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Navyy's Letter of Complaint


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked
I won't write all the same stuff again how forums suck, how polts have horrible communcation with players etc. This thread is just a bunch of links to other threads that weren't given justice. Ignored, unclear, wrong.. you name it and it's here. I've added some extra ideas and expect the ideas I have already given in the past to now be officially reviewed. I hope this also highlights the reason why players don't use forums (regardless of the time needed for threads to be reviewed) and why some people are disappointed with the server. This is mostly my own threads so if someone wants to add theirs, you're more than welcome.
1. https://potterworldmc.com/threads/suggestions.11305/ The whole discussion on the thread was ignored, as well as my last comment. Was promised an official reply and never got it. Some time after this thread someone else got the credit of making the same idea we discussed.
2. https://potterworldmc.com/threads/bunch-of-suggestions.7132/ I feel like this thread was completely overlooked in the end, the thread was mostly accepted but a lot of those ideas never came to life, also some people suggested the same stuff I got declined for, so revisit the whole thread
3. https://potterworldmc.com/threads/stop-degrading-potions.13841/ On hold, but it is still happening, Arne who supposedly made most of those potions wasn't even aware of the thread
4. https://potterworldmc.com/threads/bag-pouches-suggestion.13170/ Declined but both the Plushie bag and chocolate frog card book was implemented, promised a reply for the plushie bag and never got it
5. https://potterworldmc.com/threads/toggle-visibility-choose-your-own-view.15929/ - My idea was implemented but declined, I've suggested this way before I was forced to make a thread because I was ignored on other threads & Ariel never reached back about it
(Commented on original thread here - https://potterworldmc.com/threads/option-to-turn-off-player-visibility-in-flying.7713/ as well as here https://potterworldmc.com/threads/ditch-2x2-flying-hoops.15746/#post-94760 where I was simply ignored)
6. https://potterworldmc.com/threads/a...ple-alts-in-classes-ces-etc.12370/#post-80321 Completed but was never enforced in classes regularly, and consindering the discussion on this thread (https://potterworldmc.com/threads/house-boosting.16514/#post-97881) as well as many others, it should be revisited
7. https://potterworldmc.com/threads/event-scarfs.9048/#post-67549 Completed but wasn't followed through, you gave out the same scarves which made me make the thread at the time
8. https://potterworldmc.com/threads/banner-texture.12470/#post-81311 Completed, I'm still not fully happy with the redesign in a way that I think that the Hogwarts Banners should also have a background design like the House Banners do, because the logo on it's own is a bit empty. Also a bit off topic, but I'll officially make a suggestion here - Banner designs should not repeat, there's way than enough designs that can be used even if we stick with just a simple fade (personally made a banner sheet so that it's easy for staff to check which designs do exist so far https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...RX3MDn_cYrZ-zehnJ70IM/edit?pli=1#gid=29900023 )
9. https://potterworldmc.com/threads/rotation-of-dailies.14799/ Completed but I said how they should be fully randomized, not just a rotation. Won't get into details why that is better, it's worthless because it always gets overlooked. More dailies generally should be added. Also consider what I said in 2024 edit of this thread at the end about "daily blockers" https://potterworldmc.com/threads/leveling-then-vs-now.13872/#post-93616
10. https://potterworldmc.com/threads/the-balancing-of-the-extra-credit-activities.14644/ Kamer's and my comment got ignored, I believe it should be done. I won't repeat what I said there but this will be my official suggestion and a thread for it.
11. https://potterworldmc.com/threads/butterbrew-in-the-broomsticks-inn.15442/ Smaller thread but my comment got ignored
12, https://potterworldmc.com/threads/m...-in-the-guardian-quest-pt-4.14148/#post-88350 Completed but my comment got ignored, again, I'm suggesting for all the natural damages to be revisited.
13. https://potterworldmc.com/threads/new-arenas.11749/#post-82624 I originally suggested the dummy arena which was declined, but later on this thread https://potterworldmc.com/threads/add-dummy-to-dueling-classroom-to-test-damage.13907/ got accepted and completed.
