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Search results

  1. Ismo

    Completed Pride Event: Add Second Fridge To Kitchen

    Hiya @GreatLordOz ! We're happy to say we have added another fridge in the kitchen, for more Tiramisu baking! This is now live, along with the addition of a mailbox at the event. Thank you for this suggestion, and I hope you have a good day/night!
  2. Ismo

    Completed All items addable in shop ./shop and marketplace like heads

    Hiya @oakstanner ! I'm happy to say that all enderchests can now be found at the marketplace! We have added as many ender chests as we can to the Marketplace, and all moving forwards will be able to be added to the Marketplace too! Some unfortunately cannot be added if they are especially old...
  3. Ismo

    Declined How to differentiate players' ghosts in gauntlet

    Hiya @Takalo and everyone else who responded to this suggestion! We really love this idea and think it's fantastic! However, we've found that it's unfortunately too hard to do on the server. When players die, their death location is marked with an AST of a ghost, and their name. This is not...
  4. Ismo

    Declined 2x May 4th Suggestions

    Hiya @Zmiya ! Unfortunately we will not be completing either of these suggestions. We will not be allowing players to get more than 1 droid pet this year, because there are already plenty of cosmetics that players have to work hard to achieve, including 2 non-droid pets. We have also not tried...
  5. Ismo

    Declined add the chin string thing to the bucket hat hat

    Hiya @cheddarsoup ! This suggestion has been declined, as we unfortunately will not be adding the string to the bucket hat because it is not in the majority of bucket hats, especially not those which are currently on-trend. Adding the strap would make it more like a Barmah/Cowboy hat which is...
  6. Ismo

    Completed Clockwork Bundle

    Hiya @MysticalBlizzard ! I bring good news, as this suggestion has now been implemented. We released a Clockwork Bundle containing all clockwork-themed items in the recent Mystical Store release. It can be viewed in the New Releases section on the website here! Thank you once again for this...
  7. Ismo

    Completed Warp Key Cooldowns- Reevaluating the logic behind the decision

    Hiya @Ivan_ ! I'm here with good news as this suggestion has been accepted! We currently have plans to make it even easier to travel around the map. This means that we will be making it easier to travel with both the Warp Key and fire dust systems. Thank you for this suggestion, and I hope...
  8. Ismo

    Completed Quabbleball Leaderboard Competition

    Hiya @Frebii ! I bring great news as we're happy to say we are implementing Quabbleball tournaments! These will run in the last weekend of each month, and more can be seen from our latest Quabbleball update, which you can read here! Keep an eye out for our first tournament, running from April...
  9. Ismo

    Completed Make it so you fight a dementare at the end of the animus exto quest

    Hiya @cheddarsoup ! I bring good news, as this is now complete and live! To complete the Guardian Challenge now, players have to kill a Dementare after the 6th challenge to get used to their new spell. Thank you once again for this suggestion, and I hope you have a good day/night!
  10. Ismo

    Completed Fix house commands spam.

    Hii @MagmaC4 ! I bring good news, as this is now complete! We have created a menu that opens upon typing /house which shows all the key commands in an accessible way. Please note that you can still view the full commands list by typing /house help in chat. This is live as of our most recent...
  11. Ismo

    Declined Town Ownership

    Hiya @MattyPoltergeist ! This suggestion has been declined. Unfortunately, this is not something we will be focusing on for the near future. This is because guilds are currently not a priority for our Dev team and the majority of this suggestion ties into guilds; you can read more about this...
  12. Ismo

    Completed A small suggestion for minigames

    Hii @_Navyy ! This suggestion has been accepted, as we think this is a good idea and will help further promote minigames! Dungeon and gauntlet queue messages will only be sent to people who have unlocked the game. We have set the queue messages to send every 60 seconds, so we will need to give...
  13. Ismo

    Declined Unforgivable Curses

    Hiya @HektorTM ! This suggestion has unfortunately been declined. We do not wish to be adding unforgivable curses to the game at this stage. Currently our aim is to stabilise our magic system and purely balance, instead of making new additions. We think that although there is interest in adding...
  14. Ismo

    Declined Feedback: Drooble's Order

    Hiya @GhostlyKade ! I have arrived with great news! We will be introducing a 1-year/12 month package for Drooble's Order shortly. We would also like to introduce a special addition for those who purchase a long package, and will be sending out feedback for what that special addition may be...
  15. Ismo

    Completed Make It Permanently Daytime in Flying Minigames

    Hi @Scientin ! I have arrived with great news! We like this idea and have decided to complete it! Flying will not be permanently day, but all players will have night vision throughout the maps. Thank you for this suggestion, and I hope you have a good day/night!
  16. Ismo

    Declined Minigame Sugg: Headless hunt

    Heya @ACrazyMan ! Unfortunately this suggestion has been declined. We previously had a similar Party Games gamemode which was called Tag: players had TNT and had to try not to explode. Unfortunately, this wasn't a popular game with our players, and we had to disable it. Therefore, we don't...
  17. Ismo

    Completed Make Duelling More Diverse

    Hi @zZalt ! I bring good news! At the end of last year, we completely reworked Magmify, Pierolotum and Blizzix in the hopes of buffing some less-used AOE spells. Thank you once again for this suggestion, and I hope you have a good day/night!
  18. Ismo

    Completed Smth about Gear

    Hi @MattyPoltergeist ! I'm back with an update to this suggestion! While we recognise the change isn't exactly the one suggested here, we did remove the need for the items mentioned in this thread. There is no more gear crafting necessary. Thank you once again for this suggestion, and I hope...
  19. Ismo

    Completed fix decision of winning order

    Hi @LiviDk ! I have returned with great news! We have now implemented a change in Snowballing so that players draw if they finish with the same score. We have also changed Melting Floor so that the player on the highest floor wins at the end of the time, or players draw if they're on the same...