DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
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Daily Diviner Editor Applications - Opened

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The Media department & Daily Diviner Team are excited to announce that we are reopening DD Editor applications! Daily Diviner Editors edit all articles before they are published in the Daily Diviner. They are knowledgeable about different types of writing and are skilled in grammar. They check articles for quality, consistency, and accuracy.

Applications will stay open until the position is filled! Do take your time when you fill in the application and make sure you are able to meet all the requirements (listed in the beginning) before submitting it. Please contact the Daily Diviner Lead or Head of Media if you have any questions.

Click here to find the application and good luck to all applicants! We are very excited to welcome new members to the team!

WizNewsletter - April 2021

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Created in October of 2020, the WizNewsletter serves as a way for students and staff to recap on the month's updates. WizNetworkers spend countless hours researching, writing, editing, and implementing each section so that the happenings of the wizarding world do not go unnoticed. Let’s get into the news from the past month!​



May Store Releases

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Greetings witches and wizards! It brings us great excitement to announce the items for this month's store release! We will be bringing back eight items as well as a bundle for a limited time, and we hope you will all enjoy these items!

These items are:
  • Forest Moon Scenery: Ever wanted to live on a forest moon? There are awesome spacecraft there too!
  • Star Settlement Scenery: Live in a village far, far away amongst the stars. This scenery has nice clay textures with a green landscape!
  • Mercenary's Helmet: Stay protected from the dangerous beasts around the world and look cool at the same time!
  • Rebel Helmet: Fight for the Rebellion against the Empire with this elegant helmet!
  • Trooper Mask: Fight for the Empire against the Rebellion with this protective helmet!
  • Pet "Secret Package": This tiny green friend of yours will follow you on the ground as well as on the shoulder!
  • Pet R-Unit: This trustworthy droid is someone you can always rely on during your tough adventures around the world!
  • Pet Porgie: This cute feathery friend will for sure accompany you at all times!
  • Mercenary Bundle: This bundle includes the Mercenary's Helmet and the Pet "Secret Package" - enjoy the two of them!
These items will be available until the 31st of May, 2021. For more information, you can view our store at store.potterworldmc.com.

These items are also available in the Potter Points shop.

Gameplay Update 1.3.0

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Hello everyone!

Over the past few months we have been working on some new gear and magic changes. We are now ready to release these changes to all of you! This post will go over all of the changes that have been implemented.

Gear Changes
All gear stats will be relative to their level and rarity via a calculated formula.​
Gear will no longer have any negative effects. We felt that the negative stats weren’t needed and made gear unnecessarily complicated.​
Gear no longer has durability and will not be bound to you. This means you can sell your gear to other players through /trade or /shop.​
Gear will no longer have to be crafted. Random level range recipes will be given, and upon clicking them will directly give the ready to use gear piece, rather than a gear piece recipe that needs to be crafted. Any materials previously used for gear crafting can be traded into the Shady Dealer for other game components. Any old gear recipes should be updated into the gear piece upon scrolling over it.​
Certain stats are now limited to specific gear pieces. Each gear piece will have a specific type-stat, meaning each gear type (head, body, leggings, boots, hand, trinket) will have guaranteed stat types that are always present in their gear pieces, and may or may not be present in other gear type pieces. This will make gear pieces more in line with their main purpose.​
Type Damage and Healing stats will now only be seen on hand and trinket gear pieces. The Health, Health Regen, and Type Defense stats will now only appear on helmet...​

Scheduled Maintenance - Gear Rework

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Hello everyone!

We will be putting the server into maintenance mode tomorrow [May 1st] at 3 AM PST. This will be done to allow us to release the long-awaited gear rework. More information regarding this update will be posted as we near the end of the maintenance.

Spoiler: It's an awesome update.

We will be keeping everyone updated in #maintenance-updates on Discord, and on this thread. We will not be providing any ETAs. Hubs and minigames will remain available during the maintenance.

Update 1 - 3:10 AM PST:
We have now enabled maintenance mode - mini games and hubs will remain open for the entire maintenance. We will be providing updates when we reach certain milestones.

Please :bear: with us!

Update 2 - 6:17 AM PST:
It's been a bit quiet, so I'm here to provide a small update! Some unexpected issues and hurdles occurred that we had to get over, which made things a bit slower - but things are going pretty well! We're getting closer and closer as each minute goes by, and everyone is working super hard to get this update finished

We'll be doing a staff-testing before opening the doors to make sure that everything looks good - we'll let you know once we start with that.

Thank you everyone for your patience so far!

Update 3 - 6:45 AM PST:
We have enabled Snowballing (our seasonal winter mini-game) so you guys can have fun playing that while we're continuing to work on the maintenance :) You can queue for it in /games

Update 4 - 9:55 AM PST:
We have just opened the doors for staff-testing and have fingers crossed :fingers_crossed:

Update 5 - 12 PM PST:
We're nearing the end of the maintenance (no eta!) - the next announcement for us will be us opening the...

Arena Shop & Seasons Update

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As many of you may know, our season is coming to an end very soon! In the spirit of this, we have decided to release a "Champion's Exclusive" Shop. This post will go over these additions and season reminders.

Champion's Exclusive Shop
This shop can be accessed through the Arena Shop NPC at the Dueling Halls. The shop currently includes 5 items that are all free of cost! The catch here is to claim each item you need to have a specific amount of Overall Arena Score. Below will show all the new items that can be claimed from this shop.

- Trophy Beaded Handbag: 15 Arena Score
- Champion's Scarf (Enchanted & Gold): 25 Arena Score
- Interwizard Housing Scenery: 35 Arena Score
- Arena Crown Death Effect: 55 Arena Score
- The Champion's Staff: 65 Arena Score

We will be adding more to this shop over the upcoming months, so keep your eyes peeled, and continue attending Challenges! Please remember that All Arena Score Stats will be reset this coming weekend on May 2nd at 12pm PST. Make sure to claim your items before your stats reset!

Season Championships
Our very first Season Championship will come to an end on May 2nd at 12pm PST. The winners will be decided based off the stats before that time! After 12pm PST, all Arena Score stats will be set back to zero, so we can restart for the next season (these stats do not include Challenge wins/attendance).

For our upcoming Season Winners, it is possible that we may contact you regarding rewards. If you're one of the category winners at the end of this season, please make sure to respond to any messages from an Arena Team member who may be asking you about your rewards!

We hope you guys have enjoyed this past Season, It has been lots of fun for us!

Skin Arithmancer Applications

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The Media department is excited to announce that we are reopening the Skin Arithmancers applications! Skin Arithmancers are responsible for creating skins for the server.

Applications will remain open for the time being until the position is filled. Remember to take your time when you fill in the application and make sure you are able to meet all the requirements (listed in the beginning) before submitting your application. Please contact the Head of Media or the Arithmancer Lead if you have any questions!

Click here to find the application and good luck to all applicants! We are very excited to welcome new members to the team!

Coming soon...

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The Development Team is thrilled to tease Guilds! This anticipated feature for the server can be expected to release in the near future.

Guilds Promo Web Graphic.png
G 0 H 0 R 0 S 0

Vote for PotterworldMC

Vote with the links below

Voting earns you 10 Voting Tokens per website, you can vote on each website once per day.

Check your token balance in-game by doing '/bal'.

Voting Tokens can be exchanged in the Trophy Room, which is located at the rear of the Great Hall.

Disclaimer: You can only receive your Voting Tokens if you are in-game at the time of voting. Also, please wait for your previous vote to process and produce a confirmation message in-game before moving onto the next website.