14. https://potterworldmc.com/threads/fix-dueling.13873/ Lag is worse than ever
15. https://potterworldmc.com/threads/staff-items.8212/ Completed but there is so much inconsistency still. Potterworld needs to realize that before things didn't work like they work nowadays and items that were available for all players should never be taken away.
16. https://potterworldmc.com/threads/revert-to-the-old-potion-making-system.15148/ the last comment on the thread I made was seemingly ignored, but it is something I'm still standing behind today and I wrote there what I want to see in the new system so this will be my official thread for that idea.
17. https://potterworldmc.com/threads/put-an-end-to-events.15732/#post-94704 Declined as expected, but I wanna comment on by saying that I do believe events can be small and be successful (I genuinely enjoyed spring 2024 for example). I believe this is partially what PW should be doing in future. And my second suggestion regarding future of events is to possibly use permanent gameplay as a way of to kick off and celebrate an event (something like Azkaban in 2016, it was lauched during Halloween and then stayed there afterwards, it could be done again with Azkaban or Magical maze for anniversary)
18. https://potterworldmc.com/threads/bring-back-the-decoration-of-the-courtyard-for-events.8423/ Also regarding events like the thread above, this time I ask the staff team to reconsider this decision as it's been proven that players do miss the decoration and it's definetely something that can be done for smaller events in future, rather than making any type of event builds .
19. https://potterworldmc.com/threads/a-suggestion-for-adding-parkour-spells-to-potterworldmc.14839/ Declined but I feel like my comment and idea was ignored, I discussed protego duo with Jacquas but never heard back, also a gliding spell would be dope.
20. https://potterworldmc.com/threads/make-daily-reward-claiming-automatic.13109/ Declined, generally I think the reasoning is a bit stupid, either way my last comment and alternative idea was ignored
21. https://potterworldmc.com/threads/more-chatter.14284/ Declined, but I would reconsider the decision, as well as thinking of an alternative. Just anything that happens automatically on the server that players can do on their own (something similar to Pierre, not literally the same thing but just something that happens automatically, it could be just a question in chat or something that players look for in game or epic chests appearing, literally anything)
22. https://potterworldmc.com/threads/class-and-arena-rules-automation.11702/ The discussion on the thread was unsurprisingly ignored again, I understand it's not easy to follow up with such threads but then what's the point of people discussing ideas anyway, if it's always gonna be ignored. At this point, I would seriously consider doing some sort of "automated class". Maybe it doesn't have to be labeled or be an actual class, but with the lack of overall activity on the server, something like this could be worth investing in. I know other HP servers have automated classes, and many servers generally have some automated happening.
23. https://potterworldmc.com/threads/bring-remembering-survival-spell-back.9603/ Implemented but I was declined
23. https://potterworldmc.com/threads/budleigh-babberton-as-a-future-town.4840/ Recently declined suggestion, the reasoning doesn't make sense. Cease and desist should not be an excuse to build a small town like the many random towns we have already, and make some lore for it to reflect on the original. Let's not forget why the lore team is here, and what potterworld is.
24. https://potterworldmc.com/threads/i...e-dark-prison-as-a-gauntlet.12799/#post-98162 You keep crediting this person for the idea I originally suggested. EDIT - the threads got updated and declined because of cease and desist that limits the promotion of new content. Old azkaban was superior simply because of the gameplay, evergreen at that. It was more friendly to players of all levels since almost anyone could run through mobs or kill them as they were one shot. Repressed Evil is also happening in a canon location and I'm sure there's several ways to still promote the content. After all, the limited promotion outside the game isn't a good enough reason for me to just dismiss one of the best PW contents ever. Link to my original thread https://potterworldmc.com/threads/bring-back-azkaban.10865/
Enjoy polts, make it right this time
Last edited:


