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Search results

  1. zZalt

    Declined Arena Score Leaderboard

    We all know what cuties are ranked top 6, but why not add a full leaderboard like the ones for the mini games? To see whos up and running for the top 6 spots or just to see how badly youre doing (sad). The data is there right as everyone can see their individual score it shouldnt be that rough...
  2. zZalt

    Declined Glacios combo suggestion

    BRING BACK CHOKING as a dueling strategy! With the new gear and health updates (or old ive been gone for quite a while) choking is no longer effective. Lets bring it back with new spells and old combos. First of all bring back the old goodie aguamenti and glacios where you trap the person in...
  3. zZalt

    Which Spell tree do you guys prefer me to be?

    nonononononono jinx/charm is mm chefs kiss
  4. zZalt

    On-Hold Rune Room Quest

    The rune room is a room i think most of us has stumbled upon and seen the message "you feel like these runes have something to say". Why not make it a quest? Idk if there is plans for it or not but heres my idea anyways. I feel like a dark and mysterious quest would be great for this room. Maybe...
  5. zZalt


    That was a surprise but thank uuu!!!
  6. zZalt

    On-Hold Vault break-in quest

    i support gg
  7. zZalt


    not enough >:( i want plushie #grandmasforplushies
  8. zZalt


    too bad for the collectors ;-;
  9. zZalt


    did u even have the mauraders map😫
  10. zZalt


    IDK make a 1 gold discount on everything that aint much or just pretend that its there, just because we oldies feel left out when we cant see our joining date ;-;
  11. zZalt


    sucks to suck ;-; jk ly
  12. zZalt


    Veterans discount for everyone with an "unknown" joining date, ok thats all for me bye love yall! <3 (Update or a collectible, a plushie maybe?)
  13. zZalt

    Completed Duelling stuff idk dont come for me

    Have i made up that there were a ton more damaging spells? or is it that i dont use em anymore idk
  14. zZalt

    Completed Duelling stuff idk dont come for me

    We need more damaging and duelling spells. Coming back to pw after a huge break ive notice how the duelling scene isn't at all as diverse as it used to be. The aoe spells are completley un used besides venonox and some other. Everyone uses almost the exact same line up which i find very un...
  15. zZalt

    March 2021 Dueling Tournament Sign-Up

    wym no ;-;
  16. zZalt

    March 2021 Dueling Tournament Sign-Up

    zZalt (serpent) _Navyy (Griffin) SamuelTM (Griffin)
  17. zZalt

    Completed St Merlins

    Just went to st merlins and thought of it as quiet boring, great structure but nothing there. My idea is to spice it up ofc. Add a pharmacy that sells healing potions, food etc. Maybe add a special quest where you help patients, maybe those patients could be Alice and Frank longbottom or just...
  18. zZalt

    Declined Student Council

    make it a cute status thing then, any school should have a student council who arent staff right.
  19. zZalt

    Declined Student Council

    Add a non staff council of students, maybe two or three from each house who are voted for and who could give direct feedback about stuff on the server, idk just think it would be cute
  20. zZalt

    Declined Capture The Flag

    A new tourney/challange idea: capture the flag. A game with two teams who has an object to defend and a base. The goal is to steal the other teams object and bring it to your own base and so you win. Thats the normal game, but I think we can spice it up with some magic. I feel like the maps...