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Explain The Basics of Potterworld More in Quests and Other Quest Stuff


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Serpent Werewolf
Currently, though Quests are an extra feature to Potterworld, they don't really add more to Potterworld. To me the development of quests may have seemed a bit like a quantity of quality thing and the actual way that they would work wasn't thought out to it's full potential. This is my thought process while going through quests. "Okay, let's start a new quest!" "Okay quest done, on to the next one..." I don't feel any progression or accomplishment after doing it. The quests have been written by people who know loads about Potterworld and have already established what to do, how to do it and where to do it. After going through the tutorial, I've seen how little information players actually go into Potterworld with, sure there are notice boards but:
1 - This isn't a very creative way of teaching people the basics of Potterworld
2 - People can easily forget these small details
3 - People aren't especially forced to read this text.

Knowledge Progression

All the 1st year quests (apart from Feathers Afloat and A Future Untold) teach you things. Whether it be flying, brewing or getting your first Warp Key Bag. This is done mainly through NPC lessons and does indeed give you progression through knowledge. However, after this, not only are there no more lesson quests, there's also very few Game Progression quests. The first year quests through you in one direction and literally everything after could have been made by a whole different server. I think for a start, there needs to be far more lessons in the later year quests as they have so much potential. The amazing thing about quests is that it basically makes you unlimited to what you want to add. You want to add a New Spell but it doesn't link to an event, or perhaps a new hat, pet or collectable? - Make a Quest!

What I'm suggesting is the fact that there needs to be more Hogsworth NPC lessons after the 1st year (maybe getting progressively less) which teach you maybe how to cast some difficult spells or what each one does but the main focus is on the left out main game play features that aren't covered in quests. These are the things that I believe need to be mentioned (or atleast the ones I could think of):
- House Cup/Points
- Spell Inventories/Hotbars (which MANY new players get confused with so must be in the tutorial or 1st year - probably by a dueling teacher)
- Housing (probably higher up in the levels maybe by a construction worker or something)
- Classes (I know there is the Droobledore NPC in the trophy room but players no longer get this quest on arrival and would have to figure it out themselves - something that makes it a question asked in general a lot).
- The Marketplace (probably also a higher level quest, maybe 4th year?)
- Events (possibly not a quest, but more of a side NPC saying something about them)
- Tournaments
- Roleplay and Families (also a mid school quest)
- Firedust

All these things are very important to Potterworld and blatantly missed out, it would solve a lot of confusion and would give a sense of actual learning. I do think that possibly the Divination quest should be moved up a bit maybe to make room for one of the quests mentioned and also to spread out the school learning.
- Also talking about the Divination Quest it really needs to ACTUALLY give you a prophecy, many players were confused and disappointing to find out the fact that it blatantly tells you you'll get a prophecy but just doesn't... maybe if something like an overarching story is ever done, this 'prophecy' could lead into something. Or it could lead you or direct you in the way to buying the divination ball from the Diagonal Alley shop (which is gonna be a thing apparently :O)

Game Progression

So, currently as I said, quests aren't really leading anywhere, it seems like a move that's just "through in content and they can't complain". Which yes, many of the quests were enjoyable but was just missing a little touch. They were missing the feeling that level by level you are actually growing and learning new ways to travel and adventure. One thing about quests is that I think they could really be useful to limit and extend people's travel, e.g. getting a new quick travel after completing a quest (Journey to Hogsend could unlock the boat travel, a quest about the Vanishing cabinet could be added to make that a link). But basically for Game Progression I think adding spells to hard quests would be a good way to 1: extend the magic system and 2: make it feel more rewarding. I think if they did do something like the travel idea it would be a good way to lower fire dust price/broom price.