Minecraft IGN: d3ci
Auralock Dark Follower Phoenix Serpent Werewolf Linked
Potterworld would be better if the content was tailored to ME personally.
As I watch the community's outrage over yet another decision made by the staff team, it occurs to me that they continuously make the same mistake:
Not making content for the average player.
I am the perfect almighty representation of the average player for reasons beyond your comprehension. The things I like are the things that all players would want and love with NO exception. They'd have to be toxic not to be satisfied with my amazing ideas and deserved demands.
It is mind boggling that the staff team doesn't want to make the game more successful by just doing what would make ME happy!!!


Minecraft IGN: Pankakes_81
Potterworld would be better if the content was tailored to ME personally.
As I watch the community's outrage over yet another decision made by the staff team, it occurs to me that they continuously make the same mistake:
Not making content for the average player.
I am the perfect almighty representation of the average player for reasons beyond your comprehension. The things I like are the things that all players would want and love with NO exception. They'd have to be toxic not to be satisfied with my amazing ideas and deserved demands.
It is mind boggling that the staff team doesn't want to make the game more successful by just doing what would make ME happy!!!
As I watch the community's outrage over yet another decision not made by the staff team, it occurs to me that they continuously make the same mistake:
Not blankly enforcing guidelines for the average forum contributor.
I am the perfect almighty representation of the average forum contributor for reasons beyond your comprehension. The things I like are the things that all contributors should want and love with NO exception. They'd have to be toxic not to be satisfied with my amazing ideas and deserved demands.
It is mind boggling that the staff team doesn't want to make the forum more successful by just doing what would make ME happy!!!



Assistant to Head of Technology & Development
Head Staff
Minecraft IGN: Teheeo
Assistant Auralock Dark Follower Staff Phoenix Raven Vampire Werewolf Arithmancer SPEW Linked
Hello @Ivan_,

We want to start off by saying thank you for coming to us.

We apologise for the delay in the response on this thread. We reached out to numerous departments to get updates and raise your comments on the threads you have highlighted above.

Before we go into the individual threads, we’d like to explain why we ask players to submit one suggestion per thread. If a thread contains several points of feedback or suggestions, it takes us a much longer time to handle the thread, which is why on average those threads take a longer period of time to receive a reply. All larger threads are broken down into segments (one suggestion/point of feedback) and then we seek individual answers for each segment. Once we have all the individual answers, we need to compile these answers together into one larger response. The coordination required amongst the team and leadership is simply more complicated than if we had 5 individual threads. We’re always looking into ways we can improve this process but this is the current state of it.

We also wanted to mention some general things first that will address several of your points. With changes within the team, whether this be in leadership or individual team members, our stance on suggestions can change over time, with shifts in vision and areas of interest. Our capabilities have also changed, and a lot more is doable than we thought ever possible years ago. This has led to a lot of declined suggestions being reversed and completed, and vice versa. Decisions also change over time when they are suggested more frequently, as this prompts us to reconsider our stance.

We endeavour to update threads when their decision changes or if the status changes, though we know we do not always succeed in this. There are a lot of suggestions on the forums and sometimes things do fall through the cracks. We have taken active measures to improve upon this. One thing you might have noticed is that we have recently taken a big sweep of the forums to update decisions of older suggestions, and we still have a lot more we are working on. We do make an effort to ensure all our updates are published either on Discord, on a patch note, or in a suggestion’s response.

We have also recently restructured how the Poltergeist process works in order to maximise our efficiency and minimise the delay in getting suggestions reviewed. As part of our new process we now endeavour to place all new suggestions under review 4-7 days after they have been posted. The Poltergeists are then given a week to leave their feedback, and this is compiled, as well as any additional comments written on the original thread, and sent to the respective department. That department then has 2 weeks to give their final decision on the thread. We ask the department for a rough timeline (short/medium/long term) if it is an accepted suggestion, so that we can note this down and follow them up in the future. If a suggestion is declined, we ask for detailed reasoning to ensure that everyone understands the reasoning behind the decision. We have also been going through a lot of our old “On Hold” threads to ensure that they are still ideas that we wish to pursue. Unfortunately with teams changing, and Potterworld focusing on our server upgrade, we have had to decline some threads along the way.

