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Search results

  1. JustinS

    Duplicate rePlayers Writing books For Approval

    I know that students can already read and find books in the library, but my whole point was that students can also write books for the library themselves, which will then be checked by the writers to see if the book is well-written and has been accepted to the library. This also makes it easier...
  2. JustinS

    Duplicate rePlayers Writing books For Approval

    Hi, I'm just going to go straight to the points and make a short suggestion: What I mean exactly with "Players Writing books For Approval" is the following: - Players meaning that every player in PotterworldMC are able to write books about certain topics which will be approved or declined by...
  3. JustinS

    Declined Adding more SPECIAL collectibles

    Wow you are a fast reader lol, but yes that might be a good thing. It's half past 11 now so Ill go sleep first lol, Ill try to do that tomorrow!
  4. JustinS

    Declined Adding more SPECIAL collectibles

    And now my mind is basically on an idea marathon, great. Another thing that would be kinda cool, is when a player completes this quest (if the quest only gives an invisibility cloak for example), they would receive another quest maybe 10 levels further via a mail again, saying that they need to...
  5. JustinS

    Declined Adding more SPECIAL collectibles

    Wow that was a long post.... no wonder it took 30min to type...
  6. JustinS

    Declined Adding more SPECIAL collectibles

    I completely agree with the last section of your reply. A new thought has come to mind that it might be a nice idea for the players to be able to get one of the cloaks, in a very special quest, (not level restricted, and not many high-level spells will be needed), which is very, and I mean VERY...
  7. JustinS

    Completed Restrictions and House Point Reduction

    Oh I see, I understand now. A way to stop that would be to check alts if that was possible (Im not sure if that's possible). Secondly, it would probably be quite obvious to see if someone is trolling - although students are caught automatically and not by staff so that's a problem. This system...
  8. JustinS

    Declined Adding more SPECIAL collectibles

    No, I don't mean make new special items, but give them away more often as gifts, or on special occasions, like I mentioned in the first post. I think I used "new" wrongly in this post. I meant adding more (instead of new) ways to get collectibles ( the deluminator for example; brooms; gear). In...
  9. JustinS

    🍂⛄ Potterworld Seasons & More - Resource pack add-ons

    Hi, I'm trying to use the resource pack although they aren't working for me. Im on 1.12.2 with Optifine but the main issue seems to be that I can't get the server resource pack to work. I copied it from the server resource packs folder to my resource packs folder although it doesn't show...
  10. JustinS

    Completed Restrictions and House Point Reduction

    That could be true, although breaking the rules doesn't always involve multiple players. When someone clearly does something terribly bad, then it will be easy to distinguish. Could you maybe give an example because I don't quite understand how people would troll to sabotage the house cup?
  11. JustinS

    Declined Adding more SPECIAL collectibles

    I know that these are in game, although my point was to make special ones, as a sort of gifts or rewards. And the invisibilty cloak isn't a working collectible I believe
  12. JustinS

    Duplicate Searching for threads

    Alright thanks, this helps!
  13. JustinS

    Declined Adopt a Mandrake

    Yes I agree Somnambulist, I had no clue of what I was buying and my expectations were a bit too high.
  14. JustinS

    Declined Adding more SPECIAL collectibles

    Hi, I had an idea about adding more special and useful collectibles which can be received from events (and more). These collectibles could also have a small (but good!) effect on their gameplay. Some examples might be: - The invisibility cloak: There would for example only be 5 cloaks in the...
  15. JustinS

    Completed Restrictions and House Point Reduction

    I also thought of making certain floors restricted after a certain Minecraft time (For example night times) although this wouldn't really be beneficial to anyone and it would be quite annoying.
  16. JustinS

    Completed Restrictions and House Point Reduction

    Hi, I have a feature in mind which might make the game more realistic. For example, creating a small hidden passageway to open the Restricted Section in the library would allow access. Although there will be NPC's or one NPC which move around and "defend" the area, they sort of act like...
  17. JustinS

    Duplicate Searching for threads

    Hi, Whenever I want to post a new suggestion or feedback, I have to go through 6 pages of threads to check if it wasn't already mentioned. I was wondering if you could add a search button to find a thread with a few keywords for example. I tried using CTRL+F but that only works for one page so...
  18. JustinS

    Declined Adopt a Mandrake

    Hi, In one of the shops in Diagonal Lane there's you are able to adopt a mandrake for 100 gold, with a caretaker guide for 1 gold. I recently bought it and found out it's just a collectible which makes noise when you click it. This quite disappointed me because I thought it would actually be a...
  19. JustinS

    Declined Chests giving exp (besides the daily activity)

    I do not agree with this. Mainly because the chests already give gold and items, and sometimes even gear. Adding XP will make them way too good. Besides, if you go to /me to your daily quests, you get XP for opening certain amounts of chests.
  20. JustinS

    Completed Update the "/faq" information.

    Good suggestion, I agree.