DISCLAIMER: Potterworld or Droobledore LLC is not in any way affiliated with Mojang AB, J.K. Rowling, Warner Brothers or any company, copyright or trademark.
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Halloween 2021 Competitions

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This spooky season, we will be hosting a skin competition and a build competition. As these are two separate competitions, players are able to enter both! Both competitions will follow the same timeline, so be sure to enter while you can.

Competition Timeline
October 17 - Submission period is opened​
October 31 - Submission period is closed and judging begins​
November 2 - Latest date for winners to be announced​

Skin Competition
This competition has two categories:
  • Halloween Costume - Will you be a vampire, ghost, or princess this year? This is your chance to show off your terrific costume!
  • Autumn/October - Whether they be Halloween-themed or made for the chilly season, show us your non-costume outfits!
In order to participate, you'll need to enter either one or both categories. However, only one original skin can be entered per category! Each category will have 1 winner and 1 runner-up.

Skin Competition Prizes
Winner: 200 HP, 600 PP​
Runner-Up: 150 HP, 400 PP​
In order to view the skin submission guidelines and to enter your submission click here.

Build Competition
This competition has two categories:
  • Spooky/Halloween - What haunted & spooky builds can you make for Halloween? Be...

Spooky Store Releases & Sale

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Greetings witches and wizards!

As Halloween approaches, we come bearing our Halloween seasonal items and a sale! We have some new permanent store items, new seasonal items, and returning seasonal items. The seasonal items will only be on our store for one month (until November 16th), so get them while you can!
  • NEW - Devil's Pitchfork: Wield this weapon of great power and take control over the flames from beneath the ground! It works well with our Devil Horns.
  • NEW SEASONAL - Witch's Broom: Fly high above the clouds on your spooky broom casting jinxes, hexes & curses at people below!
  • NEW SEASONAL - Pumpkin Death Effects: Leave behind a pumpkin upon your death that bursts into a fiery explosion!
  • SEASONAL - Halloween Emotes: Participate in the spooky season with your friends using these emotes!
  • SEASONAL - Plague Hat: Give yourself an eerie look this Halloween with this frightful hat!
  • SEASONAL - Jack-o'-Lantern Mask: Pair this cool hat with a scary Halloween costume for the spooky season!

Additionally, we also bring you the Spooky Sale with up to 40% off on all store items except for this month's new store items! The sale will endure until the 1st of November at 12 am PST, so make sure you get the items you want on time!

For more information, you can view our store at store.potterworldmc.com/category/new-releases. You can also preview these items in the in-game...

Quabbleball Maintenance

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Quabbleball has been put in maintenance mode for the time being so it can receive some needed attention and changes.

We do not know when it’ll be back. We’ll post an announcement once it’s back, but I wouldn’t expect it to be for a couple of weeks.

We hope you understand! Thank you!

Academics Weekly Assignment — October 10th, 2021

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Welcome to the Academics weekly assignment for the week of October 10th, 2021! These weekly assignments will give our Professors the ability to showcase some of their lesson ideas here on the website. Each assignment will be posted for a week, in which everyone will be able to read about the topic and respond to the assignment prompt. This week's assignment is "Ghoul Studies - Banshee,” created by Jenn (jenily).

Academics Weekly Assignment — October 3rd, 2021

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Welcome to the Academics weekly assignment for the week of October 3rd, 2021! These weekly assignments will give our Professors the ability to showcase some of their lesson ideas here on the website. Each assignment will be posted for a week, in which everyone will be able to read about the topic and respond to the assignment prompt. This week's assignment is "Mythology - Creation Myths," created by Toad (fobsux).

Skin Arithmancer Applications

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The Media department is excited to announce that we are reopening Skin Arithmancer applications! Skin Arithmancers are responsible for creating skins for the server.

Applications will remain open for the time being until the position is filled. Remember to take your time when you fill in the application and make sure you are able to meet all the requirements (listed in the beginning) before submitting your application. Please contact the Arithmancer Lead or the Head of Media if you have any questions!

Click here to find the application and good luck to all applicants! We are very excited to welcome new members to the team!

PW-tober 2021 Prompts & Raffle

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Hello Witches and Wizards!

Throughout the entire month of October, you have the opportunity to share your art with us for a chance to win the Pet Ghost OR Jack-o'-Lantern Mask through our PW-tober Raffle!

PW-tober is our own spin on Drawtober/Inktober, and we've come up with 31 prompts to encourage our artists to aim to create art every day of October. Every day that you create a prompt and share it with us, you'll be entered into our PW-tober Raffle where you'll have the chance to win! Each day you submit a piece grants you one entry so you can get your IGN put at most 31 times in the raffle!

One winner will randomly be picked on November 1st. The winner will be announced through a separate announcement and get to decide whether they want the pet or hat. If the winner has both, they will instead get 700 Potter Points.

The guidelines for entering are as follows:
- You must follow the prompt for the day that you are making a submission. If a submission is made for the wrong prompt on the wrong day, it will not be counted.
- You may only make 1 submission per day.
- You may create any type of art for your submission, as long as you are able to share it with us (drawings, renders, builds, etc.).
- All submissions should remain appropriate.
- Submissions for each prompt should be sent by 11:59 pm PST on the assigned day. However, there is a 2 hour grace period.

To enter, share your submission by replying to this post, or share it with us on the Art Discord by sending it in the #pw-tober channel! Just be sure to include your IGN in the message when you make a submission. The prompts are attached below.

For any questions...

WizNewsletter - September 2021

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Created in October of 2020, the WizNewsletter serves as a way for students and staff to recap on the month's updates. WizNetworkers spend countless hours researching, writing, editing, and implementing each section so that the happenings of the wizarding world do not go unnoticed. Let’s get into the news from the past month!​



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Vote for PotterworldMC

Vote with the links below

Voting earns you 10 Voting Tokens per website, you can vote on each website once per day.

Check your token balance in-game by doing '/bal'.

Voting Tokens can be exchanged in the Trophy Room, which is located at the rear of the Great Hall.

Disclaimer: You can only receive your Voting Tokens if you are in-game at the time of voting. Also, please wait for your previous vote to process and produce a confirmation message in-game before moving onto the next website.