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Search results

  1. Salmandingo

    Arena Squire Applications - Opened

    Hey! We will be opening back Arena Squire Applications, and we're very excited to see a couple new people on the Arena Team! Applications will remain open until further notice. We're looking for new Arena Squires to help us in Challenges/Tournaments, and upcoming Arena projects! Note: - We're...
  2. Salmandingo

    June 2021 Dueling Tournament

    We had many great teams at today's Duelling Tournament, but we would like to congratulate Tilllyy, Expiroces, and Maxwheell on winning this month's 3v3 Duelling Tournament! Here are the results:
  3. Salmandingo

    May 2021 Dueling Tournament

    We had some really great teams at today's tournament and some intense finals! But we would like to congratulate Tilllyy and Expiroces on winning the 2v2 Duelling Tournament this month! Here are the results:
  4. Salmandingo

    May 2021 Dueling Tournament Sign-Up

    Welcome to the sign-up thread for the May 2021 Duelling Tournament. This tournament is a 2v2 tournament that will take place on Saturday, May 29th at 12 pm PST. Sign-ups will close on Friday, May 28th at 11:59 pm PST. How to Join Comment your in-game name, your teammates' name and your houses...
  5. Salmandingo

    April 2021 Dueling Tournament

    We had some really great teams at today's tournament, and several close matchups! But we would like to congratulate Tillyular123, Salmandingo, Bastaii, and Expiroces on winning the 4v4 Dueling Tournament this month! Here are the results:
  6. Salmandingo

    March 2021 Dueling Tournament

    We had some really great teams at today's tournament, and several close matchups! But we would like to congratulate Tilllyy, Kryiinq, and Expiroces on winning the 3v3 Dueling Tournament this month. Here are the results!
  7. Salmandingo

    March 2021 Dueling Tournament Sign-Up

    Welcome to the sign-up thread for the March 2021 Dueling Tournament. This tournament is a 3v3 tournament that will take place on Saturday, March 20th at 12 pm PST. Sign-ups will close on Friday, March 19th at 11:59 pm PST. How to Join Comment your in-game name, your teammates' names and all of...
  8. Salmandingo

    On-Hold New Spell Idea!

    Ok the idea is to add a new "Snipe" spell (thats not the name, thats the concept of the spell) It can be a Transfiguration spell (because transfiguration desperately needs a buff) that does more damage the longer it travels. Basically, if you hit it at super close range, it does barely any...
  9. Salmandingo

    Completed Add A Headshot Mechanic to Anti-Appareo

    It's a solid spell but it deals barely any damage, especially with the way the spell tree is setup for it. Currently if you cast it at people, regardless where you aim, head or body, it does the same damage. Please add a headshot mechanic so good aim can be rewarded with this spell as well.
  10. Salmandingo

    Graduate Jinx Build with a Side of Charms

    Gauntlet of the Deadly Kiss (Legendary) Boots of Infinite Fortune (Legendary) Cloak of Fantasia (Legendary) Dragon Horns (rare) Stormcaller Amulet (rare) Cryptic Legguards (epic) This gear build is very common, and the great thing about are the low cooldowns on Defense and Charms (Charms...
  11. Salmandingo

    Completed Fix Sledding Challenges and Tournaments

    If you've attended the last sledding challenge and the sledding tournament today, one thing was clear. It was literally unplayable in the qualifiers round. Everyone had 999+ ping on the tab list (mine was 4000+) The player experience was not smooth at all, but it doesn't have to be this way...
  12. Salmandingo

    Completed Add a Werewolf Scenery

    We have one for the Dark Followers, one for the Aurorlocks, and two for the Phoenixes So I'm suggesting one for the Werewolves. It could be a dark forest and would have areas to meet within caves (like in the screenshots below which are from the DF scenery, can make a werewolf variation for it)...
  13. Salmandingo

    Declined New Wand Suggestion!

    Hi cool kidz Alright so my suggestion is to add a new wand on the store that can be used by members of the Werewolves or anyone wishing to get a cool wand. We already know the werewolves for their strong claws and that's one of the ways they hunt down their preys. I was thinking, since we...
  14. Salmandingo

    Declined Bring Back Colorovio Into the Dueling Scene

    Title says it all. Colorovio was altered so that it no longer turns protello, protellomo, protellum (etc.. you get the point) to colored glass. The main reason for this was the low cool down and ability to infinitely color glass, making it as a permanent shield in dueling. My suggestion is to...
  15. Salmandingo

    Declined Add 3 more spell points for Graduates

    Hi! First I wanna say a huge thanks for adjusting the spell tree resetting cost from 50 AC to 100 gold. I'm a big fan. 2nd I wanna suggest something related. I personally wish if there were like 2-3 more spell points for graduates to be added to certain spells. Here's a picture of spell trees...
  16. Salmandingo

    Declined Bring Back Divindo

    The most used spell pre-revelius in dueling. I know there's probably a really good reason why it was thrown away in dueling but I highly recommend that we reconsider and try to bring it back. I'm also aware that Vermillio does exactly now what Divindo used to do, but vermillio is a very low...
  17. Salmandingo

    Completed Bring Back The NPCs in the Courtyard

    Here's a picture of me being sad I'm sad because the two guard NPCs that were here pre-revelius were removed. So my suggestion is that they get re-added. It was honestly fun to practice combos on these immortal NPCs. It used to pass the time when we're waiting to queue for a game etc... Even...
  18. Salmandingo

    On-Hold Adding Team Quests

    EDIT: There are many different opinions in the thread so I would recommend reading everyone's responses The Quests on PW are really fun (especially the graduate quests) However, all the quests can be done solo, which got me thinking, What if we add a few "Team Quests" Team Quests would...
  19. Salmandingo

    Completed A Small Suggestion for Potterworld's Youtube Channel

    It would be cool to have more videos including average players on the server. Especially non staff - non performer players. It would definitely bring the players closer to the performer/director team. A cool example would be interviewing a new player on the server and asking them a few questions...
  20. Salmandingo

    Completed Increase the AC to gold ratio

    The current AC to gold ratio is 1 AC = 10 gold Pre Revelius that ratio was alright but after Revelius, gold lost a lot of its worth. You can spend 3 hours (yes they only took me 3 hours) doing the graduate quests and get 60,000 to 65,000 gold which is a really decent amount. Now let's calculate...