You will also be excited to hear that we have been planning the release of a Discord suggestions forum. This is something we were aiming to release earlier this month, but we wanted to ensure that we had handled this thread before releasing the Discord forums. With the sending out of this response, we will put the Discord forums back on the top of our list, and will publicly release them in the coming week.

Now for the individual threads:
1. Regarding the discussion on the thread: In the comments of this thread, Discord forums are mentioned - this was still not something we wanted to at the time, but this should have been highlighted in our response. As you likely know, we have a planned Discord forums release, which was unfortunately delayed due to recent announcements and some changes in the backend. The support for the suggestion over the years, and new tools both on our end and Discord’s ends, have contributed to deciding to pursue the Discord forums.

2. We have reviewed all of the suggestions on this thread and it appears that they have now all been implemented. We’d also like to note that any ideas which were initially declined and have since been accepted are due to our stance changing over the years as the team grows, leadership changes, and we discovered more possibilities in what we can deliver on the server. If there are any on this list that we said we would complete/accept, but are not done so, please do let us know.

3. Regarding the fact it is still on hold: This thread is still on hold, as it is still being worked on. We've heard from a variety of people that they enjoy a mixture of "useful" potions and "fun" potions. With that being said, we're looking into making new potions in the future, but not all of them will fall under a "serious" category. However we are also limited by what potions we can make as we cannot add lore to potions that would fall under the cease and desist.

4. Regarding the plushie bag and chocolate frog book card: For this thread, it is still declined. This is because the original idea was seeking a bag for legacy choco hop cards and event plushies, which we are unable to do as they are old items under a different system. We have ensured that all future plushies from events, and choco hop cards are all able to be put into our new bags. Furthermore, we are also constantly updating the book bag to add all book items too.

5. Regarding toggle visibility: This suggestion still remains declined for the server-wide visibility as it is not a current priority. As addressed in the thread however, a visibility toggle for classes was added! A server-wide visibility toggle is something that may be reconsidered in the future, but our main priority is the server upgrade for now.

6. Regarding alts in classes: The academics team has recently finalised a new policy for alts. Alts are no longer allowed in any competitive classes, and this will now be enforced. The house boosting thread is also currently under review, and we hope to have a response in the next few weeks!

7. Regarding event scarves: We understand the annoyance with this thread and apologise that it was overlooked during content creation. We’ve passed this thread along again to GD, and they will be looking carefully into the amount of scarves and the quality of scarves that are given out in gameplay.

8. Regarding banners: Regarding this suggestion, we will strive to create interesting and unique banners each time we release new ones. However, we will unfortunately not be promising that we will not repeat designs in the future. As there will be many occasions in future where banners will be given out, we do not feel it is reasonable to limit ourselves to not being able to ever repeat banners. If this is something you wish to speak to Game Design about, please feel free to reach out to GD leadership.

9. Regarding dailies: It is currently a long term goal of the Dev and GD teams to look into bringing back some of the old daily activities as seen in this thread (https://potterworldmc.com/threads/daily-quests.5330/). However, it will likely be later in the future. As for the randomisation of dailies, we are unable to fully do that at the moment, but may look further into its possibility in the future as part of this revamp.

10. Regarding the comments on the extra credits activities thread: These suggestions have not been ignored! They were logged down and passed onto academics and they are being considered when the extra credit activities are being revamped. Unfortunately we’re not able to reply to every message on suggestion threads we receive, but we do endeavour to read all threads and pass on any ideas left on them.

11. Regarding the comments for the butterbrew in broomsticks inn thread: This comment has also not been ignored, and it was added to the GD task list. This suggestion is currently on-hold, but GD has implemented it as part of this year’s Butterbrew event! It will be live on the main world sometime next week!

