DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
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Revelius Q&A - Feedback Response

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In the wake of the Revelius Q&A, we received a ton of valuable feedback! We hear you loud and clear, and thank you for bringing up your feedback to us! We have decided to adjust some of the things we had planned, specifically in regards to brooms and spell trees:

We have heard you guys loud and clear, you guys want to keep the brooms you have worked so hard to earn! That is totally understandable and we agree. You will now be able to retain your hard-earned brooms! We will have to make a few changes to the speed of the brooms in order to balance them with the new world, but you will get to keep it and it will function as a broom! All names will remain the same, and the descriptions will be improved to feel more magical, but that's it!

Additionally, these brooms will become tradeable, so you're able to sell them at a later date!

Profession Prefixes
After hearing your feedback, we want to recognize the many hours our players have put into professions and have decided that all players who earn the profession prefixes before the release of Revelius will still be able to keep them. After the release of the update players will not be able to receive them, but new ways will be added with different ways to obtain them in the future, after Revelius.

Some of the concerns we heard from you guys is that many of you want to retain all the spells you have earned. We don’t want any of you to feel less of a wizard, so you will no longer lose most of your spells. In fact, instead of losing 66 spells, you will now only lose 8 spells (and that's only if you're a graduate and have unlocked all spells). We have to remove these 8 spells from the game, because their purpose and use no...

Skin Arithmancer Applications - Closed

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Hello everyone!

The Skin Arithmancer applications have now closed. The few remaining applications are still being looked at and will hear back from us soon.
Thank you to everyone who applied!

If you do have any questions regarding the applications, feel free to message the Head of Media.

Anniversary Store Sale

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Hello witches & wizards!

On this day six years ago, Potterworld opened its doors to the public! To celebrate six years of Potterworld, we've got an anniversary sale on our store for a limited time. Until the 20th of May, all items on our store (excluding event items) will receive up to 40% off!

Note: This sale does not apply to our Potter Points shop in-game.

Anniversary Event Competitions

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Hello everyone!

We are very excited to announce not one but two competitions to celebrate Potterworld's 6th anniversary! We will be holding a skin competition and a writing competition. Check out the different subsections below for more details.

Skin Competition
Bring forth your best skin creation skills once again to make a fabulous skin. From now until the 31st of May, 12pm PST, submissions will be open for the skin competition.
The theme of this competition is 'Potterworld' so be as creative as you can be.
There will be two winners. One winner will be picked by the Skin Arithmancer team and Media Leadership. The other winner will be chosen by you, the community! Both winners will receive a 500 potterpoints prize and a special trophy!
Now what are the rules?
  • Skin arithmancers are not allowed to participate.
  • No inappropriate skins.
  • Your submission must be custom made by you (at least for 70%).
  • You can only submit one skin.
  • You can only win once.
  • All files you hand in must be the skin files in .png format.
To submit your skin, use the form found here.

Writing Competition
Grab your best quill and parchment because the writing competition is back! From now until the 31st of May, 12pm PST, submissions will be open for the writing competition.
The theme of the competition is 'Potterworld' and there will be two categories: Stories and Poetry.
There will be one winner in each category whom picked by the Daily Diviner Lead Producers and the Media Leadership. Both winners will receive 500 potterpoints, a special trophy, and will be featured in the Daily Diviner!
So what are the rules?
  • All submissions must follow...

Housing Awards: Winners

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Hello everyone!

I'm very excited to finally announce the winners of the Housing Awards, but I would like to thank everyone who participated in the competition before doing so - you all made it a challenging and an interesting contest!

To see the winners of the Housing Awards go check out this video made by our wonderful Sunnya!

Winners will be contacted directly on discord regarding their rewards.
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to let us know.

- The Build Team

Q&A - Revelius Update

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Hello everyone!

Since our Revelius Update announcement in April, we've seen your questions and we know you are eager for more information. We're excited to announce to you all that we will be hosting a Q&A livestream dedicated to the Revelius Update. We will be sharing information on updates, answering questions, and showing sneak peaks of what is to come.

The Revelius Q&A will be live streamed on the PotterworldMC YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/c/PotterworldMC/live) on May 23rd at 3 pm PST (10 pm GMT, 8 am AEST on the 24th). The livestream will be public on the channel for those who cannot attend.

We hope to see you all then!

Potterworld's 6th Anniversary

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It is now the time of year to celebrate Potterworld's illustrious history. Our 6th Anniversary has quickly crept up on us, and we're at one of the final stops on the way to Revelius!

This year, the Fine Arts Fair and Magical Maze have returned once more. As with our previous Anniversary event, the Fine Arts Fair features many statistics leaderboards, including most tournaments won, most Potterworld Legend medals, and more! Magical Maze is returning with a similar objective. This year, you'll need to find 10 Anniversary Shards hidden around the maze before locating the Interwizard Cup. For those who complete this task, a surprise awaits you! There is also a special scavenger hunt created by the Media team.

We also have a writing and skin competition coming soon! More details will be announced within the next few days.

Head into the cake in the Great Hall Courtyard to begin! Our celebrations will be available until June 8th.

Fine Arts Fair Build - Event Staff 2016
Magical Maze Build - Event Staff 2016
Implementation - xAutumnn, maddinq and FLiiiPENDO.
Scavenger Hunt - Alexstrasza14, Sunnya, maddinq, gabethefairy and PotatoEmma.

Arena Master Evolution

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We're very excited to announce some awesome changes coming to the Arena Master team! We're going to be moving towards having regularly scheduled challenges, in which you guys can practice for tournaments, and different tournaments each month, rather than the standard 3v3 tournaments. For this, we have restructured the team in order to allow players to apply for the team! The new structure is as follows:

Arena Squire
Arena Squires assist Arena Masters with running challenges and tournaments in-game, as well as managing our Dueling and Flying Discord servers, and keeping track of champions, finalists, backups, etc. You can apply for this position here!

Arena Master
Arena Masters inherit all the responsibilities of Arena Squire, as well as running challenges and tournaments.

Arena Grandmaster
This is the lead of the Arena Team, they oversee the team and ensure everything is running smoothly.

Additionally, members of this team are no longer bound to either Dueling or Flying, they will be involved in both!

We'll have more information about challenges and tournaments in the near future. If you have any questions, feel free to message the Head of Game Design on Discord!
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Vote for PotterworldMC

Vote with the links below

Voting earns you 10 Voting Tokens per website, you can vote on each website once per day.

Check your token balance in-game by doing '/bal'.

Voting Tokens can be exchanged in the Trophy Room, which is located at the rear of the Great Hall.

Disclaimer: You can only receive your Voting Tokens if you are in-game at the time of voting. Also, please wait for your previous vote to process and produce a confirmation message in-game before moving onto the next website.