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Search results

  1. Honey_Dwarf1

    Declined Chocohops thoughts so far…

    I like the new choco hops first of all, I think it’s a good gold sink so could be a step towards sorting out the economy, but I have a couple of extra ideas for it. First, a couple of QoL things: Why don’t the cards show lore if you’ve already got one in your inventory? I think there just be a...
  2. Honey_Dwarf1

    Completed World Restarts

    It would be great if world restarts and their effect could be taken into account when creating events, gameplay etc, whether by giving more time in advance warning of a restart, having it in some way that certain worlds pick their restart time more carefully, or making restarts have less of an...
  3. Honey_Dwarf1

    Completed Voting Daily Reward

    When the voting reward was first introduced, all 7 voting sites still worked, so even if one broke, there was still an opportunity to get the reward. Since then, both sites 2 and 6 have broken and since 6 has been removed and 2 has been broken since the maintenance quite a while ago, I think...
  4. Honey_Dwarf1

    Completed Griffins hidden passage

    with the location journal being added, there was one hidden passageway that i couldn't understand why it wasn't added - the one between the griffin common room and the head of house. It's through a painting with a pressure plate like lots of other hidden passages in the journal so is there a...
  5. Honey_Dwarf1

    Declined Clicking on a name in chat opens their profile

    (llama told me to suggest this) when you shift click a player, it opens a menu where you can see cosmetics, gear, emotes etc. Although this is useful, you can't use it if they're far away. I think that if you click on their name in the chat then it would open this menu. It would be a quick way...
  6. Honey_Dwarf1

    Completed Respiratus

    When you cast lumen while already having the effects of lumen, it resets the effect timer to 1 minute, but when you cast respiratus while already having water breathing, it doesn’t reset the effect timer, so if you cast it before your last water breathing runs out, you don’t get the time but the...
  7. Honey_Dwarf1

    Declined The Dwelling

    before revelius, you could get to the dwelling for free through the sr prefect or the weasley's flying car between mundane lane and the dwelling. apparently the poltergeists don't want to add back in the useful methods of transport which let us get to the dwelling without having to fly/walk all...
  8. Honey_Dwarf1

    Declined Hogsworth and Biomes

    So biomes obviously aren't a major thing to Potterworld and so largely it doesn't matter which biome everything is set as, aside from the colour of grass, water or leaves (and I don't even know if they change with the PW resource pack on). But one thing that does change is the weather. In colder...
  9. Honey_Dwarf1

    Declined Dursley's Car

    So before the Revelius Update, you could use the Dursley's car outside Kings Cross to get to Mundane Lane. However, it isn't now possible and the only other way to get to Mundane Lane (other than flying/walking) is through the Knight Shuttle, which teleports you not very close to the Dursley's...
  10. Honey_Dwarf1

    Declined Sorting Models

    So with Revelius, there have been a load of new models introduced. They have been integrated into the main map itself, like Hogsworth and other areas, but not everything has been changed. Matty made a suggestion a while ago (HERE) that the models of the police box and the telephone box should be...
  11. Honey_Dwarf1

    Declined Wand cores

    so when you first get your wand, you can get lots of different cores. This includes the three Ollivander cores (phoenix feather, unicorn hair and dragon heartstring) but also others, for example, veela hair or coral. But Ollivander said very clearly on Pottermore: 'After much experimentation and...
  12. Honey_Dwarf1

    Completed Minigame Queue /leave Message

    When you join the queue for a game, a message comes up saying that you can leave the queue by doing /leave. I agree that it is very good to have that message, as it means fewer people will ask how to leave a queue. However, as many players have learnt the hard way, /leave doesn't only take you...
  13. Honey_Dwarf1

    Completed Followers List on Website

    Along with lots of other people, I follow a lot of people on the new website. However, something I found but never thought about making a post about was that when you click on a list of people, like the lists of followers, and you go on the second page, you can't go back to the first. By closing...
  14. Honey_Dwarf1

    Completed Minigames rules

    So when you join a game, you get a message in chat saying CLICK HERE to see the rules. However, nobody is actually going to read the rules when the game starts in about 10 seconds. I think that it is there to encourage new people to read the rules and remind them of the rules. Since almost...
  15. Honey_Dwarf1

    Completed Hats in Flying

    In a flying game, you are able to keep the hats that you wear in the rest of the game on. However, some hats are very big or get in the way, like the Butterbrew Barrel or even the wizard hats. This gives the player wearing the hat an unfair advantage as everyone else finds it harder to see past...
  16. Honey_Dwarf1

    Completed Hide and Seek maps

    I think with the addition of the pre-game wait, it also stopped telling you what the map which had been chosen was. For games like flying, or melting floor, this doesn't really matter because you can see the map before you have to do anything, but in hide and seek, you have to choose a block...