12. Regarding the guardian quest comment: This was an oversight on our end. We have reached out to GD. While we would like to implement this, we have found that this is currently not possible due to Minecraft limitations. We will try to revisit this after the server upgrade has been completed.

13. Regarding the dummy arena: This suggestion was declined in early 2022, but with a change in team leadership and advancements in our capabilities when it comes to mobs, we were able to later change this decision and implement it! While we do our best to re-evaluate threads that have been suggested multiple times to check if they are still declined, we cannot promise that we will always be able to update those threads. This thread is an example of one of those times.

14. Regarding the lag: We’re continuously looking into this. We suspect this is an unintended effect of the server growing in physical size (a bigger world and more data). We hope that we can improve upon this with the server upgrade, but we also cannot make any promises. Regardless, we know lag is no fun experience for anyone and we are always looking into ways to improve.

15. Regarding the staff items: We understand the situation has been frustrating for you and others. Over time, we developed a solid policy that ensures we treat all cases in a more equal manner.

16. Regarding the old potion system comment: We’d like to reassure you that these comments have not been ignored and they have been taken into consideration. The Game Designer team is currently working on a new potion system, but they have not ironed out all the details yet. The new system however will not be the same as the old system or similar to any previous systems we once had.

17. Regarding the end to events thread: We cannot speak much on this topic at the current time due to the recent announcement regarding the shift of focus onto a new project, and logistics behind the scenes that are still being fully worked out in terms of what it means for events. Our plan for events going forward will be addressed closer to the end of the year to inform players on what will be happening.

18. Regarding courtyard decorations for events: This decision will be re-evaluated as part of our discussion regarding the future of events on the server. We have nevertheless attempted to add some decorations around the castle for our bigger events, and have enjoyed seeing how players responded to this!

19. Regarding parkour spells: Unfortunately a gliding spell was declined as part of this suggestion. As mentioned in the thread our goal is to attempt to achieve the magical elements of parkour in other ways, rather than new spells. We have since returned Echoes which allow players to use spells in some game modes to complete the parkours!

20. Regarding automatic daily reward claiming: While we are still not making the claiming of the activities automatic, we have instead added chat messages. When a Miscellaneous or Echoes task is complete, players will get notified in chat that their daily is ready to be claimed. They can then click this button to claim the daily. We have also done the same for the voting daily activity, and players are sent a reminder when they log online about the regular daily reward. Unfortunately due to the minigame system working differently, we cannot send reminders about these dailies at the present point in time.

21. Regarding more chatter: This is unfortunately still declined for now. Players are welcome to come up with and host their own games in chat, but this is not something we will be doing officially at this time, as our priorities are in other places. We may reconsider this in the future, but much later down the line.

22. Regarding the automated class discussion: We are currently not interested in making our classes automated, as it removes the personal touches and unique aspects that different professors and class helpers bring to class, which is a large part of the live community interaction we have between staff and the community. Regarding the automated rules for classes, we still wish to keep this declined as each professor has different rules and these rules can differ between the type of class, the topic being taught, or even the assignment at hand.

23.1 Regarding survival spell: This suggestion and its decision are from 2021, and a much more recent suggestion brought it back up. As part of our process, when suggestions are frequently brought up, we endeavour to re-evaluate them to make sure our view is still current. In this case, we reconsidered the decision and decided to bring it back for the server’s 10 year anniversary. The newer suggestion was the one that was marked completed, as there were other spells on the thread suggested to return that were also brought back in various ways. We should have updated this original decision alongside the response to the newer suggestion and will ensure to do so next time. As mentioned previously, we are currently in the process of updating our outdated and possibly neglected threads.

23.2 Regarding Budleigh Babberton: We appreciate that the rejection of this suggestion was disappointing, however we are aiming to expand our world maps, but in ways that add unique towns and lore. Unfortunately we are not able to base a town off of Budleigh Babberton due to us needing to be cautious with the cease and desist.

