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Make Dueling Gear-Free

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Minecraft IGN: may2070
Honeybadger Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW
Alright I'm going to be honest, I don't really duel so I've been avoiding this thread for a while. I also never rlly had the chance to play a lot of Revelius due to wifi issues, so I'm not an expert on gear either. With that being said, from my understanding it seems that the gear system is broken in terms of dueling, and has become a huge turn off for the dueling community on the server. I even know players, friends even, who stopped playing because of the system

Now Flip said that they were working towards fixing the system, so what if the gear system was temporarily disabled for dueling? That way, the players can enjoy dueling without gear being the determining factor, and the GD and Dev team can work on a better system in the meantime. I'm not sure how much this will affect dueling, or if it's even possible, but is it worth a shot?


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked
Alright I'm going to be honest, I don't really duel so I've been avoiding this thread for a while. I also never rlly had the chance to play a lot of Revelius due to wifi issues, so I'm not an expert on gear either. With that being said, from my understanding it seems that the gear system is broken in terms of dueling, and has become a huge turn off for the dueling community on the server. I even know players, friends even, who stopped playing because of the system

Now Flip said that they were working towards fixing the system, so what if the gear system was temporarily disabled for dueling? That way, the players can enjoy dueling without gear being the determining factor, and the GD and Dev team can work on a better system in the meantime. I'm not sure how much this will affect dueling, or if it's even possible, but is it worth a shot?
This wouldn't work as currently spell points are balanced with gear and you see, a level 80 can still 1 shot anyone because of spell points. It's even more broken as a lvl 80 can 1 shot another lvl 80. But ye big turn off for me


Minecraft IGN: realreallycool
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked
completely agree with this posts title, although I have not read the posts as they are very long and in depth and I can only read for an hour per week. I assume they are very good though so bravo all of you


Minecraft IGN: Aviforma
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked
This wouldn't work as currently spell points are balanced with gear and you see, a level 80 can still 1 shot anyone because of spell points. It's even more broken as a lvl 80 can 1 shot another lvl 80. But ye big turn off for me
You can enable a different magic system for dueling... no spell points...


Minecraft IGN: MagmaC4
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf SPEW
@Aviforma Just create a new forum thread that has a poll on it with many, if not all of the options that people gave here. The description could be just a brief summary of this discussion and the link to this thread. That way it will be much more clear what the players think.

I personally think that removing gear completely isn't that great of an idea as of now. A majority of the remaining dueling community has sinked a lot of gold into gear so that they can have that edge. Do I think that should have happened in the first place? No, but that's just the current situation. If they made dueling gear-free a lot of the players who made that gear for dueling (including me) wouldn't be the happiest since gear costs a lot, and money isn't easy to come by for many players as of now. They could add an exchange system for gear, but that comes with it's own problems. They would have to give back the gold spent on upgrading materials, on top of the cost that it takes to craft that piece of gear. And even then, how do you tell if someone made that piece of gear for dueling? If they added the option to reimburse your gear, everyone could just exchange their old gear that they made while leveling and get thousands of gold. Its all just a very messy business. I'm hoping that staff choose to work on balancing gear in dueling instead of removing it outright.

If it's possible to have separate dueling systems (pre-Revelius & post-Revelius) at the same time I would still be apprehensive. It's unknown how much work that would be for the Devs, and even then I feel like it's kinda pointless. I would doubt that it would be getting any magic updates, or have its own tournaments. And if it did that's going to be a lot of work for staff having to maintain two dueling systems and two monthly dueling tournaments.

To be honest a lot of the ways that staff could go about this each has their own pros and cons. It's up to them on what they choose, and I believe they know better than a lot of the player base, even if it doesn't seem like that at first sight. For example, the recent Quabbleball update post said that it was really hard for them to try to update Quabbleball since the plugins were unchangeable. I could get why a player would be mad at staff because the game felt abandoned, but they just didn't know what was happening with the game. I'm optimistic that gear will change for the better sooner or later, we just have to wait.


