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  1. JustinS

    Declined More advanced Potions and Learning

    Just a note, I'm doing a quest right now about someones grandmother who was bitten by a horntail or something like that who needs a cure. This is basically what brought me this idea and why I think this would be a good idea, next to being able to master a profession.
  2. JustinS

    Declined More advanced Potions and Learning

    Hi, Mastering a skill, in this example, potions is not really possible in the server. Mainly because all of the ingredients are listed, and very clear instructions are given to allow you to easily make potions quickly. This doesn't require any skill as anyone is able to do this. Secondly...
  3. JustinS

    Duplicate Spell cast success probability/chance

    True, that kind of sucks. Although a solution to duelling would be that every spell would work properly. My idea was that the spells wouldn't take ages to fully train, but let's say casting it about 50 or 40 times. There should then also be a gap between how long you can cast a spell to train...
  4. JustinS

    Duplicate More NPC's

    Thanks for your reply. I tried looking for a "more NPC's" thread although I couldn't find one. Anyways, it's good to see that this is already considered :).
  5. JustinS

    Declined Dueling challenges

    That's a very good idea. Just to clear it up a bit, do you mean that every player in the Duelling challenge will get a seperate wand with the same spells so that everyone is able to cast the same spells?
  6. JustinS

    Completed Make Potterworld more accessible to disabled players

    Hi, regarding the colour-blindness issue whilst playing Quabbleball, there is a better solution. On the internet you can find many (red-green) colourblind texturepacks, which could fix the appearance for players with colourblindness. This has also been said by Magma and I agree that having a...
  7. JustinS

    Declined Quabbleball trianer/totorial

    This sounds like a very good idea as players could get better at Quabbleball in different areas themselves. It's also not fair during a quabbleball match when your team consists of new players and the other team consists out of experienced ones, I think this would be a good solution.
  8. JustinS

    Declined Dueling challenges

    I agree and Magma has a good point. I think they should make the Duelling challenge teams balanced in levels, instead of random. I got one shot in the arena and so did my teammate.
  9. JustinS

    Duplicate More NPC's

    Hi, I was wondering if the server could add more npc's to towns and Hogsworth which aren't interactable but just move around. Hogsend especially looks really empty and I think if there's more npc's walking around it would look much better. As long as it doesn't make the server lagg too much I...
  10. JustinS

    Duplicate Spell cast success probability/chance

    Could you give a reason why?
  11. JustinS

    Duplicate Spell cast success probability/chance

    Hi, Adding probabilities to spells might be a fun and interesting way to improve your spell casting skills. By this, I mean that when you first achieve a spell, the success that it will cast properly is 50%, but every time you cast it, the chance gets higher with a maximum of 99%. Then players...