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Search results

  1. Mekala

    Declined House Cup Event Contest

    Hey @mcpunchie varulv and @Clem ! Unfortunately this suggestion has been declined, as this is not something we will be doing. The celebrations we plan for the House Cup is not its own event, but rather a small way of celebrating the wins. When it comes to competitions. we want them to be...
  2. Mekala

    Declined Furbies!

    Hi @dani ! and everyone else that left their input, Unfortunately this suggestion has been declined, as we will not be looking to make a Furby pet and model. Every model that we have in our resource pack should be able to be used in a variety of ways. We have limited space in our resource pack...
  3. Mekala

    Completed [Party Games] Increase Gold Reward For Unranked Players

    Hi @Somnambulist ! Thanks so much for your suggestion! We take the opinions and ideas of players into careful consideration and are always looking forward to see what everyone has to say. I've decided to go ahead and bring this up with my team members. We will be looking into this soon, and I...
  4. Mekala

    Thank you I know B)

    Thank you I know B)
  5. Mekala

    Completed Places / Ruins Backstory or History.

    Hiya @xMye ! I'm pleased to tell you that this suggestion has been accepted, as we have plans for a system that allows players to come across world lore in an interesting way. Additionally, as mentioned previously in a response to this thread, this information is planned to be on the public...
  6. Mekala

    Declined A new broom appearance

    Hiya @Lenz , Sadly your suggestion has been declined, as we feel it does not make much sense as a broom. While it is a fun idea, we would prefer to create models for brooms that look and feel more like an actual mount or broom appearance (i.e. flying magic carpets). We look forward to hearing...
  7. Mekala

    Declined House Cup Event Contest

    Hi there! @mcpunchie varulv and @Clem, Thank you so much for your suggestions! I've decided to bring this up with my fellow Poltergeists to decide whether this will be implemented or not. Once we've reached a decision I'll reply back to this thread, so keep an eye out! Have a great day!
  8. Mekala

    Completed Change the trapdoors in Wiz Pe: Hogsworth map to iron trapdoors

    Hi @riya, Thanks for expressing your concerns! We are always looking for ways to improve the server and make gameplay more enjoyable! I've decided to bring this up with the rest of my team. We'll take some time to think this over and I'll respond again once we've made a decision. Have a...
  9. Mekala

    New Minigame: Party Games!

    Well done to everyone that worked on this amazing new feature!! I cannot wait to see everyone playing it!
  10. Mekala

    Declined Make Potterworld Parkours Harder

    Hey, @Llama and everyone else that left their input! Thank you to everyone for voicing their opinions on this topic. I am going to bring this up with my team to see what they think! We'll get back to you with a decision so make sure to keep an eye on this thread! Have a fantastic day!
  11. Mekala

    Declined Spell Suggestion (Anaticula)

    Hi, @BandaidUrOwie! Thanks so much for suggesting this idea! I think it would a great addition to the server so I'm going to bring it up with the other Poltergeists! We'll look into this suggestion soon and I'll reply once again when we've reached a decision! Have a great day!
  12. Mekala


  13. Mekala


    ugh so cute
  14. Mekala

    Declined Make spells display their damage

    Oh I really like this idea!! It would be a great way to help new duelers understand how each spells works and understand dueling as a whole.
  15. Mekala

    Declined Broom Particle Trails (cosmetic effect)

    oh ripp but I see why they would decline it. Obviously, performance is still the number one priority for the players and the server. But still a cool idea concept nonetheless
  16. Mekala

    Declined Broom Particle Trails (cosmetic effect)

    I really like this idea! Since we already have the wand effects, broom effects would be a nice touch to complete the packages for cosmetics! There could possibly be the addition of broom bundles on the store which would be the broom appearance and the particle trail all in one.
  17. Mekala

    hello new magician! welcome to potterworldmc

    hello new magician! welcome to potterworldmc
  18. Mekala

    Pride 2021 Giveaway

    IGN: Mekala_ Happy Pride Everyone!! :heart:
  19. Mekala

    Coming Soon...

    Can't wait to see the event!! It looks amazing :love:
  20. Mekala

    7th Anniversary Competition Winners

    Congrats everyone!!