New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Blizz
Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Werewolf SPEW
I also support this. I definitely think that there should be an alternative to gear dueling to level out the playing field between players and encourage more people to join the dueling community. I have dueled people with spells that do 3x the damage that I do and that isn't a fair game.

Currently there are just too many factors that go in to dueling which makes it difficult to determine who's better skill-wise [Spell Trees, Gear, Level, Ping etc..]. Of course, some of these factors there is nothing we can do about except it just creates more of an imbalance in the system.

Now I do understand the MMORPG side of things. By introducing something like this you'd lose that factor of having to work for your gear. Personally, by balancing dueling, I don't think it will defeat the purpose of making gear. Lets just say balanced dueling was added, then the only reason to get gear would be mobs/quests. In MMO games, there are areas where gear is more necessary, such as contested zones, dungeons and pvp enabled areas. Usually there is a reward [player dropped items, money] for killing other players. I think by adding these areas to the world map, it'd give players more reasons to focus on upgrading gear.
It would provide both alternatives, creating a need for gear and still a fair fight when a player wants to duel.

My idea to combat this problem would be Kit Dueling, essentially presets of spells/gear combinations to eliminate the imbalance. Introducing this would also create new styles of dueling and players would 'main' in a certain kit, as we've seen on other PvP servers.

I've spoken to a majority of duelists about this, and they all share a similar vision. I will encourage them to share their feedback in this post to get their perspective on it.
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New Magician
Minecraft IGN: Thorlthunder
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Linked
I also support this. I definitely think that there should be an alternative to gear dueling to level out the playing field between players and encourage more people to join the dueling community. I have dueled people with spells that do 3x the damage that I do and that isn't a fair game.

Currently there are just too many factors that go in to dueling which makes it difficult to determine who's better skill-wise [Spell Trees, Gear, Level, Ping etc..]. Of course, some of these factors there is nothing we can do about except it just creates more of an imbalance in the system.

Now I do understand the MMORPG of things. By introducing something like this you'd lose that factor of having to work for your gear. Personally, by balancing dueling, I don't think it will defeat the purpose of making gear. Lets just say balanced dueling was added, then the only reason to get gear would be mobs/quests. In MMO games, there are areas where gear is more necessary, such as contested zones, dungeons and pvp enabled areas. Usually there is a reward (player dropped items, money) for killing other players. I think by adding these areas to the world map, it'd give players more reasons to focus on upgrading gear.
It would provide both alternatives, creating a need for gear and still a fair fight when a player wants to duel.

My idea to combat this problem would be Kit Dueling, essentially presets of spells/gear combinations to eliminate the imbalance. Introducing this would also create new styles of dueling and players would 'main' in a certain kit, as we've seen on other PvP servers.

I've spoken to a majority of duelists about this, and they all share a similar vision. I will encourage them to share their feedback in this post to get their perspective on it.
I agree with Blizz's point, I feel like the gear is putting a lot of people who want to learn and who are new to duelling off. as if having to duel a graduate with better spells than lower players have wasn't hard enough, add the extra damage and the extra health that comes with the gear that only high level players can get, it can be disheartening for the lower players. Most of the time duelling halls are filled with grads or people on the high level end of the spectrum and their spells and experience used to be enough to kill lower level players so adding gear that makes certain people 'God' like is not needed in my opinion.
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Minecraft IGN: laurennlol
Auralock Griffin Linked
I also support this. I definitely think that there should be an alternative to gear dueling to level out the playing field between players and encourage more people to join the dueling community. I have dueled people with spells that do 3x the damage that I do and that isn't a fair game.

Currently there are just too many factors that go in to dueling which makes it difficult to determine who's better skill-wise [Spell Trees, Gear, Level, Ping etc..]. Of course, some of these factors there is nothing we can do about except it just creates more of an imbalance in the system.