24. Regarding the dark prison as a gauntlet: These threads have since been replied to with an official response from the Game Designer team which can be viewed here. In terms of both of the threads, a reply was given to both, however there can be a delay in getting responses out depending on the availability of the Poltergeist who was assigned that thread.

We hope this reply has provided valuable insight into our decisions and our processes. If anything was unclear, or if you would like further clarification, do let us know. Although, we encourage that you open a dialogue with us in the future, if you become frustrated by the decisions that have been made, and we will endeavour to follow them up with the original decision makers.


Minecraft IGN: _Navyy
Auralock Griffin Phoenix Vampire Werewolf Linked
Hello Harrison,
I'll gladly break your reply into segments and reply to each one of them.
Before we go into the individual threads, we’d like to explain why we ask players to submit one suggestion per thread. If a thread contains several points of feedback or suggestions, it takes us a much longer time to handle the thread, which is why on average those threads take a longer period of time to receive a reply. All larger threads are broken down into segments (one suggestion/point of feedback) and then we seek individual answers for each segment. Once we have all the individual answers, we need to compile these answers together into one larger response. The coordination required amongst the team and leadership is simply more complicated than if we had 5 individual threads. We’re always looking into ways we can improve this process but this is the current state of it.
Regarding this, I think it's a clear showcase of a really bad system. In theory, this shouldn't matter at all. It's just a single extra step of breaking down the thread into several segments, which needs to happen either way if poltergeists are having an actual discussion of threads. Nobody but your own standards is forcing you to give all of the updates in a single reply if that's your main concern. And at the end of the day, it is not my concern - I suggested my ideas in a way that I found most appropriate and logical. Recent examle: https://potterworldmc.com/threads/parkour-leaderboards-doing-whats-right.15930/#post-98552
I really stand behind saying that those kind of threads shouldn't be separated, as they target the same thing in my POV. The fact you separated your teams and can't communicate well between each other is again, none of my concern as a player.
Our capabilities have also changed, and a lot more is doable than we thought ever possible years ago
A bit ridiculous to say after a huge surge of declining *great* ideas on forums recently, from new ideas to ideas that have been on-hold for years. It sounds like a bunch of empty words when we don't see it on the server, in fact, we're probably in the worst state ever when it comes to capabilities. Just the fact that you can't or won't do anything related to HP is a huge huge setback for the server and you might try to convince us otherwise as much as y'all want, but that is one of the worst things that could happen to potterworld, losing its core. I'm losing hope in 2.0 as well, but I am looking forward to the announcement promised, so I see what is "a lot more doable" compared to before.
We endeavour to update threads when their decision changes or if the status changes, though we know we do not always succeed in this. There are a lot of suggestions on the forums and sometimes things do fall through the cracks. We have taken active measures to improve upon this. One thing you might have noticed is that we have recently taken a big sweep of the forums to update decisions of older suggestions, and we still have a lot more we are working on. We do make an effort to ensure all our updates are published either on Discord, on a patch note, or in a suggestion’s response.
Thank you
1. Regarding the discussion on the thread: In the comments of this thread, Discord forums are mentioned - this was still not something we wanted to at the time, but this should have been highlighted in our response. As you likely know, we have a planned Discord forums release, which was unfortunately delayed due to recent announcements and some changes in the backend. The support for the suggestion over the years, and new tools both on our end and Discord’s ends, have contributed to deciding to pursue the Discord forums.
It should have been highlighted. It should have been replied to after I spoke to several people and was promised a reply (Ash specifically, probably Liz too). It should have been replied to after I commented on the other thread who suggested the same thing (https://potterworldmc.com/threads/discord-suggestion-channel-threads.14719/#post-90568). This thread is a perfect example of what I was trying to say here, and something that poltergeists should still work on.
