DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
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Network Issues- SOLVED!

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This has been resolved, and you are now able to connect and play again! We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused.

We're currently experiencing an issue with one of our back-end servers, crashing the entire network. We're investigating the issue, but full transparency, we don't expect this to be fixed today (PST), as our Developers are currently unavailable due to timezones.

Players will be unable to connect to the server, and players already connected will experience tons of weird stuff.

We'll send out an announcement once the issue has been resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience this has caused, and thank you for your patience.

(This is also affecting our Discord bot, so I had to send this ugly message, sorry! Might delete this later to keep up with the aesthetic)

New Minigame: Party Games!

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Greetings witches, wizards, and all magical folk alike!

It brings us much excitement to announce that after 2 years, and nearly 5 months, we’re super excited to release our new permanent minigame: Party Games!

Party Games is a fast-paced, exciting minigame that chooses 6 random game modes for you all to play and compete in. Each game will have winners, and once the 6 random games have been played, the player with the most points wins.

Because this is a permanent minigame, you can find daily party games tasks in your /me menu.

We’re releasing this in BETA and with 13 games to begin with.

We actually made 4 more (so 17 in total), but they weren’t at the quality that we would have liked, so we decided to disable those for now. Our biggest challenge has been creativity: We’ve had a really hard time coming up with fun games, so if you have an idea for a fun game, please let us know! This is a game that we’d love to continue to work on - we just need the ideas!

Saying goodbye to an oldie
With the release of Party Games, we made the decision to say goodbye to our oldest permanent minigame: Spell Wars. Spell Wars is our worst performing minigame, and there are days where it doesn’t get played at all. Keeping spell wars enabled would make queue times last even longer, and would require us to continuously maintain it. It’s not of the quality that we’d like for it to be, so we think disabling it for now is a good idea. We can always re-enable it in the future, or rework it - or maybe replace it with something else (bedwars?).

We want to be transparent with this decision, so here’s a graph displaying how many games Spell Wars gets compared to other games. Note: This doesn’t even take...

July Store Releases and Store Sale

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Greetings witches and wizards!

We on the Store Manager Team are excited to announce this month's new store items! Additionally, we also bring you the Mid-Summer Sale with up to 50% off on all store items except for this month's new store items! The sale will endure until the 31st of July and end at 12 am PST, so make sure you get the items you want on time!

The new store items that we bring you are the following:
  • NEW Sunflower Flower Crown: With this new flower crown, you will look stylish as you frolic through the meadows!
  • NEW Snorkel Mask: Take a deep dive into the underwater world and explore! This also comes with the Ocean Dive emote!
  • NEW Kelpie Mount: Take a trip through the skies with this magical creature broom appearance from the sea!
  • NEW Summer Emote Pack: Now you can express how summer makes you feel to your friends! These are the emotes:
    • Sun lounging
    • Make lemonade
    • Eat ice cream
    • Go swimming
    • Build a sandcastle
We hope you'll enjoy the new store items as well as the sale!

Note: The sale does not apply to the Potter Points store, however, you'll find all new store items there!

WizNewsletter - June 2021

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Created in October of 2020, the WizNewsletter serves as a way for students and staff to recap on the month's updates. WizNetworkers spend countless hours researching, writing, editing, and implementing each section so that the happenings of the wizarding world do not go unnoticed. Let’s get into the news from the past month!​



House Cup June 2021

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We'd like to congratulate Honeybadgers for being the winners of the House Cup for the second quarter of 2021.

Here is the final tally of house points:
:honeybadger: 20319
:raven: 16145
:serpent: 14369
:griffin: 14025

There has been a slight delay on the rewards for this round, so look out for when the Head of Honeybadger (KieranTM) NPC near the Great Hall appears over the next few days.

The next House Cup will be on September 27th! Good luck to all houses!

June Community Engagement

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The Inquisitorial Squad will be hosting Pride Festival-themed Community Engagements during the month of June, and all of you are invited! We will be hosting multiple CEs, over the span of a week, with a few fun activities for you all to participate in!

Here's the schedule:
June 25th, Friday, at 9am PST
June 26th, Saturday, at 4pm PST
June 27th, Sunday, at 6pm PST
June 28th, Monday, at 12pm PST
June 30th, Wednesday, at 8am PST

You can also refer back to these dates on the calendar.

We hope to see you all attend!

Pride 2021 Giveaway Winner

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Hello Witches and Wizards!

We are excited to announce the winner of our Pride 2021 Giveaway, who will receive their choice of the Rainbow Flower Crown, the Rainbow Wizard Hat, or the Rainbow Fairy Wings.

And the winner is.... spaghettisliert3!

Congratulations, we can't wait to see you walking around the Pride event in style! To claim your prize, create an in-game ticket by using the command /t create. You can also do so by messaging Kala (kala#5755) or Sunnya (sunnya#6761).

Thank you to everyone who participated, and we can't wait to see you in the next giveaway!


Head of Raven

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It is with sadness that I announce that I'm stepping down from Head of Raven, as life commitments have got into the way from me properly dedicating the time this role needs and deserves.

I am, however, ecstatic to announce that Zach will be taking on the baton and become our newest Head of Raven! He's an excellent Raven and I have no doubt that Zach will excel as our newest head!

I'm honoured to have served you Ravens for over a year now and seeing us win 3 House Cups in a row - an incredible feat!

Let's take Ravens to new heights with Zach, but for now this is my last message to you.

Farewell, Robo

Note: I will remain as Head of Build
This role is purely role-play and not an actual Head Staff position
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Vote for PotterworldMC

Vote with the links below

Voting earns you 10 Voting Tokens per website, you can vote on each website once per day.

Check your token balance in-game by doing '/bal'.

Voting Tokens can be exchanged in the Trophy Room, which is located at the rear of the Great Hall.

Disclaimer: You can only receive your Voting Tokens if you are in-game at the time of voting. Also, please wait for your previous vote to process and produce a confirmation message in-game before moving onto the next website.