Now I do understand the MMORPG of things. By introducing something like this you'd lose that factor of having to work for your gear. Personally, by balancing dueling, I don't think it will defeat the purpose of making gear. Lets just say balanced dueling was added, then the only reason to get gear would be mobs/quests. In MMO games, there are areas where gear is more necessary, such as contested zones, dungeons and pvp enabled areas. Usually there is a reward (player dropped items, money) for killing other players. I think by adding these areas to the world map, it'd give players more reasons to focus on upgrading gear.
It would provide both alternatives, creating a need for gear and still a fair fight when a player wants to duel.

My idea to combat this problem would be Kit Dueling, essentially presets of spells/gear combinations to eliminate the imbalance. Introducing this would also create new styles of dueling and players would 'main' in a certain kit, as we've seen on other PvP servers.

I've spoken to a majority of duelists about this, and they all share a similar vision. I will encourage them to share their feedback in this post to get their perspective on it.
I agree with everything that Blizz stated, I think gear is a great idea for quests and exploring the world, however I personally believe it makes dueling extremely unfair and less enjoyable. In the past month or so I've seen a lot of the people who had previously dueled become less active because gear has drastically changed up the way dueling works and made it become unbalanced. Personally, I do not enjoy dueling in my free time as much as I used to, especially since I will join the dueling halls and without proper gear, I die instantly. Gear reminds me of when graduates had 800 health and could kill lower years with just one spell. This system was changed to give lower years a chance and to encourage lower years to join the dueling community, after the change was made I noticed a lot of lower years trying out dueling(which was the goal of the update). I know a lot of people enjoyed dueling with the system being more balanced out and based on skill, however, now I feel like gear kinda reverts those changes that were created to make dueling more fair and to encourage people to duel.

Although I don't like gear for dueling, I do enjoy having it for quests and killing mobs, I think it makes gameplay interesting and definitely gives players something to do. As said before in previous posts, if there is a way to separate dueling from gear and make it more for quests and stuff I think players(especially lower years) would be more encouraged to duel knowing that they won't be killed with one spell by somebody with over 6000 more health than them. Also, in dueling class, professors are no longer able to add as much creativity as before and come up with new styles such as hunger games because of the imbalance in gear.


Minecraft IGN: Aviforma
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked
I agree with everything that Blizz stated, I think gear is a great idea for quests and exploring the world, however I personally believe it makes dueling extremely unfair and less enjoyable. In the past month or so I've seen a lot of the people who had previously dueled become less active because gear has drastically changed up the way dueling works and made it become unbalanced. Personally, I do not enjoy dueling in my free time as much as I used to, especially since I will join the dueling halls and without proper gear, I die instantly. Gear reminds me of when graduates had 800 health and could kill lower years with just one spell. This system was changed to give lower years a chance and to encourage lower years to join the dueling community, after the change was made I noticed a lot of lower years trying out dueling(which was the goal of the update). I know a lot of people enjoyed dueling with the system being more balanced out and based on skill, however, now I feel like gear kinda reverts those changes that were created to make dueling more fair and to encourage people to duel.

Although I don't like gear for dueling, I do enjoy having it for quests and killing mobs, I think it makes gameplay interesting and definitely gives players something to do. As said before in previous posts, if there is a way to separate dueling from gear and make it more for quests and stuff I think players(especially lower years) would be more encouraged to duel knowing that they won't be killed with one spell by somebody with over 6000 more health than them. Also, in dueling class, professors are no longer able to add as much creativity as before and come up with new styles such as hunger games because of the imbalance in gear.
Make a list of the dueling community before and after Revelius, I'll guarantee you the majority of them have lessened their activity due to gear dueling. A significant portion of them will have quit too.


Minecraft IGN: Joshios
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
I just wanted to point out that if you grinded to become a graduate, you could also grind the quests pretty fast. Quests took me about a week and give you 70000 gold, which is enough to cover most if not all of the gear you want. I also do agree with Magma, there is no way they are going to remove gear in dueling when players have spent thousands of gold on their sets. Flipendo said he would be pushing out balance changes in the future, which is really all we can wait for. I think he made it pretty clear he won’t be removing gear in dueling.