2. We have reviewed all of the suggestions on this thread and it appears that they have now all been implemented. We’d also like to note that any ideas which were initially declined and have since been accepted are due to our stance changing over the years as the team grows, leadership changes, and we discovered more possibilities in what we can deliver on the server. If there are any on this list that we said we would complete/accept, but are not done so, please do let us know.
I think it would be more appropriate to come back to this after the magic testing.
3. Regarding the fact it is still on hold: This thread is still on hold, as it is still being worked on. We've heard from a variety of people that they enjoy a mixture of "useful" potions and "fun" potions. With that being said, we're looking into making new potions in the future, but not all of them will fall under a "serious" category. However we are also limited by what potions we can make as we cannot add lore to potions that would fall under the cease and desist.
You're using the word "fun" to describe most useless class potions that nobody truly enjoys. Some potions are straight up stupid, they have no use nor they are fun, and that's why I made the thread. And how is it on hold when again, Arne who was responsible for majority of them wasn't even aware of the thread?
4. Regarding the plushie bag and chocolate frog book card: For this thread, it is still declined. This is because the original idea was seeking a bag for legacy choco hop cards and event plushies, which we are unable to do as they are old items under a different system. We have ensured that all future plushies from events, and choco hop cards are all able to be put into our new bags. Furthermore, we are also constantly updating the book bag to add all book items too.
I was discussing this with Ash, Kate and Tekno and was promised an update.
5. Regarding toggle visibility: This suggestion still remains declined for the server-wide visibility as it is not a current priority. As addressed in the thread however, a visibility toggle for classes was added! A server-wide visibility toggle is something that may be reconsidered in the future, but our main priority is the server upgrade for now.
Named this thread as an example, didn't expect a different decision right now.
6. Regarding alts in classes: The academics team has recently finalised a new policy for alts. Alts are no longer allowed in any competitive classes, and this will now be enforced. The house boosting thread is also currently under review, and we hope to have a response in the next few weeks!
Thank you
7. Regarding event scarves: We understand the annoyance with this thread and apologise that it was overlooked during content creation. We’ve passed this thread along again to GD, and they will be looking carefully into the amount of scarves and the quality of scarves that are given out in gameplay.
Thank you
8. Regarding banners: Regarding this suggestion, we will strive to create interesting and unique banners each time we release new ones. However, we will unfortunately not be promising that we will not repeat designs in the future. As there will be many occasions in future where banners will be given out, we do not feel it is reasonable to limit ourselves to not being able to ever repeat banners. If this is something you wish to speak to Game Design about, please feel free to reach out to GD leadership.
Sure. Also I might've not been clear enough, I was suggesting a hogwarts banner redesign as well if possible. I can ask a GD leadership since it's a minor thing but yea.
9. Regarding dailies: It is currently a long term goal of the Dev and GD teams to look into bringing back some of the old daily activities as seen in this thread (https://potterworldmc.com/threads/daily-quests.5330/). However, it will likely be later in the future. As for the randomisation of dailies, we are unable to fully do that at the moment, but may look further into its possibility in the future as part of this revamp.
Thank you. Hopefully you are looking into adding more dailies on top of the already existing rotation.
10. Regarding the comments on the extra credits activities thread: These suggestions have not been ignored! They were logged down and passed onto academics and they are being considered when the extra credit activities are being revamped. Unfortunately we’re not able to reply to every message on suggestion threads we receive, but we do endeavour to read all threads and pass on any ideas left on them.
Thank you, I couldn't have known that
11. Regarding the comments for the butterbrew in broomsticks inn thread: This comment has also not been ignored, and it was added to the GD task list. This suggestion is currently on-hold, but GD has implemented it as part of this year’s Butterbrew event! It will be live on the main world sometime next week!
Thank you, again with no reply I couldn't have known
12. Regarding the guardian quest comment: This was an oversight on our end. We have reached out to GD. While we would like to implement this, we have found that this is currently not possible due to Minecraft limitations. We will try to revisit this after the server upgrade has been completed.
Thank you
