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Search results

  1. Flippy

    January Dueling Tournament Finals

    The Dueling Finals have taken place today! Congratulations to iQuackLikeADuck, Bastaii and Joelowo for leading Honeybadgers to victory! Here are the results: Teams :griffin: fwoof :griffin: ChampionOfUno :griffin: Sticktrees :honeybadger: iQuackLikeADuck :honeybadger: Bastaii :honeybadger...
  2. Flippy

    January Dueling Tournament Qualifiers

    Yesterday we had some great duelists compete in this month's Dueling Qualifiers! Here are the players who will be representing your houses! :griffin:Griffin Finalists fwoof Frebii ChampionOfUno Backups Oceqn lil98 kiwieve :honeybadger:Honeybadger Finalists iQuackLikeADuck Bastaii Joelowo...
  3. Flippy

    Potterwatch's Fifth Anniversary

    January 10th 2020 marks the fifth anniversary of the creation of Potterworld's YouTube channel. To celebrate, Hogsworth students are being given the chance to visit the Potterwatch Studios! Talk to Director Kevin just outside the Hogsworth Great Hall to travel there. The Potterwatch team needs...
  4. Flippy

    New Year's Celebration

    As the new decade quickly approaches, we would like to thank all of you guys for making 2019 a great year! Here's some of the highlights from this past year: - Love Chamber at Valentine's Day - Quabbleball release in March - Our largest event ever, Potterworld's 5th Anniversary - Cannon...
  5. Flippy

    December 2019 House Cup

    We’d like to congratulate Honeybadger for being the winners of the final quarter of 2019! Here is the final tally of house points: :honeybadger:Honeybadger 22,201 points :serpent:Serpent 11,981 points :griffin:Griffin 11,479 points :raven:Raven 10,349 points Celebrations will begin in the...
  6. Flippy

    Winter Waltz Teams Dueling Tournament

    The Winter Waltz Teams Dueling Tournament has taken place today! Congratulations to MeWinning, Bastaii, JackkFrost and iQuackLikeADuck for their hard-fought victory! Here are the results: Teams Booster Maxine V2: MeWinning, Bastaii, JackkFrost and iQuackLikeADuck HitMeWithYourBestShot...
  7. Flippy

    Elevator Games Update

    A bunch of changes and bug fixes have been made to better balance the rewards. Dark Mistress Vault Parkour Cooldown: 60 seconds --> 15 seconds Lost Toad Parkour Cooldown: 60 seconds --> 20 seconds Soul Shard Cave Parkour Cooldown: 60 seconds --> 30 seconds Tower Parkour Cooldown: 60 seconds...
  8. Flippy

    Winter Waltz Duos Dueling Tournament

    The Winter Waltz Duos Dueling Tournament has taken place today! Congratulations to MeWinning and Bastaii for their hard-fought victory! Here are the results: Teams Booster Maxine V1: MeWinning and Bastaii MotoMotoLikesYou: BetsyTheBird and xMarit J&Z: Lofwyn and Zis_Craft epik_gamerz: Aviforma...
  9. Flippy

    Winter Waltz 2019

    The Winter Waltz is here and this year it is being held at Dormunstrad! Though the people of Dormunstrad were prepared for a wonderful holiday, they’ve come to face a terrible problem. An unknown force has cursed Dormunstrad, freezing many of the main locations of the school with cursed ice...
  10. Flippy

    Winter Waltz Tournaments

    As the holiday season approaches, it is time to prepare for the Winter Waltz tournaments! The way these work are similar to normal tournaments, however you get to pick your teams and there are no qualifiers. This year, both Dueling and Flying will have two tournaments, Duos and Teams. Duos are...
  11. Flippy

    November Dueling Tournament Finals

    The Dueling Finals have taken place today! Congratulations to iQuackLikeADuck, MagmaMind and Bastaii for leading Honeybadger to victory! Here are the results: Teams :griffin: DannyAU :griffin: BeingClickable :griffin: _laurenn :honeybadger: iQuackLikeADuck :honeybadger: Bastaii :honeybadger...
  12. Flippy

    Daily Login Streaks

    Witches and wizards, today we bring you an update from the development team! A new method of earning gold and Potter Points is here! What are daily login streaks? Daily login streaks are our new way of encouraging players to join the server on a consistent basis. This way, if you log in...
  13. Flippy

    November Dueling Tournament Qualifiers

    Today we had some great duelists compete in this months Dueling Qualifiers! Here are the players who will be representing your houses! :griffin: Griffin Finalists DannyAU CleckShock _laurenn Backups Frebii ChampionOfUno Sylvey :honeybadger: Honeybadger Finalists iQuackLikeADuck Bastaii...
  14. Flippy

    Tournament Schedule

    We now have a completely transparent tournament schedule available to check out and we'll be updating it pretty frequently in order to keep you guys informed on future tournaments! For all future tournament announcements, please check out this post.
  15. Flippy

    Halloween Deathday Party

    Halloween is now upon us and it is time to celebrate Basically Beheaded Benjamin's Deathday Party with all his ghost friends! Head down to the Ghost Ballroom and enjoy the party! The party will remain in the Ghost Ballroom until November 11th. Scavenger Hunt Introduce yourself to each of...
  16. Flippy

    October Tournaments

    The October Flying Tournament Qualifiers will take place on October 12th at 10am PST and the Finals will take place on October 19th at 10am PST. The October Dueling Tournament Qualifiers will take place on October 12th at 2pm PST and the Finals will take place on October 19th at 2pm PST. For...
  17. Flippy

    September 2019 House Cup

    We’d like to congratulate Ravens for being the winners of the 3rd quarter of 2019! Here is the final tally of house points: :raven: Raven 24,733 points :honeybadger: Honeybadger 21,470 points :griffin: Griffin 17,832 points :serpent: Serpent 12,755 points Celebrations have now begun in the...
  18. Flippy

    Magical Patchworks [24th September 2019]

    Loads of balancing changes have been made to shake up the dueling meta! Aquatimentum Is now easily controllable. Knock-up has been reduced. Damage: 5 --> 3 Cascamorus Magic Cost: 35 --> 20 Conflamorus Damage: 12 --> 10 Magic Cost: 36 --> 46 Conflamora Damage: 17 --> 15 Divindo Magic Cost...
  19. Flippy

    Butterbrew Festival 2019 Update

    We've made some changes to the Butterbrew Trial Challenge in order to improve the gameplay experience! Here's what has been changed: - Messages have been added to the basement questions and the ingredients barrels in the kitchen maze. - A "How To Play" hologram has been added to the basement. -...
  20. Flippy

    Butterbrew Festival 2019

    The Butterbrew Festival has come to Hogsend once again with all new unique collectables and an exciting new challenge! Here's what's available this event: - Purchase unique collectables at various shops around the festival. - Play minigames and festive games to earn Event Tokens in order to...