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Search results

  1. Allandrk

    Declined Meaningful Wandlore

    Hi @mn614! I come bearing sad news... Unfortunately this suggestion has been changed to a decline. We are no longer interested in pursuing this suggestion as our wandlore is intended to be cosmetic only. Thank you so much for making this suggestion and I hope you have a wonderful rest of your...
  2. Allandrk

    Declined A revival Spell

    Hello @Tuna2! Unfortunately we will now be declining this suggestion. A revival spell is not something we are interested in pursuing on the main world anymore, but we do have a rival spell implemented in our Gauntlet and Dungeon content. Thank you for leaving this suggestion and have a...
  3. Allandrk

    Completed Griffins hidden passage

    Hello @Honey_Dwarf1! This suggestion has been completed in our recent gameplay update. Players are now able to unlock the discovery when travelling through the Griffin's Hidden Passage! Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention, and have a wonderful day!
  4. Allandrk

    Completed Make Fast Travel Cooler B)

    Greetings @MattyPoltergeist! I come bearing good news! This suggestion has been completed. We have added cutscenes to several places, namely events, as well as revamped the Fire Dust effects to make it so you need to walk into a fireplace to travel. Thank you for making this suggestion, and...
  5. Allandrk

    Completed A Functional Library - Giving Purpose to the Space

    Hiya @Zadanthalion! I am pleased to let you know that this suggestion has been completed! We have since released two library expansions. Students can head to the Library to read books about our Magical Creatures and Wizarding Schools! Thank you for making this suggestion and have a wonderful day!
  6. Allandrk

    Completed Collector's Bag

    Heyo @Ivan_! I'm happy to let you know that this suggestion has been completed! Players only need 1 collectable from each of the CEs hosted between January and June of 2022 in order to collect the final reward. Thank you for making this suggestion and have a good day!
  7. Allandrk

    Completed 3 Suggestions for Potions Class

    Hi @MysticalBlizzard! This suggestion has been partially accepted. We will not be adding more world use to class potions, as we already have the world potions that give the desired effects and that can be brewed in towns. We will also not be adding tiers to class potions. However we would like...
  8. Allandrk

    Completed More Interactive Classes!

    Hello @Lynn! This suggestion has been completed! While it is each professor's choice as to what they teach, there are now more interactive classes available for players to attend. Some examples of these classes include Dance, Trivia, Herbology, and Wand Lore. Thank you for making this...
  9. Allandrk

    Potterworld 10th Anniversary Giveaway

    My favourite Potterworld memory would probably be the Halloween event of 2019. I remember coming home from school and being very excited to play, since I only had like 1 hour to spend on the laptop. It was my second all time event and one of my favourites. From that point on I started making...
  10. Allandrk

    Declined Pierre once again

    Greetings @aklokin ! Sadly, this suggestion has been declined. Although it's a sweet idea, we don't use custom items in sceneries (items on ASTs) because they don't copy over and physically can't be used. I would've loved to see this added, but it sadly just is not possible. Thank you for...
  11. Allandrk

    Completed Some Suggestions for First Year Quests

    Hello, @MattyPoltergeist ! I come with good news! This suggestion has been accepted and completed since the majority of the ideas are already implemented. 1) This has been fixed, there shouldn't be any more issue with obtaining the class schedule. 2) We added specific times for classes as a...
  12. Allandrk

    Declined Megaphone jumpscare death emote

    Good day @ACrazyMan! I am sorry to say that this suggestion has been declined, as it can be a jumpscare for players and we do not want to utilise it in death effects where it can be played endlessly with no cooldown, and in almost any location. We can consider having some other scary/dark forms...
  13. Allandrk

    Completed Quest Parkour Alternatives

    Hello @yakko__ ! We're happy to say that this suggestion has now been accepted! We will be adding the ability to skip Parkours in Quests using ACs, and we are currently working on this to bring to you in the near future! Thank you so much for creating this suggestion and have a wonderful day!
  14. Allandrk

    On-Hold increase or decrease items sold at the vendor

    Hello, @Takalo I am pleased to let you know this suggestion has been accepted and put on hold for the time being. We believe it makes sense to decrease the number of items sold to 16. We will pick this up as a low-priority QoL feature. Thank you for creating this suggestion, and have a...
  15. Allandrk

    Declined Playerlist on hover in multiplayer serverlist

    Hello, @Aber4th ! Unfortunately, this suggestion has been declined, as most players join the server right away instead of looking at the multiplayer menu or considering how many of their friends are online. In addition, given the fact that the implementation of this will not be the easiest...
  16. Allandrk

    Completed Gauntlets chat hard to read

    It's a possible solution but the colors are still make it difficult in my opinion. Maybe they could change the colors of the messages so it stands out?
  17. Allandrk

    Completed Add event plushie suitcase to the enchanted backpack

    It would be nice if you can add the event plushie suitcase to the enchanted backpack like the event token pouch.
  18. Allandrk

    Completed Let everyone use their Winter Waltz house prefix.

    So many new store items get released these past few events, there is no need to relate it to gameplay.
  19. Allandrk

    Completed [Winter Waltz] Add treat food stand

    Sounds great, would love to see this added.