13. Regarding the dummy arena: This suggestion was declined in early 2022, but with a change in team leadership and advancements in our capabilities when it comes to mobs, we were able to later change this decision and implement it! While we do our best to re-evaluate threads that have been suggested multiple times to check if they are still declined, we cannot promise that we will always be able to update those threads. This thread is an example of one of those times.
Thank you
14. Regarding the lag: We’re continuously looking into this. We suspect this is an unintended effect of the server growing in physical size (a bigger world and more data). We hope that we can improve upon this with the server upgrade, but we also cannot make any promises. Regardless, we know lag is no fun experience for anyone and we are always looking into ways to improve.
Hopefully that does something, thank you
15. Regarding the staff items: We understand the situation has been frustrating for you and others. Over time, we developed a solid policy that ensures we treat all cases in a more equal manner.
That solid policy should be public. It seems like every other month a new version exists. Recently my friend lost an item which I know was avaiable to all players and I find that unfair still.
16. Regarding the old potion system comment: We’d like to reassure you that these comments have not been ignored and they have been taken into consideration. The Game Designer team is currently working on a new potion system, but they have not ironed out all the details yet. The new system however will not be the same as the old system or similar to any previous systems we once had.
Thank you
17. Regarding the end to events thread: We cannot speak much on this topic at the current time due to the recent announcement regarding the shift of focus onto a new project, and logistics behind the scenes that are still being fully worked out in terms of what it means for events. Our plan for events going forward will be addressed closer to the end of the year to inform players on what will be happening.
Thank you, like I said ealier I am looking forward to that announcement
18. Regarding courtyard decorations for events: This decision will be re-evaluated as part of our discussion regarding the future of events on the server. We have nevertheless attempted to add some decorations around the castle for our bigger events, and have enjoyed seeing how players responded to this!
19. Regarding parkour spells: Unfortunately a gliding spell was declined as part of this suggestion. As mentioned in the thread our goal is to attempt to achieve the magical elements of parkour in other ways, rather than new spells. We have since returned Echoes which allow players to use spells in some game modes to complete the parkours!
I understand, but then again the gliding spell could be very useful for stuff outside parkour. Plus its extremely easy to make.
20. Regarding automatic daily reward claiming: While we are still not making the claiming of the activities automatic, we have instead added chat messages. When a Miscellaneous or Echoes task is complete, players will get notified in chat that their daily is ready to be claimed. They can then click this button to claim the daily. We have also done the same for the voting daily activity, and players are sent a reminder when they log online about the regular daily reward. Unfortunately due to the minigame system working differently, we cannot send reminders about these dailies at the present point in time.
Thank you
23.1 Regarding survival spell: This suggestion and its decision are from 2021, and a much more recent suggestion brought it back up. As part of our process, when suggestions are frequently brought up, we endeavour to re-evaluate them to make sure our view is still current. In this case, we reconsidered the decision and decided to bring it back for the server’s 10 year anniversary. The newer suggestion was the one that was marked completed, as there were other spells on the thread suggested to return that were also brought back in various ways. We should have updated this original decision alongside the response to the newer suggestion and will ensure to do so next time. As mentioned previously, we are currently in the process of updating our outdated and possibly neglected threads.
Thank you
23.2 Regarding Budleigh Babberton: We appreciate that the rejection of this suggestion was disappointing, however we are aiming to expand our world maps, but in ways that add unique towns and lore. Unfortunately we are not able to base a town off of Budleigh Babberton due to us needing to be cautious with the cease and desist.
I don't know what to comment on this
24. Regarding the dark prison as a gauntlet: These threads have since been replied to with an official response from the Game Designer team which can be viewed here. In terms of both of the threads, a reply was given to both, however there can be a delay in getting responses out depending on the availability of the Poltergeist who was assigned that thread.
Still very disappointing either way.