will reward Event Tokens.

Rewards and Store Releases
Most previous event rewards are available once more, as well as a new Heart Headband! Valentine's themed items are also now available on the store with a new addition, the Heart Scepter!

Underland will be accessible through the Rabbit Hole in the Great Hall courtyard until February 24th.

Uservoice Changes

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Hello Everyone!

I bring an update regarding the Uservoice on behalf of the Development Team.

After running for a year and a half, we plan on bringing the Uservoice service to an end. We'd like to thank every single person that has contributed to the suggestions on the platform for helping to shape the server, making it what it is today. We have gotten to know what our players and staff, alike, want to see from the server and how they would like it to develop.

With around 1000 suggestions created so far, it's fair to say Uservoice was popular and so this was not an easy decision to make, but it is one we had to come to for a multitude of reasons:
At the end of the day, Uservoice wasn't something that we had developed. The platform was completely separate to us and as such it limited what we had planned for it, ultimately meaning it couldn't do what we had originally wanted. Along with this, being something we hadn't created meant it wasn't as customizable as we hoped and therefore not Potterworld focussed, which lead to things such as the branding of the service not aligning with our other platforms.
A lot of the feedback received on Uservoice were either duplicates of previous suggestions, already in the works or so different to our vision of Potterworld's future that it wasn't something we felt would support us and so we didn't want to implement it. We also received a lot of bug reports, jokey suggestions or straight up complaints/call-outs; people weren't using the proper channels of communication for these threads and we spent more time than necessary dealing with these, rather than working on real suggestions. We feel that by moving away from Uservoice, we can easily organise these...

Discord Voice Channel Changes

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Hello everyone!

As per popular request, we've added some additional swearing voice channels and changed the categories slightly. They're called The Dark Prison and the Mysterious Manor and can be found under a new category called "Swearing Channels". With there now being three in total - including the pre-existing Knockturn Alley - we felt it would be wise to separate them from the rest of the non-swearing channels to avoid any confusion or incidents.

The rules have been amended slightly to more accurately represent how we want these channels to be used. We're revoking the term "NSFW" and instead using "Swearing", as these are two very different things and the former is one we don't want to encourage anywhere on our platforms.

Please note that these changes do no effect any other existing rules & any incidents of NSFW content, or inappropriate language such as racist, homophobic, etc, slurs, are still strictly prohibited.

The rules can be found here.

Please don't hesitate to contact the Head of Moderation or any other Head Staff member about any questions or concerns that you may have - you may also contact a Discord Moderator to report any incidents of misconduct, or to clarify any rules on the Discord.

Potterwatch's Fifth Anniversary

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January 10th 2020 marks the fifth anniversary of the creation of Potterworld's YouTube channel. To celebrate, Hogsworth students are being given the chance to visit the Potterwatch Studios! Talk to Director Kevin just outside the Hogsworth Great Hall to travel there.

The Potterwatch team needs help with creating some videos! Enter each studio to participate in challenges based on different parts of the video making process. Each challenge will reward an a Potterwatch emote and once all challenges are completed, you will gain access to purchase a limited edition Director's Scarf.

Potterwatch Studios will remain open to Hogsworth students until January 27th.

New Year's Celebration

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As the new decade quickly approaches, we would like to thank all of you guys for making 2019 a great year! Here's some of the highlights from this past year:
- Love Chamber at Valentine's Day
- Quabbleball release in March
- Our largest event ever, Potterworld's 5th Anniversary
- Cannon Challenge at PotterworldMC's Fantastical Carnival
- Bluefyre escape room

That being said, Potterworld would not be where it is today without you, the players. So please join us in celebrating the new year and new decade! The new year's fireworks show can be accessed through the Announcements menu in-game.

Happy New Year!
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Vote for PotterworldMC

Vote with the links below

Voting earns you 10 Voting Tokens per website, you can vote on each website once per day.

Check your token balance in-game by doing '/bal'.

Voting Tokens can be exchanged in the Trophy Room, which is located at the rear of the Great Hall.

Disclaimer: You can only receive your Voting Tokens if you are in-game at the time of voting. Also, please wait for your previous vote to process and produce a confirmation message in-game before moving onto the next website.