DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
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Search results

  1. gospojken

    Drooble's Order Subscription Rank Release

    Salutations, witches and wizards! It brings the Store team great excitement to announce that we will finally be releasing the long-awaited Drooble's Order subscription rank! How does this work? This subscription rank provides you with many cosmetic perks during the time that you pay for it...
  2. gospojken

    St. Patrick's Store Releases

    Witches, wizards, and other magical folks alike, we’re super excited to be bringing back the luck of the Irish once again this year! The Store team would like to invite you in celebrating with us again! Items that are being brought back for a limited amount of time are as follows: Leprechaun...
  3. gospojken

    Meadow Store Releases

    Greetings witches and wizards! It's that time of year again where March brings the season of vibrant flowers, singing birds, and sunshine! To celebrate spring, the Store team is pleased to announce the release of our new batch of store items! The items in question are as follows: NEW Cherry...
  4. gospojken

    Black Friday Sale

    Greetings witches and wizards! Today is Black Friday, and with that, we are incredibly excited to announce the Black Friday Sale! You will get up to 50% off of every store item, except for those in the New Releases category. The sale will last until the 30th of November at 11:59 pm PST, so...
  5. gospojken

    July Store Releases and Store Sale

    Greetings witches and wizards! We on the Store Manager Team are excited to announce this month's new store items! Additionally, we also bring you the Mid-Summer Sale with up to 50% off on all store items except for this month's new store items! The sale will endure until the 31st of July and...
  6. gospojken

    Anniversary Store Sale

    Greetings witches and wizards! On this very special day seven years ago, the gates to Potterworld opened to the public! To celebrate Potterworld's exciting anniversary, we have an anniversary sale on all of our store items with up to 40% off! This sale will last until the 20th of May, 2021...
  7. gospojken

    May Store Releases

    Greetings witches and wizards! It brings us great excitement to announce the items for this month's store release! We will be bringing back eight items as well as a bundle for a limited time, and we hope you will all enjoy these items! These items are: Forest Moon Scenery: Ever wanted to live...
  8. gospojken

    April Store Releases

    Greetings witches and wizards! We on the Store Manager team are incredibly excited to release this month's new store items for you all, and we are sure you will all love these new store items! These items are: NEW Dragon Wings: Ever wanted to become a dragon? Now you can with these new dragon...
  9. gospojken

    December Store Releases

    Greetings witches and wizards! The Winter is coming closer, the streets are being covered with snow. Take some time to warm yourself indoors together with the new store items that we, Store Managers, have brought to you this Winter! We have also brought back a few store items from the past...
  10. gospojken

    Vampire Club Package Release

    Greetings Wizards and Witches! The dark night is starting to cover Potterworld, and the bloodsucking creatures are coming out from the shadows... The vampires have arrived! However, they do need some help from you on their journey. Therefore, we will today bring you the new Vampire Club Package...
  11. gospojken

    Store Updates | 9/10/2020

    Greetings, witches and wizards! Over the past week, us Store Managers have worked hard on updating and improving the store to provide a better experience for you all and even give you guys some extra perks! We’re working on further improving the store so look out for those changes! Wand Names...