DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
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The Daily Diviner - Issue 109

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Server Spotlight


Return of the Fourth
Written by Silquer
Edited by snotflower

Hello dear readers, and welcome to Issue #109. May 4th is upon us at last, meaning a trip to a galaxy far away is in order! The May...

May the Fourth Event 2024

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May the Fourth be with you!

The Millennium Falcon has touched down outside the Great Hall to transport Hogsworth students back to Batuu, where you will have the opportunity to wield a lightsaber, hunt for bounties, and take care of creatures from a galaxy far far away. Feel free to replay our old content, along with new quests and activities finding their way into the Galaxy!

Hop aboard the Millennium Falcon at the Boathouse to travel to hyperspace and beyond!

Minigames & Repeatable Gameplay
Our seasonal May the Fourth minigames will be making their grand return, including Star Racing, Star Battle: Domination, and Star Battle: Payload!

PvP minigames, not your thing? No problem! Speak to the Games Master NPC at Galaxy's Edge on Batuu to play droppers and mazes to earn Star Tokens and Beskar!

In your Quest Journal, you will see a new icon for the May The Fourth Event. This will be accessible throughout the entire event and will be disabled after the event ends. Upon completing quests, you will be rewarded Star Tokens and Beskar! There are two returning main quests as well as three returning side quests and four new side quests that can be repeated.

This year, Hera Sendulla needs your help and in return, Chopper will...

WizNewsletter - April 2024

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Created in October of 2020, the WizNewsletter serves as a way for students and staff to recap on the month's updates. WizNetworkers spend countless hours researching, writing, editing, and implementing each section so that the happenings of the wizarding world do not go unnoticed. Let’s get into the news from the past month!



Application Updates
Class Helper applications have been closed. If you’re interested, make sure to keep an eye out for when they open in the...​

Anniversary Store Releases

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Greetings witches and wizards,

It's not every day that the server reaches such a big milestone, and we're super excited to kick-start the 10th Anniversary celebrations with our brand new Anniversary Store Releases! In the spirit of a grand celebration, we're bringing a range of items fit for the party. Why not treat yourself to a fantastic party hat, some explosive anniversary death effects, or even a selection of fire dust items? The full list of items included is:
  • NEW The Emerald Flaming Wand: Enjoy the portability of Fire Dust flames all day long with this magnificent wand appearance!
  • NEW Emerald Flaming Broom: Take a different approach to Fire Dust travel by soaring through the sky on its emerald green glow!
  • NEW Purple Party Hat: Carry the celebratory spirit wherever you go with this brand new party hat, perfect for any party!
  • NEW Anniversary Death Effects: Celebrate a decade worth of deaths on Potterworld and explode in a firework of joy!
  • NEW Anniversary Wand Effects: Freshly conjured from the core of Potterworld spirit, you too can spread the iconic purple particles in any duel, chest run or adventure!
  • FEATURED Pet Balloon Collection: Take your pick from one of these four iconic balloons, and spread the celebrations further afield as you explore the anniversary celebrations!
As an additional bonus, we are also extremely excited to announce some recent updates to existing store features! These new changes are as follows:
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Monthly Art Giveaway Winner - April 2024

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Hello witches, wizards, and other magical fellows!

As we start May, we are excited to announce the winner of last month's giveaway!

In April, we had many fantastic pieces of art submitted that fit the theme of Mythology! From ethereal renders to stunning drawings, those in our art community showed their talent once again! And so, without further ado, the April winner is… chainmetoacactus! They will receive the prize of a Gift Card valued at $5.00 and 100 House Points today.

We're doing something a little bit different for the month of May. Stay tuned for more information coming soon!

For any questions, please message Alexa (aerastice).

April 2024 Hidden Coupon - Found

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Greetings, witches and wizards!

We are excited to announce the release of this month's hidden coupon! Each month, we release riddles and puzzles around the world and on our store, with the first to crack the codes and find items in-game winning the month's coupon. Our hidden coupons are released on the third weekend of each month.

This gift card can only be obtained by one lucky player and is hidden well. We have used locations which are especially easily accessible for players this month!

Each gift card can only be obtained once and will give the player who finds it $5.00 to spend for free on our store! Owned coupons can be checked in /me and are valid for 6 months from release. These can be used to purchase items from our store and also lower the price you have to pay for items.

The player who found the coupon first last month cannot participate in this month's hidden coupon hunt. This is to ensure that many players can have a chance at the coupon and to share rewards.

For this month's gift card, head to the store to find a beautifully blue cosmetic!

Update (April 22, 2024):
We are thrilled to announce that the April 2024 hidden coupon has been found! Thank you to everyone who put their effort and time into searching for it. We hope that the puzzles in this month's coupon hunt were enjoyable.

While the coupon is now found, you can still search for it using our store hint if you want a challenge! The hints are removed once the next hidden coupon is released, but you can still encounter the puzzle on the server.

Please see below for this month's hidden coupon solution and the winners so far!

The April 2024 hidden coupon hunt...

Warp Key Upgrades

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Greetings, witches and wizards!

We're ecstatic to announce that we've revamped all of our warp keys with a new update! When you purchase a warp key you won't just gain access to an item to warp with. Now, your entire warp will be amplified with unique effects!

Every single warp key on our store has been revamped to utilise both a warp key effect and a teleport effect. Warp key effects are effects that run as you hold the warp key, and teleport effects fire as you warp away! To equip warp key effects, select the warp key appearance you want effects for in /warpkeys. Teleport effects will automatically apply to all using warp key appearances currently!

To view these effects, you can view them at the In-Game Store. Any warp key can be purchased at our Warp Key Appearances section of our website, and all pre-existing purchases have been updated to include this revamp! Items can also be purchased from our Potter Points store.

Enjoy, and get warping!

The Daily Diviner - Issue 108

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Server Spotlight


First Quarter Wrap-Up
Written by snotflower
Edited by bluecherub

Hello readers, and welcome back to the Daily Diviner! With three and a half months already under our belt, Potterworld has been busy bringing a variety of...
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Vote for PotterworldMC

Vote with the links below

Voting earns you 10 Voting Tokens per website, you can vote on each website once per day.

Check your token balance in-game by doing '/bal'.

Voting Tokens can be exchanged in the Trophy Room, which is located at the rear of the Great Hall.

Disclaimer: You can only receive your Voting Tokens if you are in-game at the time of voting. Also, please wait for your previous vote to process and produce a confirmation message in-game before moving onto the next website.