DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
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New Official Arena Discord

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As mentioned in the Game Design Q&A, the Arena Team has been working on a Discord for the competitive side of Potterworld. It took a few months to set up, but we're very excited to finally release it to everyone!

We believe that this Discord will allow players & Arena Team members to interact about all things Arena! Things on this Discord include:
  • Notifications about surprise Challenges
  • Teasing upcoming new content
  • Allow players to find teammates
  • And more!
Click here to join our Arena Discord!

Note: All rules from the main PW Discord apply & individuals will need to have their account linked (do /discord in-game).

We hope you all enjoy! If you have any questions, feel free to message the Lead Arena Master, Sal, on Discord at Sal#2212.

Summer Visual Arts Competition Winners

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Hello Witches and Wizards!

Finally, the judging period has come to a close for the Summer Visual Arts Competition! There were so many incredibly talented artists who submitted pieces and choosing the top 3 winners was no easy feat. As a special thanks for entering, we’ve decided to award all participants 100 Potter Points!

Without further ado, the winners!
1st Place: Prin_ce

2nd Place: fleurtje0726

3rd Place: RainbowElfe

But that’s not all...

House Points have also been given to all participants based on how many people of each house entered! Here’s the final scoring.
:griffin: Griffins: 60 HP
:honeybadger: Honeybadgers: 45 HP
:raven: Ravens: 60 HP
:serpent: Serpents: 75 HP

Congratulations to you all! Your respective Potter Points have been awarded for you to use in-game & HP will be going out shortly!

CM & Tech and Dev: Leadership Changes

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Hey everyone!

We’re super excited to announce that EricaEH has become the new Head of Community Management! There is no one else I would want to have this title. It’s been an absolute pleasure working with her, and I know that CM is in safe hands. I’m super proud of how far she’s come, and how hard she’s worked. Congratulations Erica!

With this, I will be moving into a co-head position where I’ll be heading the Technology & Development department along with Alexis. While leading the department will be a mutual effort, Alexis will be focusing on leading the Ground Keepers whereas I will be focusing on leading the developers. Everything in-between will be led collectively.

Here’s a quick reminder of the roles in tech & dev.
  • Developers (these are the people who writes code)
  • Engineers (these are the people who do work that is similar to coding, but not actual coding. This can for example be config work, like Magic & Mobs, etc.)
  • Ground Keepers (these are the people who help test and make sure everything is working the way it should).
Alexis has been working on restructuring the department, and the restructure is nearly done! We hope to release more information on the restructure soon.

This certainly is a weird change after having founded the CM department and led it for more than a year, but it’s a new chapter for myself which I’m excited for!

Thank you everyone!

Head of Build

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Congratulations to @PotatoEmma on becoming our newest Head of Build! She will be co-heading the department alongside me(@RobotWizz ).

Emma is the kindest, most hard-working and determined person I know and she has gone above and beyond in her role as my Assistant for over a year! I know for a fact she will continue to shine with her new role as Head of Build, and I cannot wait to join her in that adventure.

Gefeliciteerd Emma!

2021 Season 2 Arena Champions

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Over the past 3 months, many witches and wizards have been competing in both Dueling and Flying Challenges with the goal of becoming the top wizard at Hogsworth! We'd like to congratulate iSpitLikeALlama, Expiroces, and Salmandingo for becoming our Season 2 Arena Champions!

Overall Category
Winning this category requires being on top of your game for both Dueling, Flying, and other Challenge types we may have. Congratulations to iSpitLikeALlama for coming in first!
Final Overall Arena Score: 147​
Final Dueling Arena Score: 28​
Final Flying Arena Score: 86​

Dueling Category
Winning this category requires consistently being the top duelist. Congratulations to Expiroces for coming in first!
Final Overall Arena Score: 112​
Final Dueling Arena Score: 57​
Final Flying Arena Score: 46​

Flying Category
Winning this category requires consistently being the top flier. Congratulations to Salmandingo for coming in first!
Final Overall Arena Score: 66​
Final Dueling Arena Score: 24​
Final Flying Arena Score: 39​

For those of you who made it onto the top 6 leaderboard, you have all received 40 Arena Tokens for your hard work...

Night Store Releases

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Greetings witches and wizards!

We on the Store Manager Team are pleased to announce this month's new store items! We hope you enjoy these night-themed items just as much as we do!

The new store items that we bring you are the following:
  • NEW 3D Glasses: Settle down and watch a movie with your friends during the summer break with these stylish 3D glasses!
    • The 3D Glasses come in a low and high variation!
  • NEW Star Moon Wand: With the power of the stars and moon, you will be able to protect Potterworld from all evil using this wand appearance!
  • NEW Black Dragon Staff: Using the shadow of the night, you will be the most feared witch or wizard with this wand appearance!
  • NEW Starry Wand Effects: Harness the power of the stars with these wand effects and watch as they dance around you when you practice magic!
  • NEW Night Emote Pack: Now you can enjoy your nights with friends and also finally tell them to go to bed at reasonable times! These are the emotes:
    • Stargazing
    • Goodnight
    • Go To Bed
    • Make A Wish
    • Bedtime Story
For more information, you can view these new items at https://store.potterworldmc.com/category/new-releases. You can also preview these items in the in-game store!

These items are also available in the Potter Points shop.

WizNewsletter - July 2021

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Created in October of 2020, the WizNewsletter serves as a way for students and staff to recap on the month's updates. WizNetworkers spend countless hours researching, writing, editing, and implementing each section so that the happenings of the wizarding world do not go unnoticed. Let’s get into the news from the past month!​



Head of Academics

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Congratulations to @zachmath15 on his promotion to Head of Academics!

I am super excited to announce that Zach will be co-heading the Academics team alongside myself (HeyLookBunnies). Zach has been an incredible Assistant and has striven to provide a fun and fair environment for the Academics team. From joining the staff team in January 2019, to joining the leadership team in June 2020, Zach has always put 110% effort into what he does for both the team and the server. Congratulations Zach! We're excited to see what you will do as a co-head of the Academics department!
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Vote for PotterworldMC

Vote with the links below

Voting earns you 10 Voting Tokens per website, you can vote on each website once per day.

Check your token balance in-game by doing '/bal'.

Voting Tokens can be exchanged in the Trophy Room, which is located at the rear of the Great Hall.

Disclaimer: You can only receive your Voting Tokens if you are in-game at the time of voting. Also, please wait for your previous vote to process and produce a confirmation message in-game before moving onto the next website.