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Search results

  1. Mekala

    sarah i love you and your stinky 2 hour and 30 minute time difference

    sarah i love you and your stinky 2 hour and 30 minute time difference
  2. Mekala

    Duplicate Quableball Tournament

    I think this is a good idea, but is the Quabbleball minigame popular enough for a whole tournament?
  3. Mekala

    Declined Furbies!

    As much as I hate furby's, this actually might be hilarious
  4. Mekala

    You're right how could I forget about them!! Of course we can't forget the Arena Masters...

    You're right how could I forget about them!! Of course we can't forget the Arena Masters Susmetric, Susmandingo, Susular, and Sustumn!
  5. Mekala

    May 2021 Star Racing Tournament

    Congratulations everyone!! Nicely done!
  6. Mekala

    Declined old event hats as store items in event section

    Maybe they could bring back past event items based on a poll in the discord server like they do with which minigames to put in which order with the Star Wars Events. It would be a good way to implement the past event items but also give players the input! It could be like a fan favorites item poll!
  7. Mekala

    Destor = best arena squire

    Destor = best arena squire
  8. Mekala

    Declined Lightsabers and Blasters Damage

    I agree with Edwin! I don't think they were meant to replace magic since they're purely event-based items. And since some players who are new or haven't been able to get them for whatever reason would be put at a disadvantage to players that have the plasma sabers. In addition it would also be...
  9. Mekala

    Declined New Horns and Wings

    oooh, I really like this idea!! Maleficent's wings and horns designs are super unique and I think it would be a great addition to the hats collection! There's definitely a huge Disney fan base (me being part of it) on the server and this would be super cool to see in-game! Maleficent's character...
  10. Mekala

    Potterworld's 7th Anniversary

    Props to everyone that worked super hard on this event! Can't wait to see everything!!
  11. Mekala

    May Community Engagement

    Can't wait!!
  12. Mekala

    Declined Biography Plugin

    I think this is a great idea!! I’m looking forward to potentially seeing this in game!
  13. Mekala

    Completed Pets for all the Houses

    Aren't the pets for each house based off which one wins the House Cup?
  14. Mekala

    Pet B-Unit Release

    so cute!!