DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
PotterworldMC PotterworldMC PotterworldMC


Roleplay - Ministry Attack Live Event

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A great battle awaits! Join the Dark Followers and Phoenixes as they march into the Ministry of Magicians on Saturday 20th June, 12pm PST in an attempt to get rid of its corruption and Shakti once and for all.

Anniversary Event Competition Winners

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With all competition voting concluded, we are ready to announce the winners of the 6th Anniversary Event Competitions! Before listing the winners we'd like to thank everyone for participating. There were many fantastic stories, poems, and skins and it was difficult for our judge's to pick their favorites. We'd also like to thank everyone who voted in the skin competition! We received a total of 163 votes!

Now here are our winners...

Skin Competition:
- Fan Favorite: siM0AN
- Judge's Pick: Mxegan

Writing Competition:
- Story: Silquer
- Poem: Aviforma

Congratulations to our four winners! All winners should have received their 500 Potter Points. To get your special trophy, please make a ticket in-game and a staff member will give it to you.

Hogsworth's 2020 Graduation

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Hogsworth is celebrating those who are graduating this year! Talk to Droobledore in the Great Hall to travel to the event. Droobledore is also selling collectables at the event to remember this wondrous celebration! The Graduation Ceremony will be open until June 27th.

Implementation - WhirlwindWar, Ralie, xAutumnn, and FLiiiPENDO
Build - RobotWizz, _laurenn, PotatoEmma, Spaghelle, Floralish, JustMaxHell, Sorcellerie, Snowys, and Surisan
Skins - Ralie
Graduation Cap Model - RobotWizz

Anniversary Event Competition Update

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Hello everyone!

Thank you to all who submitted to our skin and writing competitions! We're excited to begin the voting period for the skin competition's Fan Favorite award! From now until the 15th of June at 12pm PST, all players will be able to vote for their top two skins.

There has been a location set up that showcases the great skins that have been submitted! Go to the Announcements GUI in /me to travel to the Skin Showcase. We recommend taking a full look at the skins before voting here.

On the 16th of June, both the winners of the skin & writing competitions will be announced! All winners will receive 500 Potter Points, a special trophy, and the winners of the writing competition will have their pieces featured in the Daily Diviner!

Get voting everyone and good luck! If you have any questions, please message either the Head or Assistant of Media.

Default Scenery Revamp

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Hello everyone!

We're excited to announce that we have given the default scenery a completely new look, and most exciting of all it's free to use for everyone!

This revamped scenery should already be in your scenery selector GUI, give it a try!
For more spectacular sceneries check out our store here!

Built by: Blizz

Pride Festival 2020

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Honor the LGBT+ community this year at Hogsworth’s very own Pride Festival! Talk to Dean in the Greathall Courtyard to help plan for the festivities. Travel to the Transfiguration Courtyard to enjoy the festival and purchase collectables! The Festival will be open until June 27th.

Build - Blizz, Floralish, Spaghelle, and RobotWizz
Implementation - Miss_Strudel, maddinq, NSgaming, Aviforma, GarrisonTM, and xAutumnn
Pride Flag Model - Droobledore

June 2020 Store Release

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Greetings witches and wizards!

With the destruction of the allegiance bases, we have added 3 allegiance themed death effects to the store!

Summer is also upon us, so take this time to buy your very own pair of sunglasses! And if you have ever wanted to show that you are royalty... worry no longer! You now can with the Royal Crown.

Visit the store by clicking here!

Roleplay - Destruction of the Bases

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The two Allegiance bases have been attacked! They were destroyed beyond repair and have forced all the members to evacuate. Players may venture into the bases to retrieve hidden items and exchange them for new collectables - though be careful!

Check out the newest Daily Diviner Breaking News article to find out more! The event will remain available until June 22nd - stay safe!

Gameplay Creation - Roleplay Team
Implementation - Joelowo, Miss_Strudel, xAutumnn, NSgaming
Destroyed Bases - Build Team
G 0 H 0 R 0 S 0

Vote for PotterworldMC

Vote with the links below

Voting earns you 10 Voting Tokens per website, you can vote on each website once per day.

Check your token balance in-game by doing '/bal'.

Voting Tokens can be exchanged in the Trophy Room, which is located at the rear of the Great Hall.

Disclaimer: You can only receive your Voting Tokens if you are in-game at the time of voting. Also, please wait for your previous vote to process and produce a confirmation message in-game before moving onto the next website.