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Search results

  1. zZalt

    Duplicate MUSHROOM HATS

    Add mushroom hats! cute little mushrooms in different colors like just the top of the mushroom as the hat. Anyways thats all for me bye
  2. zZalt

    Declined Chicken nugget plushie

    100% agree ellie for president
  3. zZalt

    Declined Store Picture

    Oh my bad! I missed that ;-;
  4. zZalt

    Declined Store Picture

    Add in game pictures of wands and hats (mostly wands) as it's nice to see how much of your screen they take up.
  5. zZalt

    On-Hold Bring Back The School Vibezz

    Ooo lovely thank u❤️
  6. zZalt

    On-Hold Bring Back The School Vibezz

    First of all I must say I do really enjoy the quests, it's totally different from back when I started playing in 2015. Though one thing I believe we have lost is the whole school vibe. Where you feel like you are in the harry potter world going to "school" and trying to year up. Now it's more of...
  7. zZalt

    Duplicate Curse Breaker

    I don't even believe u can skip it yet? In my quest book it still says i have to do it so ;-; and i totally agree with you. Idk kinda frustrating that the replies ive seen are just saying no
  8. zZalt

    Duplicate Curse Breaker

    I know theres 2 thousand other posts about this but that has to say something, the curse breaker quest is just too hard. It's no fun just frustrating, especially for people who has a bad connection. I see no point in a hardcore elytra course with out checkpoints in a normal quest. Ive seen posts...
  9. zZalt

    Completed Revamp the elytra course for the quest "Curse Breaker"

    I aint finishing this quest, i quit lmao ew ew ewwwwwwwwwww
  10. zZalt


  11. zZalt

    Duplicate Homenum Revelio

    My plan for it was not for dueling, more for quests and for fun. Maybe to spot rooms in hogwarts etc, useless to use while dueling in an open arena where u can spot the person anyways
  12. zZalt

    On-Hold Dolohov curse

    I looked it up, it's not the canon name it's just used on another harry potter mc server :)
  13. zZalt

    On-Hold Dolohov curse

    Oh cool, i couldnt find anything else then dolohov curse
  14. zZalt

    On-Hold Dolohov curse

    I'm an old player and I feel like there are so few damaging spells compared to before (I might be wrong). Something I would love to see be added is the Dolohov Curse, a high damaging spell that I believe should be a lvl 80 spell as it was created by a death eater and not taught at hogwarts. It...
  15. zZalt

    Duplicate Homenum Revelio

    That's exactly what i meant, oh and me too i suck at duelling after all the updates
  16. zZalt

    Declined Bring Back Divindo

    I have to disagree on the canon version part, if you look at the wiki it says it can cause injury or even death, any spell that can cause death should be a damaging spell if we are talking about being close to canon :)
  17. zZalt

    Duplicate Homenum Revelio

    Can be great to fight mobs, find npc people in quests and maybe find secret rooms, tunnels etc
  18. zZalt

    Duplicate Homenum Revelio

    Just a small charm suggestion is to add homenum revelio, a spell most known for its use by Hermione in the deathly hallows at grimmauld place. The charm reavels nearby people and my idea is to add it to potterworld. How i believe this would work is that you cast the spell and it puts a spectral...
  19. zZalt

    Completed Mob and Drop list

    oh wow nice