(Ex: This week I bought almost my entire dueling set for around 30k, and my casca can do almost 4.5k on a headshot. I can probably do more once I get my last piece. Also do keep in mind spell points affect this too.)


Minecraft IGN: Narres
I had to read almost everything and I came to the conclusion that:

- Everyone still has equal chances because they have the same access to gears
- A lot of people are just too lazy to grind/buy gears
- People are basically reluctant to changes


Minecraft IGN: xNyn
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
I had to read almost everything and I came to the conclusion that:

- Everyone still has equal chances because they have the same access to gears
- A lot of people are just too lazy to grind/buy gears
- People are basically reluctant to changes
Point 1
Fair point.

Point 2
It's not that people are lazy. Some people just don't want to spend hours/loads of gold getting gear. Some people just don't like the idea of gear, either!

Point 3
Not necessarily. The reason people complain is because people may dislike the update. Some people love the update! There are some factors in the Revelius update that people enjoy, and it's different for different people. For instance, I like how everything is in one big world, I think spell trees aren't too bad of a concept, but the travel is too time consuming/expensive and I don't like gear. That's my view on those parts of the update, and it will vary for each person. There are parts of the update I do like and other people like parts of the update too. Just because people are complaining about a certain change doesn't mean we're "reluctant to changes".


Minecraft IGN: Honey_Dwarf1
Phoenix Raven Linked
- A lot of people are just too lazy to grind/buy gears
I agree with Nyn here - it's not about laziness. People shouldn't be forced to play the game a certain way - I've said it before, but some people like exploring, some like roleplaying, some like dueling, some like other things. But gear makes it hard to do anything other than grind for hours, and only then can you do what you enjoy. Potterworld is supposed to be fun, not just about becoming the most powerful.


Minecraft IGN: Joshios
Auralock Dark Follower Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf SPEW Linked
Some people just don't want to spend hours/loads of gold getting gear
People have grinded to become a graduate, why can't they grind for all the quests? I did them all (except one) very easily, they aren't hard to do, and I recommend it for an easy way to obtain gold.


Minecraft IGN: Aviforma
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent SPEW Linked
People have grinded to become a graduate, why can't they grind for all the quests? I did them all (except one) very easily, they aren't hard to do, and I recommend it for an easy way to obtain gold.
Grinding to become a graduate was a laid-back experience Pre-Revelius, where you went to incredibly diverse classes and did something different each time. Now you mostly just kill mobs, or do quests where you kill mobs.


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
TLDR: Community wants this so if they decline it then the staff team doesn't value the community's opinions... :(
Or just "Under Review" indefinitely, that way noone will get hurt.
3x (1).gif

So, uh, any updates ?
(Side note, I agree with the majority here that the gear should either be removed completely or removed from duelling [i as a low level would prefer the former option])


Minecraft IGN: Zmiy
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Vampire VIP Werewolf SPEW Linked
Or just "Under Review" indefinitely, that way noone will get hurt.
View attachment 1239
So, uh, any updates ?
(Side note, I agree with the majority here that the gear should either be removed completely or removed from duelling [i as a low level would prefer the former option])
We're working on it! It's a process that we, for obvious reasons, want to get right. Unfortunately, this isn't as easy as snapping our fingers and having a new system - there's a lot of concepting, planning and discussing.


Minecraft IGN: MattyPoltergeist
Raven Werewolf Linked
i dont know if I said this already but I disagree with making gear free dueling, imo they should either get rid of gear completely (my preferable option) or keep it and balance it. Making gear free but still having gear in the game would completely remove any point of it because who goes out fighting monsters after getting max gear, sure it would be useful for quests but I feel like it would just be too strange to remove the purpose from grads completely. Also I didn't actually read the suggestion at all and only the past 2 posts so if this has no relevance oh well
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