Quests in Future

So, for Quests in the future, I think that they need a lot more world building and lore. So far so many of the quests have been fetch quests. And it's odd because it doesn't even give a reason why we're helping so many people or randomly going round and doing this stuff. Potterworld has said many times that they don't want to defy a players destiny / experience but this doesn't mean that making lore or atleast some what of a story line and realism is impossible. Like, the Train Quest forces you to do it as the train is crashed, it's not a perfect excuse but atleast it is one. Quests definitely need to further themselves from the constant travelling around, mob killing and giving, it just seems like the basic recipe for a quest that just isn't working. I think a lot of quests could teach you law about the server and make a story line that way without actually plunging you too deep. Also, I believe the old NPC moving / watching mechanic could be really fun with things like Fletcher where you would have to move past a corridor or a tunnel without him seeing you to reach a destination where you need to be. Fetch quests can still be fun but it's mainly about the way of how you are getting the item, maybe a more suitable option would be finding a hidden room that has been lost for years and a student and you need to get in for an item or possibly having to persuade or help (not by giving it an item but maybe by leading or performing magic) an NPC. Even having the normal, kill a mob thing could work better if they develop the thing you are actually killing and not just having it kind of chill there... I think that even though the quests do generally progress through towns, I think it's a shame that a lot of the quests spend so little time in Hogsworth even though you are meant to be going through the years? It's a very odd thing happening that I think can be fixed by adding either more Hogsworth Quests or giving a reason to why you are going out to different towns *during* the school year.

So yeah, that's what I say:
- More Hogsworth Quests
- More Basics Explained in Quests
- Areas locked until accessed through a quest
- More Collectables and Spells given through Quests
- Less Fetch Quests
- Make Fetch Quests have more interesting ways of *fetching the item*
- Give more of a reason to why you're helping players and venturing so far out from the school when you haven't graduated
- Develop characters, areas and lore in general through quests.


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Motionic
Dark Follower Griffin Vampire
Hello Matty, thank you for submitting this feedback! We always appreciate players coming forward with their ideas. I will discuss this with the rest of the poltergeists and I will get more feedback on this. I will get back to you with a decision once I have received more feedback. Have a wonderful day!


Notable Magician
Minecraft IGN: Motionic
Dark Follower Griffin Vampire
Hello @MattyPoltergeist! After quite a bit of discussion, we have decided to accept your ideas!

More Hogsworth Quests: We are planning on adding additional quests around the castle in the future.
More Basics Explained in Quests: There are a couple of quests that we plan on adding as a tutorial that will cover some of the topics. We will also be adding this information to /help as well. As for the Divination Class, we are actually planning on adding dialogue to make it seem more magical. They can read more about the decision here.
Areas Locked Until Accessed Through a Quest: There is a plan on adding new travel options in the future (such as the Hogsend boat and Vanishing Cabinet). They can read more about these here and here
More Collectibles & Spells Given through Quests: We have some plans in the future regarding the ability to receive a spell as a reward from completing a quest. However, this will not be a common thing as we want to make sure other players will not be missing out too much if they are not interested in completing the quests. As for the collectables, we do not have any plans on adding these as a reward in the future. Usually, players obtain these through events as they are considered valuable and available for a limited time. We would rather have players receive gear over a collectable as it would be more helpful for them in the future.
Less Fetch Quests + Interesting Ways for the Quests: Currently there is already a thread regarding the suggestion of fewer fetch quests which can be found here.
Develop Characters, Area and Lore: We are looking into adding overarching lore to the server with quests that will contribute to this. For more information, they can check out this thread.

Thank you so much for coming forward with your suggestions and we truly hope to see more from you in the future! Have a wonderful day!


Minecraft IGN: littledead
Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Serpent Vampire Werewolf DD Editor Sr. Poltergeist
Hello @MattyPoltergeist ,

Since this suggestion was made, we've introduced the FYE quest system which vastly improved the manner in which players are introduced to the main aspects of the game. We are always on the lookout for gaps where things need further explanation, and will continue to work at making our gameplay as understandable as possible for players. We have improved the travel system, and plan to keep the key points of this post in mind when creating future content. Therefore, we will be marking this suggestion as completed!

Thank you for all of your suggestions, and have a wonderful day!