Risen from Ashes
With the recent attack of the Dark Followers in the tunnels deep underground, the Phoenix Base has been revealed, and Joshua Pendragon along with his inner circle are looking to recruit new members. Explore the magnificent Phoenix Base from now until February 12th. The build will be accessible after the event ends!
How to Play
To participate in the event, head over to the Great Hall and approach the teachers dining table. Click on the Roleplay Hub NPC and travel to the Hub. There you will see a Phoenix Sentry standing guard on the black platform. In order to access the new Phoenix Base, simply talk to the Phoenix Sentry and he'll start you on your path.
- Venture into the hidden valley where the Phoenix Base resides. Explore the tranquil gardens and grounds, and marvel in the grandeur of the impressive base built upon the trees.
- As the Phoenixes have just begun to move in to their new home, many of them are looking for help. Some new faces, as well as plenty of old ones, are looking for an extra hand or to teach you something new. Speak to them to begin one of
6 of the quests available in the Phoenix Base.
- Around the bases, you may find NPCs and purple sparkly blocks which you may click on. Find all the NPCs and Interactions and you shall be rewarded with a unique reward! You may also discover a number of hidden activities and secret rooms. Good luck and have fun!