DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
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2024 Star Battle Tournament Results

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With the conclusion of the May 4th event, we are pleased to announce the top 5 contenders of the Star Battle: Escort Payload and Star Racing tournaments!

Star Racing

1st: government_h - 277 points
2nd: SynonymsForSky - 158 points
3rd: Ivya - 132 points
4th: kin9frost - 126 points
5th: LordWily - 77 points

Click here to see the final leaderboard.

Escort Payload

1st: Deathlish - 1604 points
2nd: Frebii - 936 points
3rd: zZalt - 764 points
4th: Ivya - 646 points
5th: TallBlondeDude - 553 points

Click here to see the final leaderboard.

Congratulations to everyone who placed and well done to all participants!

The Daily Diviner - Issue 111

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Server Spotlight


Pride Festivals of the Past
Written by Silquer
Edited by Immites

Hello, my dear readers, and welcome back to the Daily Diviner. At last, Pride Month has arrived! The dawn of June 1st brings with it rainbows, flags of all...

WizNewsletter - May 2024

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Created in October of 2020, the WizNewsletter serves as a way for students and staff to recap on the month's updates. WizNetworkers spend countless hours researching, writing, editing, and implementing each section so that the happenings of the wizarding world do not go unnoticed. Let’s get into the news from the past month!



Application Updates
Our current open applications are:​

  • Arena Squire...

Coastal Store Releases

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Greetings witches and wizards,

With the rain slowly easing and the heat becoming more intense, summer is finally here! We're excited to mark the season with our brand new Coastal Store Releases! Head down to the beach and swim with your own pet shark, or perhaps discover The Shell Wand on the shores. The full list of items included in this release are as follows:
  • NEW Pet Crab: Tame this snappy little friend to join in with the rave! Waddle sideways as you bring along your beach-based buddy!
  • NEW Pet Shark: With this highly anticipated fishy friend you're bound to need a bigger boat! Watch out for its teeth!
  • NEW Spiral Shell Warp Key: Swirl away to your dream vacation, or anywhere you can imagine! With this new warp key, you can travel in shimmering summer style!
  • NEW The Shell Wand: Jollivander sells sea shells by the sea shore. The shells he sells are magic ones, for sure. With this new wand, you too can twist your tongue with this mystical rhyme and wand appearance!
  • NEW The Scorching Staff: Scorch the battlefield with flames as you heat it up with this flaming hot staff!
Interested in more summer-themed items? Why not check out some of last year's awesome Tropical Store Releases? Treat yourself to one of our elegant pet seahorses, or even an under-the-sea-themed housing with our epic Coral Scenery! You can read more about the Tropical Store Releases here.

For more information about...

Monthly Art Giveaway - June 2024

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Hello witches, wizards, and other magical fellows!

As June begins and the Anniversary Giveaway is well underway, we are excited to continue our Monthly Art Giveaways and announce this month's new prompt!

To reiterate, the Monthly Art Giveaway is a way for players to create any art form (MC build, render, drawing, writing, craft, etc.) while fitting a specific theme. One winner will be randomly picked at the end of the month, and will receive a $5.00 Gift Card and 100 House Points!

This month's prompt is to create something that follows the theme of... pride to commemorate the upcoming pride celebrations! We can't wait to see what you create!

Giveaway Guidelines:
- One prompt will be released every month. All submissions must follow this prompt, submissions that do not will not be entered.​
- The submissions may be ANY form of art (builds, writing, drawing, renders, music, photos, etc.) as long as you are able to share it with us.​
- Submissions must be submitted on the Art Discord in the #monthly-giveaway channel. IGN must be included for the submission to count.​
- All submissions must follow all the Potterworld rules (keep it appropriate).​
- You may not win 2 months in a row.​
- By entering, you allow us to share your submission on the PW website if picked as the winner.
- You must create your submission yourself. The use of AI to create your entire...​

12 Hours of Classes

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The Academics Department is proud to announce an 12 Hours of Classes event scheduled for this upcoming Saturday, June 1st from 8am to 7pm (in PST). We'd like to invite you all to join us as we have 12 classes back-to-back at the start of each hour! Make sure to check out the schedule below for each class; we hope to see you there!

Additionally, students who attend at least 4 out of the 12 available classes will be able to claim a special reward in the class lobby!

Note: This schedule is subject to change.

Forum Permission Updates

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Hello all!

I'm sure many of you will be aware that the forums have taken a rather large beating from spam and bot accounts' posting in the last few months. Between the Wizencouncil Team, Head Staff, and myself, we've tried our best to combat this - registration has become very restrictive and crosschecks several spam-related catching services. We've had blanket bans and IP bans put in place to catch these accounts & their posts, but irrespective of our best efforts, this hasn't been enough.

To ease the pressure put on the Wizencouncil team, and to combat the spam, there will be a major change in forum permissions to prevent these bot accounts from posting. Going forward, users will be required to link their Minecraft Account with their forum account to participate in the forums.

This decision has not been made lightly, as we'd love for everyone to take part in the community regardless of whether they've managed to play on the server yet, but every other method we have attempted has had little effect on the situation.

If you've already linked your Minecraft account with your forum account, great! You've nothing to worry about as I have already updated your account. If you haven't managed to link your Minecraft account, you can get to it by running the command /link . This will then take you through the process of linking your accounts.

For users who are experiencing issues and need to submit a support ticket, or those who need to complete a ban appeal, do not fret. You can still do this as usual without having linked your account. Both of those forums are monitored and managed by a wider team and will not affect other users.

I'd like to take a quick moment as well just to thank our awesome Wizencouncil team for keeping...

Potterworld 10th Anniversary Giveaway

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Hello witches, wizards, and other magical fellows. Potterworld's 10th Anniversary is well underway, which means it's finally time to announce something special to celebrate this momentous occasion! With that being said, the WizNetworker Team presents the Potterworld 10th Anniversary Giveaway! When you enter, you'll have the chance to win the exclusive Droobledoll Hat as well as Gift Cards, House Points, and other amazing prizes! The order of winners will be decided by the order they're rolled in, with three places in total.

To enter, you'll have to either share favorite Potterworld memory, share something you enjoy about the server, or you can even submit a screenshot of a memory! Don't feel limited by these topics, and feel free to expand on them with your own twists on your submissions. As long as your submission stays relevant and appropriate, of course!

Giveaway Prizes:
- 1st Place: Droobledoll Hat OR an item of choice, $5.00 Gift Card, 200 HP​
- 2nd Place: Store item of choice, $4.00 Gift Card, 150 HP​
- 3rd Place: Store item of choice, $3.00 Gift Card, 100 HP​
Items to choose from exclude: New Releases, Drooble's Order Subscriptions, & Allegiance / Club Packages, & Bundles

Giveaway Guidelines:
- All submissions must follow all the Potterworld rules (keep it appropriate).​
- Submissions must be...​
G 0 H 0 R 0 S 0

Vote for PotterworldMC

Vote with the links below

Voting earns you 10 Voting Tokens per website, you can vote on each website once per day.

Check your token balance in-game by doing '/bal'.

Voting Tokens can be exchanged in the Trophy Room, which is located at the rear of the Great Hall.

Disclaimer: You can only receive your Voting Tokens if you are in-game at the time of voting. Also, please wait for your previous vote to process and produce a confirmation message in-game before moving onto the next website.