DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
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WizNewsletter - October 2024

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Created in October of 2020, the WizNewsletter serves as a way for students and staff to recap on the month's updates. WizNetworkers spend countless hours researching, writing, editing, and implementing each section so that the happenings of the wizarding world do not go unnoticed. Let’s get into the news from the past month!



Application Updates
The awaited release of the Scribe Publisher position is finally here! Ever find yourself relying on our wonderful...​

Monthly Art Giveaway - November 2024

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Hello witches, wizards, and other magical fellows!

As November begins and we close out PW-tober, we are excited to announce the prompt for this month. Now onto the giveaway & theme!

To reiterate, the Monthly Art Giveaway is a way for players to create any art form (MC build, render, drawing, writing, craft, etc.) while fitting a specific theme. One winner will be randomly picked at the end of the month, and will receive a $5.00 Gift Card and 100 House Points!

With the arrival of some exploration-related store items, we found it right to promote one of our favorite activities... questing! This month we're looking for art, writing, or your favorite form of expression to showcase this theme. Your submission can be related to questing on Potterworld, some of our event quests, or even quests in your own life or other games!

Giveaway Guidelines:
- One prompt will be released every month. All submissions must follow this prompt, submissions that do not will not be entered.​
- The submissions may be ANY form of art (builds, writing, drawing, renders, music, photos, etc.) as long as you are able to share it with us.​
- Submissions must be submitted on the Art Discord in the #monthly-giveaway channel. IGN must be included for the submission to count.​
- All submissions must follow all the Potterworld rules (keep it appropriate).​
- You may not win 2 months in a row.​
- By entering, you allow us to share your submission on the PW website and social media if picked as the winner.​

Giveaway Timeline:...

PW-tober 2024 Giveaway Winner

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Hello witches, wizards, and other magical fellows!

To celebrate the arrival of October and the Halloween season, the WizNetworker team hosted our 2024 PW-tober Giveaway with 31 unique prompts for players to interpret through various forms of art! With that being said, it's time to congratulate the winner, who will be receiving either the Dark Follower Scenery, the Pet Bat or the Grey Scythe as well as 300 House Points!


Without further ado, let's congratulate our winner... Bunny_10!

Click below to check out some of their amazing work from this month.


Congratulations, and we hope that you all enjoyed creating art this month as much as we loved seeing it! To claim your prize, create an in-game ticket by using the command /t create. Thank you to everyone who participated, and we can't wait to see you in the next competition or giveaway!

Vivid Store Releases

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Greetings, witches and wizards!

Put on your Navy Bucket Hat, grab your Explorer's Map, and stroll through the fields with your Pet Baby Highland Cow to the crystal caves with our brand-new Vivid Store Releases! This release includes thirteen new cosmetics and an addition to a past item. We are especially excited to announce our crystal wand appearances with uniquely coloured light tips - the first of their kind! Let's explore the cosmetics, shall we?

NEW Pet Baby Highland Cow: Move through the fields with this cute, mooing creature! Did you know it has the best haircut in town?
NEW Explorer's Map Warp Key: Never get lost with your new map of Potterworld, which doubles as a warp key!
NEW Celebration Death Effects: Astound your opponent by throwing a party upon your death!
NEW Navy Bucket Hat: Do you enjoy being in the sun and close to water? In that case, this navy blue bucket hat will be a perfect fit for you!
NEW Fortune Broom: Do you consider yourself unlucky? No worries! This broom will bring you luck, even when the most dangerous mobs circulate under you!

NEW The Aventurine Wand: Use the calmness of aventurine when casting magic with your wand's tranquil green light tip!
NEW The Carnelian Wand: Wield the powerful nature of carnelian when casting magic with your wand's vital red light tip!
NEW The Citrine Wand: Spread the happiness of citrine when...

Scribe Publisher Applications

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Hey everyone!

We are excited to announce that Scribe Publisher applications are now open!

Scribe Publishers are the staff members responsible for writing, editing and implementing pages on the Potterworld Wiki. They are tasked with searching for the information that is seen by the community. Additionally, they provide feedback to their fellow team members and manage the wiki, ensuring it is kept up-to-date with the latest server changes.

Applications will remain open until the team is filled. Please make sure you meet all requirements before submitting an application.

Click here to apply for the position. If you have any questions, please reach out to Jake, the Head of Community Management (jake_ft), or Tang, the Lead Scribe (tanglr), on Discord.

Good luck with your application - we look forward to welcoming new members to the team!

October 2024 Hidden Coupon

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Greetings, witches and wizards!

We are excited to announce the release of this month's hidden coupon! Each month, we release riddles and puzzles around the world and on our store, with the first to crack the codes and find items in-game winning the month's coupon. Our hidden coupons are released on the third weekend of each month.

This gift card can only be obtained by one lucky player and is hidden well. Each gift card can only be obtained once and will give the player who finds it $5.00 to spend for free on our store! Owned coupons can be checked in /me and are valid for 6 months from release. These can be used to purchase items from our store and also lower the price you have to pay for items.

The player who found the coupon first last month cannot participate in this month's hidden coupon hunt. This is to ensure that many players can have a chance at the coupon and to share rewards.

For this month's gift card, get into the spooky spirit on our store!

24 Hours of Classes

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The Academics Department is proud to announce a 24 Hours of Classes event scheduled for this upcoming Saturday, October 26th from 12am to 11pm (in PST). We'd like to invite you all to join us as we have 24 classes back-to-back at the start of each hour! Make sure to check out the schedule below for each class; we hope to see you there!

Additionally, students who attend at least 6 out of the 24 available classes or challenges will be able to claim a special reward in the class lobby!

Note: This schedule is subject to change.

The Daily Diviner - Issue 121

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Server Spotlight


High Spirits at Haunted Hollow
Written by snotflower
Edited by Calliequeen

Welcome back to the Daily Diviner! October is in full swing, and with it is the always-exciting Halloween Event! This one has students...
G 0 H 0 R 0 S 0

Vote for PotterworldMC

Vote with the links below

Voting earns you 10 Voting Tokens per website, you can vote on each website once per day.

Check your token balance in-game by doing '/bal'.

Voting Tokens can be exchanged in the Trophy Room, which is located at the rear of the Great Hall.

Disclaimer: You can only receive your Voting Tokens if you are in-game at the time of voting. Also, please wait for your previous vote to process and produce a confirmation message in-game before moving onto the next website.